Vegas Day 3 and 4

May 27, 2010 16:34

Day 3, Monday: Woke up around 7am and got ready to head out. Had breakfast at the hotel buffet (still good) and then we went driving through Lake Mead recreational area (very beautiful). We stopped at one of the overlooks and decided to trek down the little mountain we were on to see the stream, babbling brook, which separated one side from the other. Had to empty my shoes of gravel and rocks several times. We also decided that since we were so close, we would climb to the top of one of the smaller mountains on one side of the overlook. It took us a few minutes, but we got to the top and it was perfectly worth it (did I mention that the weather was so cool, 80-85 for the whole time we were out; sounds hot but considering there was no humidity, I barely started to sweat). After climbing (or sliding down rather) the mountain, we got back in the car and headed to the Hoover Dam. We didn’t stay long, since we didn’t feel like shelling out $10-30 to go on one of the tours. So we just walked to the Arizona side, back to the Nevada side, taking pics along the way. On the way back to the hotel, we took a different scenic route back to Vegas proper. Beautiful. Once we got back into town we decided to have lunch at a sit-down restaurant. Do you know how hard it is to find something that isn’t fast food, Mexican or inside a casino? We finally found a Tony Roma’s so all was well. Before P+T we tried to go to one of the nicer restaurants in the Rio called VooDoo, but they had an hour and a half wait, as did the other nicer places. So we went to O’Sheas which turned out rather well. After dinner we walked to the other side of the Rio for the Penn and Teller show. It was freaking awesome. During one of the audience participation parts, Russell failed hard. It started off with Penn talking about how cold readers and psychics are a sham, while Teller hands joke books out to the front of the crowd. Penn then instructs whomever has the books to pass them back until he says stop. As it is coming for our row I nudge Russell and tell him to keep it no matter what. Well it just so happens that Russell was handed the book when Penn said stop, but he didn’t hear him and tried to hand the book back. The guy behind him was trying not to take it, all the while I am putting my elbow in Russell’s ribs trying to get him to keep the book. In the end, the guy behind us relented and took the book. Well, the joke went on and as Penn is applying misdirection on stage, explaining how anyone who says they are psychic are liars, Teller is walking to those who have books and explaining what there part will be…so we actually heard Teller speak! And he could have been talking to Russell had he not failed so hard! That is when I realized how the trick worked. Teller was looking at the joke that was randomly picked by the audience and then telling Penn…probably through an earpiece, but either way it was AWESOME! After the show, we were planning on going to an industrial night at club Attik, but Russell’s back was hurting bad, so we went back to the hotel and chilled.

Day 4, Tuesday: Went around the strip to check out the different hotels. The Bellagio was really pretty, then we took the tram to Crystals and Aria (a very high priced mall). We also found a gallery of Robert Loughlin with some very beautiful nature prints. We may have to look into buying some of his work. Checked out the Monte Carlo hotel then decided to head back to the hotel for a light lunch and chillaxing. We had dinner reservations at the Top of the World restaurant in the Stratosphere, so we decided to hit a walmart for a nice shirt. After getting to the Stratosphere, we went on the Big Shot ride at the very top of the Stratosphere, which launches you up to 1200 feet in the air. It was scary but beautiful. After the Big Shot we went down to 900 feet where the Top of the World revolving restaurant is situated. I felt great when we got there, but I guess I must be more motion sensitive than I thought because even though I couldn’t feel the movement, if I could see it I felt nauseous. Which turned a really great meal into a ‘oh, when are we going to get off this ride’ feeling. I felt really awful that we went to such a nice place and my stomach betrayed me so. After getting back to the hotel, I felt better, but I still felt awful for ruining dinner.
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