Movie Quote Meme

Feb 26, 2008 21:10

Swiped from 
songtoisis, basically if you can answer these 10 movie quotes, you know my favorite 10 movies. :)

1) "Listen to the night, it's deafening."

2) "Hold her to you, for she is part of you, as we all are part of each other."

3) "No one here ever listened to me. Except this one guy...only, he was certifiable."

4) "Oh, they're hopeless...a disgrace to the forces of evil."

5) "We could simply exile him somewhere."
     "We could, yes."
     "We could get the West Wind to do it for us."
     "West Wind, come to us!"  (I gave a longer quote because frankly if anyone else can get this without cheating, I bow before you)

6) "Her name is Lil. She's my mothers' sisters' girl."

7) "Who are you?"
    "Explorers in the further regions of experience. Demons to some. Angels to others."

8) "I have been generous up until now and I can be cruel."

9) "Oh, God, I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a King of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams."

10) "So who are we doing this for?"
       "You're doing it for me is all you need to know. You know because you need to know."
       "I see. One of those "on-a-need-to-know-basis" things, is it? Like one of those James Bond films."
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