dun dun dun dun... more on "Dragon Dreams"

Nov 12, 2006 17:28

Dear Body,

I know you're overdue for a sick leave since June, but must you invite multiple sicknesses at the same time?
First there was the cracked molar, then there's the sore throat and persistent cold. Must you add nosebleed to the mix?
And while I'm at it, please to be losing those four kilos of extra baggage.
That is all.


You all should be happy that the nosebleeds had inspired me to write the sequel to "Dragon Dreams" D:
Remember when I said I won't think about the sequel until next year? Well, I lied. Apparently now I'm in the perfect mood to write stabbity-stab-angst sequel. I'll fit it in with the other seven writing projects I have for Nanowrimo :-P

Again, poll on what the title should be. I need something fairy tale-y, preferrably with the word "dragon" or "dream" in it.

albichorizon said: I did like the first title. My only suggestion is "The Dragon Sleeps."
[...] perhaps you could do something to parallel "Dragon Dreams." 'The Dragon Wakes' or something like that.

dadomz said: "Dragon Soars" seem to have this ring to it... it'll be a great addition to your "dragon" series...
But "Dragon Flies" can also suffice as it seems paradoxical and double-edged.

saturnskorner said: i think i like either Thorn Dreams or Dreams Cave.

ruien said: "The Dream in the Thorns"? Dream could be either Morpheus or Draco, the image of thorns suit sleeping beauty and Rapunzel - somewhat less beauty and the beast (roses - there's a version with more thorns in it though) and bluebeard (the ironmaiden, maybe). So, hints at entrapment and frustration, enforced timelessness, and the triangle between Draco, Harry (the rose/thorns) and Morpheus.

lilian_cho said: What about..."Thorn Dreams" (play on "Torn Dreams") or "Dream in Thorns" (sort of like "Rest in Peace")?
I'm also contemplating "Dreams Cave" (play on "Cave" as a place and as a verb)
It's how "Dragon Dreams" can be both a statement that dragon dreams or dreams about dragon.

...dang, these titles are nifty but depressing.

"The Dream in the Thorns" = owwie
"Thorn Dreams" = "Torn Dreams" = :-(
"Dream in Thorns" sounds like a curse
"Dreams Cave" (if you think of "cave" as a verb, then that means the dreams went unfulfilled...)
Or maybe "Dream Caves" -- so it can mean "Morpheus gives in"? and also Morpheus' caves?

I'm also considering "Dragon Soars" (but no pun there) and "Dragon Flies" (dragonflies, obviously ;-) )
Seems more appropriate if I explore Draco's fascination of dragons in the sequel...

ruien said: Here's another suggestion, "Dream Rose", drawing a comparison to "briar rose" (another name for "sleeping beauty"), and suggesting that the "dream" is the "thorn". A bit of a long shot there without further definitions, though.

I like "Dragonflies", too =)

lilian_cho said: Ooh, I like. Hmmm...Yesss! It has a pun too! it can mean:
1. a rose that's like a dream
2. dream rose, as in: Draco rose/woke up

And it's a nice contrast between sleeping ("dream") and waking ("rose") :-D

Oh noes so many pretty pretty titles!
Will just make a voting thingy or smth :-P

ruien said:
"Dream Rose", also drawing ideas of a perfect rose...

ETA 01/22/07: The sequels for "Dragon Dreams" are "Dragon Rose" and "Dragon Flies."

So the title of the sequel should be:

"Boy Who Dreams" lamelamelame
1. Dream Rose
2. Dreams Cave or Dream Caves
3. Thorn Dreams
4. Dream Soars
5. Dragon Flies

Or...tell me that all these titles suck and suggest your own title :-P

The crack to overcome writing blocks for "Dragon Dreams"
Disclaimer: May not be funny. But saerabbande thought they're funny. So there! *blows raspberry*


Abraxas: *snicker* "Riddle here keeps a diary!"

Riddle: "omg you read my emo diary manly journal. I curse you to die of dragon pox!"

decades later...

Abraxas: *holds baby Draco*

Draco: *drools*

Abraxas: "He's ruining my robes! Hey, what's that red spot?"

Lucius: "My poor baby. He got dragon pox from that nasty Longbottom kid."

Abraxas: *eyes widened in horror* "Dragon Pox?"

one month later

Abraxas: *iz ded*


Voldie-in-Quirrel: *sulk* "Lucius, you didn't invite me to your son's birthday party. Therefore, I will curse your son to be a broomstick-envying pouf to die from a broomstick splinter."

Lucius: >=0 !!11!1!

Draco: "Ooh Father, is that the new Nimbus 2001 I see among the pile of gifts?"

Lucius: "No broomsticks for you, young man! And no sweaty boys in Quidditch locker rooms either!!"


Snape: "Ever heard of ... Horcruxes?"

Narcissa: "Horcruces!"

Lucius: "Whatever. You mean, like that plebeian diary that the Dark Lord kept as an angsty!broody!teenager in his prime of youth?"

Snape: "Exactly."

Lucius: "So you mean we have to destroy each and every one of the Dark Lord's 'bits' before my sole son, the light of my life, heir to my $900 million fortune, wakes up?"

Snape: *distracted* "When did you have your fortune evaluated in Muggle colonists' currency anyway?"

Narcissa: "We have a subscription to Forbes, dear."

ETA 11/22/06: Lucius' $900 million fortune is now estimated to be $1.3 billion! *g*

crack, writing, fanfiction, fairy tales, dragon dreams

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