Ninja Translation: ChibiYong-soo/ChibiKiku "I want to be your bride", Yao

Jun 30, 2011 09:17

Kiku --> Yong-soo : Korea-san is so cool <3 <3

Kiku: "When I grow up, I want to marry Korea-san, become Korea-san's bride."

Yong-soo: "Really daze?!"

Yong-soo: "J-Japan..." *hugs* <3

Yao: The things little kids do are so interesting. Cuute~ aru. "Oyy, did you forget that ni-ni is over here aru?"

Yong-soo: "Let's practice for our wedding night daze."

Kiku: "Yes, Korea-san."

Yao: "WAAAaaaaaaaait, are you serious aru?!"

Yao: "NO! Let go of each other!"

Kiku: "Please put me down, (China) where the sun sets."

Yong-soo: "Let go! Hyungnim originates from--"
(T/N: Hyungnim = Korean for onii-sama/honored older brother)

Kiku: "Is it so fun to break up a couple, China-san?"

Yong-soo: "Hyungnim, we love each other. Don't get in the way."

Yao: "Never mind the homosexual brothercest; homosexuals cannot get married aru!"

Kiku: "I cannot become a bride?"

Yao: "You got it wrong from the start, Japan!"

Yong-soo: "Eh, this person is male daze?"

Yao: "You too, Korea?!"

*No Resolution*

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[aph], :♥~kankoku, :♥~nihon, .♥~chuugoku, ninja translation

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