If only getting what Joey wanted was as easy as hitting D-4. The annoying voice in his head

Aug 03, 2010 23:41

which had lately been sounding a lot like Noah reminded him that he'd have to actually make a selection first.

ETA 08/05/10: symetric's doing it =D
1 a. Anyone up to beta-ing my Merlin ficlets? I need a quick lookover & suggestions for expansion/clarification for 500-word Vivian/Leon AND/OR 715-word of Merlin/magic book. Esp. the second one because I think my humor fails T_T

1 b. I also need someone to Britpick the above two ficlets and my <900-word Merlin/Arthur-bodyswapped-with-Morgana ficlet. *coughvivitchi?cough*

2. I was planning to leisurely rewrite/expand/condense my entries after summerpornathon ends, but camelotremix happens. Read the FAQ here.

[ LJ | IJ | DW ]

3. Voting for summerpornathon Challenge 5: crossovers/fusions is open.
[ Direct link to poll ]

My fav.s, as always:
(#4 and #7 are labeled crossovers, but I personally consider all the entries below as fusions/pastiches)
4) Doctor Who, 7) Star Trek//LotR, 9) Howl's Moving Castle (book),
14) The Hunger Games, 18) Toy Story (Merlin's just a phase),
20) Girl with a Pearl Earring,

22) Dollhouse, 23) Where the Wild Things are (book),
26) Inception [SPOILER warning] (Saito!Merlin),

37) Sherlock Holmes (book), 38) Star Wars (Merlin Kenobi), 39) Don Quixote

P.S. This time around you have to rank your three fav. entries IN ORDER. Which is evil. Possibly necessary, but evil.

remix, fandom, rec, [merlin], links, summerpornathon, to-do, writing, fanfic rec

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