She was just the type to like them tall, dark, and carrying a lethal weapon.

Jul 29, 2010 23:43

1. 23 hrs left to vote for your three fav. Challenge Four entries.

This time I actually manage to post my favs. before voting ends. Go me!
6) Uther/Merlin, 10) Morris/Merlin,
22) Leon/Gawain, 24) Merlin/Leon, one-sided Merlin/Arthur,
25) Merlin/Morgana,

31) Merlin/Will,
40) Lancelot/Galehaut, Gwen, 43) Vivian/Leon,
44) Merlin/Gawain, 50) Leon/Merlin/Arthur

[ Direct link to the poll ]

2. In case you missed it:
Knight and Dragon's Tea Party (Arthur, Morgana, Merlin, G, 100 words)

3. Inception didn't feel like a sci-fi movie at all. However, if one goes by my arbitrary definition (fantasy = good vs. evil, sci-fi = underdog vs. big, bad corporation/govt./force), then yes, it's a sci-fi.
LOVED it. Love Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character as much as I expected to (LOLarious sleeping face = <333). Didn't like the Juno actress*' character as much as I hoped I would. Oh, Leo. Oh, oh, Leo.

* She's much more awesome in Hard Candy. Juno is just meh, really.

movies, fandom, rec, [merlin], links, summerpornathon, drabbles, fanfic rec

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