1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons. Pick five of my icons, too, if you so desire.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!
(I cheated and used my 90+ IJ icons, so there =P)
biichan gave me these icons:
AS/S = the one shining light in that epilogue OF HELL. *_*
I'm having so much fun writing different permutations of Scorpius. Atm I have at least three, ahaha. It's harder to write different Albuses though--I keep on getting stuck with his stupid parents.
Eugenides currently owns my devotion <333 Those who haven't read Megan Whalen Turner's Thief series: Read eeeet. Also, in the third book you don't need slash goggles to ship Eugenides/Costis X-D Ahem.
I had this icon before the LJ strikethrough/bold 2007. It was part of an icon post on Broken Glass. Also: Why does society reward people for their lies and crimes? D: (Huge Book deals)
This icon pretty much sums up my feelings on JKR's treatment of Harry and Draco. Draco = James = Ginny = loud bullies who's the center of his/her friends' attention.
Harry/Ginny's too Oedipal for my taste. If Rowling had Harry and Ginny bonding over being possessed by the Dark Lord, I would've bought the pairing. But she didn't, so DO NOT WANT.
James...I don't dislike him as much as Sirius. But sorry James, if you have lived Harry would've been a more gigantic prat. So I'm glad you died.
Draco...I find all his "My Father" posturing/insecurity too bloody cute <3 Also Draco/Pansy is so much a poser couple that I just find them endearing X-D
Luna is possibly the only canon female character that I like, aside from Narcissa. I liked Hermione until she pulled that centaur thing on Umbridge. I liked Ginny until she said "I've always loved you, Harry *limpid eyes*" I liked Tonks until she moped around in HBP not because O HAI her cousin DIED but because Lupin spurned her one true love OMG.
...anyway, there's only Luna left. It helps that the actress that plays Luna made her look like Lucius Malfoy's love-child lolol.