Because they belong together. Like cocoa cream and banana.
Meme Part 1: Ethnicity ) <--I can haz fake-cut? =3
3. Sex
a. Do you feel sex is a moral issue?
It can be, yes.
b. Do you ascribe an inherent value to virginity?
Inherent? I suppose, in a way. If the person who’s a virgin also places value on it. It’s not a value if the person just “can’t get some.”
c. Do you feel that some sexual thoughts/feelings/or behaviours are acceptable for one gender but not for another?
Like how? Wanking all the time, you mean?
d. Is the "forbidden" somehow more sexually exciting for you?
Eh, sometimes. In fantasies that is.
e. Do you tend to be more passive or aggressive sexually?
lololol. What do you think? ;-)
f. Do you think celibate people are "better" people or simply have less of a sex drive?
Depends. If they’re celibate because of a religious profession, then I admire their dedication.
If they’re celibate because their spouse is ill, then I admire their commitment.
If they’re celibate because they’re a widow/widower, then they’re probably not ready to move on.
If they’re celibate because they just are not all that interested in sex, then they have a low sex drive.
g. Do you feel sex between two consenting adults can be "wrong"?
Mmm…depends on your definition of “consent.”
Also, doctor/counselor-patient relationship is iffy. Ditto on guardian-ward (“Dick Grayson, twelve years old.” *coughs*). Ditto on college professor-student (Wait until you’re no longer taking the professor’s class, for goodness’ sake!).
h. Do you believe there are any inherent differences between the minds of men and women?
Hmm. There’s always an exception to the male-female stereotypes. I can v. easily compartmentalize things, for example. I do believe/think that males are more easily derailed by thoughts of sex. Maybe because it’s way easier for them (biologically) to get aroused? *shrugs*
i. Do you think strangers can have satisfying sex?
Sure why not. You don’t have to know someone to be a sexually considerate partner, I think. And some married couples are still not sexually considerate even after years of being married…
j. Conversely do you think it is possible to have sex with the same person for 30 years and still find it exciting and fulfilling? What about hot?
Sure. Although I’m unsure about the 30 years thing. Ten years, maybe…Eh, depends on what you mean by “hot.” If you can only have hot sex if it’s unpredictable/surprising/something new, then it’s probably not hot.
4. Food
a. Do you cook?
Yes =)
b. Do you feel the use of mixes and prepared foodstuffs is a moral question?
Hm. I know some religion have dietary restrictions. But I can’t think of a religion that strictly prohibits mixes/prepared food. Vegan? ^^;; (In a way, it’s like religion.)
c. How often do you eat meals outside the home?
I try not to. But lately with everything I often don’t have an appetite for what I do have in the fridge, so. Eating out it is. =]
Normally I only eat out…twice a week maybe? I used to faithfully bring bento every day, but then I ruined my blue Peter Rabbit bento box ;_; And I lost motivation to bring bento.
d. How often do you have a sit down meal at home?
Dinner. Usually at the kotatsu while watching anime/movie/TV show though X-D
e. Do you feel eating is a moral question? Do you feel you are a moral failure when take great pleasure from eating?
We’re meant to derive pleasure from eating. Why else would we have tastebuds? =P
It’s only a moral question when you gorge yourself and then throw up afterward because there’s just not enough space in your stomach (like the Roman feasts). Basically, enjoy food, but eat to live, don’t live to eat. Or something.
f. Do you feel morally superior when you refrain from eating?
Not morally superior. I usually forget eating more often than not.
Fasting is a…hmm…deliberate denial of your physical sustenance so that you can focus on spiritual pursuits. So if you don’t do the spiritual pursuit part, fasting’s useless =P Oh yeah and if you don’t do the “give to the poor” part fasting’s useless too. And the “do justice unto the less fortunate,” etc. etc. There’s a long list. Heh.
Under that criteria I haven’t truly fasted for years and years.
g. Do you ever pass judgment on strangers based on the items in their grocery carts?
When it was this young Japanese boy and his cart is filled with Japanese snacks X-D
Hahaha cute <3 Miss home, did you?
Or sometimes it’s “Wow, the entire cart is filled with healthy food.” Or if it’s all fresh ingredients, “Mmm--foodie. Nice.”
Or if it’s all junk food and the man/woman is slim, “O_o I guess…they’re throwing a party or something? Their metabolism must be darn good.”
@ IJ)
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