Jun 03, 2008 19:52
Hey guys!
I've been so bad at updating this. And I still haven't bothered to upload pictures. LOL I guess it's 'cause most of the time, even though I'm in Japan, I'm just living a normal life -- work, work work.
And WTF it's JUNE already?!?!?!?!?!
A few fun things have happened though!
Let's see, there were a couple weekends where I met up with friends that I haven't seen in awhile. Momo came to Tokyo so I went to see him and we ate some delicious ramen and went to Christon Cafe and chatted about stuff. :D Then Jackie and Nick came to Tokyo the weekend after that, and we ended up meeting in Yokohama and ate mexican foods and it was nice seeing them again. It's been so long since I've seen any of those guys, it was nice to catch up. ^-^
My favorite school (out of the three I go to) had their Undoukai, or Sport's Day, a few weekends ago. I went and it was a lot of fun! It was the first time any of them have seen me in jeans and a t-shirt (I'm usually wearing casual-business, if not a suit) and one kid was like, "Alison-sensei! Suuuuugoi kakkou!" lol I took so many pictures that day. I think they really appreciated that I did that. If I had been able to go as "work", I would have been working like, holding goals or finish lines or painting lines or whatever, but since I'm not allowed to work overtime, my going to the undoukai was strictly volunteer lol. So I just took lots and lots and lots of pictures. I got so sunburned lol. But it was worth it 'cause everyone really, really appreciated that I went. The teachers, the parents, the kids. ^-^ That evening, the teachers had a party. I ended up an hour late lol, but they all kampaied and cheered when I walked in and they made me give a speech. LOL I sat next to the principal hahaha, and he had me order the same like, grapefruit sour or whatever that he had, so we kampaied some more when my drink came lol. Some of us went to karaoke after that, and then there were about 7 of us, the young (well a couple old dudes came) and single ones (actually one guy is married, but he falls in the young category LOL), anyways, we ended up at a bar for a few hours after that, just talking about stuff. I really, really, really love those teachers at that school. They're all extremely nice and I'm actually making friends with them. I have a lot of their mail addresses lol
We had a three day weekend this past weekend 'cause Monday was like the anniversary for the opening of Yokohama harbor or something. Yay random holidays! On Monday several of us ALTs went to Shibuya to the NHK studio and did the tour. It was so much fun! Me and Popo got to dub this drama lol! It was so fun hahahaha. It was totally worth the 200yen hahahaha
Hmm... my school tomorrow, I don't like so much. I feel like they don't care whether or not I'm there. And the JTE is kind of a bitch. She's so fake-nice and it makes me angry. ><; I'll try to put up with it for the main school though <3. And the third school I really like a lot too. The vice-principal there is funny as hell. He's always laughing. And he'll walk over and sit down and talk to me about random stuff. Actually, all the teachers at that school are really nice. I sit next to a young teacher and he's very friendly to me too. Actually, everyone says hello and things to me as they pass. I'm ignored a lot at the other school, I feel like. Some people say hi and comment on whatever I'm working on, but no one really tries to get to know me like they do at the other two schools. :/ Oh well. I hope I get a chance to party with the staff at the school with the funny vice principal. XD haha
Anyways... Becky is coming on Thursday!!! Me and Popo are going to the airport to pick her up! I'm so excited! XD Wish I didn't have to babysit on Friday. (That's going well, btw!)
Okay. I feel like sleeping now hahaha.