They teach you how to wave a heavy toothstick around and yell aloud

Sep 16, 2007 20:26

The past two weeks have been pretty hectic. Not only did uni begin with all the compulsory evening events with your new class mates (involving alcohol, naturally), but I also started kendo and had to struggle with the normal duties of buying/making food and cleaning and doing the damn laundry again. I can't say I'd have missed it. >.>

Last Tuesday was the Babtism/Christening event thing where our classes got divided into three groups that wandered around Hämeenlinna from one check point to the other, doing these insane tasks together. Basically it was a lot of walking, drinking and stupid task making. Some of us started early and finished early, some survived the whole night with the strength invested in us by the ever so lovely kossubattery. It was a fun night and we got to know some of our classmates. I mainly hung out with Hanna, because she stayed at my place for the night and we got along nicely. Hanna was the 23-year-old blonde with two young kids and enough attitude to share. She's great company and balances my dry sarcasm/cynism. Emmi didn't go for the Christening due to her knee injury, sadly enough. We left the afterparty at 3 am I think.

The next day was a terrible hangover. We went to school late and left asap to go sleep, which I did for the better part of Thursday. I had no school on Friday so that was deticated to the loveliness that is laundry and the first time of kendo. After signing up for kendo, I left for Helsinki to see EH and Veli. We rented movies with big sis and watched them. Saturday was deticated for shopping. We got me some new clothes and shoes. Then I had migraine and we got drunk (again). I left back for Hämeenlinna early Sunday for kendo. That first training was really exhausting, but I survived and got back home in one piece.

Monday and Tuesday kinda went in a blur. We went shopping: Hanna, Emmi and me. And we prepared for Evo Jamboree, a stupid camping event for my uni's new students. Emmi didn't go again, because of her knee and the bitch certainly enjoyed our misery. Evo is a school in the middle of a damn woods. I think they teach forest economy and stuff like that there. I pity the poor souls that actually have to be there around the year. Anyway, we got dragged there by bus and had to build our own tents and it rained, and everyone was apathetic, and it was cold, and the food was terrible and it rained! We once again had to do these stupid check point tasks and paint our own banner, and make a show for our field of expertise. Needles to say Business Economy has like 40 people and we're not a very jolly group. People are very wary and fear letting go of their little facades and just having fun once in awhile. That was partially why the trip sucked so much. Anyway, we did get to know people a tad better and keep a fire burning through-out the night in that frakking tent (though some of our people managed to screw that up too). I was so glad when it was over.

Naturally I was feaverish, zombified and tired beyond anything so the trip back home became the most hellish part of this lovely trip. The bus could've left me very near home, had I realized this. When we got to school, which is far from home, all the busses had already left. We only have like one bus per hour, so I started walking in the freezing wind, carrying all of my stuff. I totally missed one bus approx. an hour later and then got on the wrong one, ending up touring the city for an extra half an hour. I walked again after that. It took me two hours to get home. It would've taken me 20 by bus. I was so pissed and tired and dead that I just fell onto the bed. Fucking trip.

Friday was off again, gladly. I just had kendo - even that was too much apparently. I was so dead after it. I supposed I still had a fever of some level. Saturday my parents came, got my channels working for the tv. Mom helped clean and arrange stuff a bit, and reveal embarrassing truths to my roomate Reetta. We ate, bought me some nifty GREEN crystal wine glasses from a flee market (they're for Christmas). Boy did I love those. Then the parents dropped me off home and I slept again.

Today was kendo, and it's going better by now. I'm warming up to it. There's about 6 people at the beginner's course and this 17-year-old chick Camilla is the only other female besides me. We're getting along. She's not that bad. We're not soulmates but it's nice to have some company. I also got my first shinai today. Shinai as in bamboo stick you pretend is the sword in kendo. I should be getting a bag to drag it around in within the next week too. Can you believe the bag was more expensive than the stick? Some things I'll never understand.

Anyway, sorry for the lack of pictures. I partially waited so long because I thought I'd get some, but haven't found any yet. I'm gonna have to think of something soonish. And refill my fridge. It's soo empty right now. I didn't have energy to go buy food while I was sick so I just ate out. Tomorrow's gonna be another day off, then Tuesday we have Alkupamaus & Ryöminki, which are basically an afterpart with live music & students crawling from one bar to the other. Hanna already got us tickets on Fri so we're going. And I don't plan on going to school on Wed. I've learned my lesson, thank you very much. I think it's very sneaky and cruel that all these events take place during the school week. Are they trying to keep us sober, or get us kicked out of school? Who knows...

That was a quick rant about how it's going. Don't worry, I'm still alive, albeit switching between sick from disease and sick from alcohol poisoning. Life's tough, eh?

about: uni, about: kendo, rant: real life

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