Jun 14, 2007 23:28
..Not always the case. I'm working on it...
So, the dianosis thus far is ligament damage (pretty much, I have tendonitis, thank you captain obvious) & the cartilage around my bone is inflammed. Where a chip in my bone comes into play, I have no clue because the doctor didn't mention aNyThInG about the fact that there's a supposive break in my bone. Heeeello! I don't know what to make of that... I'm assuming it's just stressed. The ligaments are swelling & so is the cartilage due to the stress... I kind of am really tempted to compete then. At least bars & beam, ya know. We're still going down to Flordia next week, but I don't know. I don't want my parents or my coaches being mad at me for pushing them so much... I just don't think anyone realizes how badly this is tearing me up inside. The doc mentioned something about surgery further down the road... I guess like a couple of years from now? I don't know, he said he had to look closer at the MRI flims and I guess we find out for sure at the next freaking appointment, which is really annoying. I just want to go for it, you know. Take the damn risk. I mean, it's gotten me this far.. Might as well just go the whole fucking way at this point. Like I've been saying, who knows... Right now, at this present time, I feel like nothing is wrong. I can jump on it, I can move it. And I'm not just saying it because of how badly I want to compete... I'm a BABY when it comes to pain, and I'm the 1st to admit something hurts. Ugh, let''s just do this... I'm stressed, I just want to compete, and do something. It'll be nice to see all the little ones compete though, so, I'm excited for that at least... *sigh*
I've neevr been so out of it for a flute lesson in my life, but tonight was really badd. On top of the fact that I bearly practiced this past week, nothing, nothing, notttthing worked for me. I couldn't even hide the fact that I didn't practice, geez. It was so bad.
And that's it, my friends are graduating next weekend, and I'll offically be a senior. And that means, I'll go back to Newfield next year &... they won't be there. *sigh* Congrats Seniors '07, you made it... And next year, you'll be off living your dreams & I wish you all the best & you know that. You also know that if you decide to somehow forget me...You kind of lose your life. Kay thanks :-) But in all seriousness, I love you guys to death, there aren't words to describe..
And it's kind of official now. *Squeeeeee!!!!* I have a boyyfrienddd :-)