Jun 02, 2007 16:29
Yeeeah. So, Wind got a bronze. Whoo-fucking-hoo.
I was actually really upset with that, as were many people & I'm sure the teachers were, too. Understandable, but I really don't know how we got a bronze. I mean, we did bad. I'll give the judges that. But not bronze. I was reading one of the orchestra sheets in theory, and the definition of bronze, the 1st freaking sentance said something to the effect of displays basic technique & I had to stop right then & there because I couldn't believe the judges thought THAT low of us. It just really, REALLY sucks to go to competition and only get an excellent rating & then go to NYSSMA majors & get this. We made up for it in chorus with the gold, which I'm still amazed at, but happy. But I'm really mad about wind ensemble. I'm just mad that tHiS particular year, it seems like the wind ensemble went to shit. Maybe not so much complete shit. But it went. It just seems like some people were a little less dedicated than others & that brought us down tremoundous amounts. It's always the year I go into a new band too- concert band was shit from the start, but they were really good the year before, they even went on the freaking trip! And symphonic band wasn't too great last year, but likewise, the year before that, it was awesome. And wind was amazing, downright amazing last year, and then this year, once again, the year I'm in it, it just seems like it went down hill because everyone suddenly stopped caring. I'm amazed at this cycle I noticed, simply effing amazed at this. I'm tired of being apart of things where I'm surrounded by people who don't give a shit. I mean, yeah it's OnLy band, and even to me, it's OnLy band, it's not my life, if anything I hate band more than anything in the world, but I do love playing the flute, that's a different story. That's why I loved pit. Because we all got along & everyone cared. *sigh* I know, you can't always win, I completely understand that concept at this point in my life, but I at least felt we deserved a sliver. We weren't THAT bad... Even though symphonic did a different level, they also got a bronze, which annoys me, because HOW could we be put on the same level as them? No offence to anyone in that band or anything because believe me, I know how you guys feel. I'm plain & simply baffled by all this bullshit. I really think those judges expected way too much of us. But who knows, maybe we just aRe that bad. I don't even know. I feel bad because it was in our potential, we could have done something good with this. And it's such a disappointment to know your teacehrs have the most faith in you, and we kind of let them down. *Sigh* You can't always win, yes, but when you lose, man, you fucking lose badly...