Apr 22, 2007 20:45
Sooo, I honestly think all this "drama" is un-necessary & extreemelyyy immature. It's funny how on one persons LJ they're cursing out the other & then that one posts another entry crusing out the one that just cursed them out.
I'm quite amused, I'm not going to lie, I think I could sit here and just watch you all go at it for the rest of my life and I'd be pretty damn amazed. Amazed not only by such immaturity, but the fact that we're all supposed to be friends & we're letting such stupid after-prom plans get in the way of that; it's annoying me that I'm in the butt of all this being friends with both sides & hearing every which so thing from either side.
On a somewhat better note, I had a meet in Atlantic City today that didn't go all that well, but I did end up vault championnn by like 8 tenths. hahahaha, and 3rd place all-around. And All-State is over. And now starts the huge, long journey to preparation for college auditions....................*sigh*
And I'm going to possibly visit Potsdam the 1st weekend in May the day before states! Whoo!!!
FYI - If some of my sentances make no sense it's because I am insanely overly tired and I've been in a car since 430 this morning when we left & we got stuck in traffic for like five hrs on the way home and yeah. So sorry! I'm a bit punchyyy... :-D
I need a mental health day, this past week/weekend has been too stressful.