Oct 17, 2004 21:27
Well....its been awhile...alots happened...
first off we got our shingles for the house last week...they were supposed to start monday but they didnt and havent shown up yet so who knows when that extravaganda (sp?) is gunna start...the AC guy is coming tuesday which means as of tuesday my house wont be hot anymore thats kinda exciting some people know what i mean my ac upstairs hasnt worked since like 6 or 7 grade so its been awhile...i'm still at lauras and think i'll be here a long while the house is just gunna take forever to get everything done...on the plus side when i do go back...i'll be in my sisters old room i'm getting rid of the spongebob theme cuz i know i wont be switching rooms or redoing it for awhile...i'm getting rid of my fouton (sp?) and getting a REAL bed lol new furniture its gunna be a fresh new start...its what i needed anyways
i got really excited yesterday...my nieces came up to me and asked me if i had fun at church and i told them the truth that i have a blast at church and they asked me if they were aloud to go with me so this wednesday i'm getting them started at the church and hopefully i'll be bringing them any time i'm at church it made me smile to see that i influenced them to the point that they wanted to see what church was all about so I'm just praying that they fit in well because they arent the type of people to just jump up and make new friends but i think they'll be ok
Tomorrow I'm doing judgment house...i'm kinda nervous i dont know what i'm gunna be doing i know i dont have a speaking part or anything i'm just a little nervous for some reason ashleys doing it too so we'll be together
everyone got back from brazil yesterday i was so excited when i saw them all today wednesday was crazy weird with out all of them i got a present from ashley (shoes) katie (chocolate and a brazilian dollar) and david but i dont know what it is yet....david is my specialist friend because he thought of me first in brazil and then everyone copied him and bought me something RIGHT david lol!!
Soccer season ended today I'm kinda glad I need a healing period...I'm not playing high school 1 because my knee needs a break and 2 cuz i dont get along with the varsity coach...thats a long story in itself. Im thinking about indoor soccer to keep me in shape but what i really want and have wanted for awhile now is to get back into tumbling...not full out gymnastics of course just floor and stuff like that...that always made me happy and got a lot of my mind i could go and just get everything resolved with in myself so im gunna decided between the two of those of course i'll be back in the spring for club ball but who knows
heathers back with chris...i'm happy for her hes what she needs and vis versa and the thing is its not even like there together when i'm around not in a bad way like they dont make me feel left out its like the 3 muskateers kinda thing and he treats her wonderful hes MUCh better then cody
but i'm off to bed because its been a long fall break...me and laura ate most of the time and i feel 100 lbs heavier but we rollarbladed today and earlier this week i rode justines bike with training wheels while laura rode the scooter it was lets just put it as interesting...
...soo goodnight sweetdreams
"I pray for you EVER night and will continue to til the day that I die" -Someone knows what I'm talking about :O)