[Fanfic] What Your Eyes Can't See (Chapt. 5 FINAL pt 2)

Jul 01, 2011 01:06

[What Your Eyes Can't See - Chapter 5, Part 2]

Something was up. He was sure of it.

It had to be at least five times Alfred had walked into the room only for Arthur and Francis to abruptly stop talking and turn their attentions to other things. Arthur would look awkward and worried every time whereas Francis would simply brush it off and busy himself by borrowing the kitchen.

What’s more, they practically avoided all forms of conversation with him. Alfred often saw Arthur out in the garden, huddled in a corner and when he tried to approach him he would rush off somewhere else.

It hurt. So much so that he found himself taking it out on the first thing that came to him, which was more often than not, his video games. He even turned down meeting up with Kiku and the others, ignoring the fact that most of them were also heading away to college in the next few weeks.
He felt more alone than ever.
Usually he would have Matt there to take his frustration out on, but that was out of the question now. He was isolated in his own home.

It was only when, one afternoon, he walked into the living room to be met with a rapid silence and the two older blondes blinking at him that he finally snapped.

“Don’t stop. I don’t wanna interrupt anything.” He glowered, skulking to the other side of the room.

“Ah, no. It’s fine.” Arthur stood, giving him a small smile and turned to leave.

“What the fuck, man?!” He hadn’t meant to yell, but it had done the job and Arthur had spun back around, looking flabbergast.

He suddenly found himself lost for words, simply staring at Arthur, not knowing how to follow up on his outburst, but also not daring to break eye-contact. He was not stupid, he knew when something was being hidden from him, and this was most definitely was one of those times.

He felt childish for shouting, but he’d done it now and the other two were waiting for him to continue, no matter how much he didn’t want to.

“Y-You never tell me anything anymore.” He cursed inwardly for tripping over his words, but kept going despite his head screaming at him to stop. “I know you’re hiding something from me - don’t deny it - and I’m sick of people trying to isolate and protect me when I don’t know what I supposed to be being protected from. I’m not a kid, dammit!”

“Alfred, I-”

“You what? Thought I wouldn’t get mad?”

“Don’t be stupid.” Arthur snapped back abruptly, the look of dismay vanishing from his features to be replaced by a sour frown. “Of course I knew you would be angry. What do you take me for? I’m no fool.”

“Then what the fuck are you trying to prove? I’ve gotten angry! Are you satisfied now?”

“Alfred, this is not about trying to prove anything.” Francis cut across this bickering, trying to calm the storm, but only ended up on the receiving end of both of the other two’s glares.

“Stay out of this, frog.” Arthur hissed, returning his gaze to Alfred. “This does not concern you.”

Francis started slight at Arthur’s tone, but quickly regained his usual composure, ducked his head a fraction and left the room, mumbling a polite apology for his ‘intrusion’.

They remained in silence for what seemed like an age, neither deeming it wise to disturb the peace, but continued their stares nonetheless. Until finally, as though he couldn’t bare it any longer, Arthur sighed, closing his eyes and tilted his head away from Alfred.

“I should have known that you, of all people, never would have fallen for my avoidance.” He took a few steps back into the centre of the room and let himself flop unceremoniously onto the sofa, his head in his hands. “I really should have seen this coming. But I guess I really am a fool after all.”

Alfred didn’t move, just maintaining his stare at the older blonde, though his frown had lessened.

Arthur took his silence as a sign to continue, no matter how much he wished for the confrontation to just disappear. “All things must end, Alfred. No matter how much we wish them not to. It’s painful, but we must find ways to endure it.”

“What’re you talking about?” He finally took a step closer, the confusion plain on his face. Why was everything Arthur said in some form of cryptic message?

Arthur didn’t answer straight away, instead running his hand through his hair and pressing the other to his temple. He leaned over so that his forehead was almost resting on his knees before he gave his reply. “Us. The future. I don’t even know anymore.” He gave a shaking laugh, threatening to pull his hair out with how hard he was grasping it. “I can’t think of what to do. I’ve always known what to do next. I’ve always had clear plans in my head. But when it comes to you I- I just don’t know.”

“Future?” Alfred couldn’t help but be confused. None of what the Arthur was saying made any sense. “What are you rambling about, Arthur? Don’t know what?”

“I don’t want you to feel like I’m abandoning you!” He blurted it out faster than he had intended and continued to hide his face, hoping that Alfred couldn’t see how red it had become.

“What?” Alfred couldn’t help but gape at the older teen, not quite knowing what to make of the statement.

“I don’t know!” Arthur shouted into his hands, hating how embarrassing it was for him to admit how much he’d been worrying over it all. “Just forget it, okay! Forget I ever said anything.”

He stood, turning his back to Alfred in some vain attempt to conceal his flushed face, but was predictably thwarted. Arthur quickly found himself being spun back around, the taller blonde grasping his shoulders to stop him from moving. “I’m not letting go until you tell me what you meant.”

His arms flopped to his sides, his eyes directed at a point on the floor rather than at the stern look that he knew was being shot at him. Arthur took several deep breaths, his mouth feeling far too dry as he swallowed. “I can’t stay here forever.” He almost whispered it, hating the way it sounded as soon as the words passed his lips. But it was true, no matter how much he wanted to deny it. “I want to! God knows I want to. But…” He sighed, struggling to find the right words. “One day my magic will run out, and you saw what happened last time I came close to that happening. My body can’t support itself. I feel so bloody useless! And then there’s the bond. I don’t know what will happen to it once I pass through the void and-!” He stopped, eyes wide, staring at the floor. All the thoughts he’d kept at the back of his mind were suddenly surging forward, ready to burst out. “I thought that if I were to leave with you hating me, then it would be better for the both of us.”

And then he found himself being pulled forward, strong arms wrapping around his frame and enveloping him.

Alfred held him tightly, his anger from mere minutes ago all but forgotten. “You’re an idiot, y’know that?” He chuckled, nuzzling slightly into the smaller teen’s hair, making it even messier. Arthur’s protest was muffled and weak, barely putting up any form of argument as Alfred ignored it and continued. “You’ve only been seeing some stupid pessimistic future, right? But what makes you so sure that that’s what’s gonna happen?”

“I don’t know!” Arthur finally pushed away far enough that he could look at Alfred, rather than over his shoulder. “I just think that way. I can’t help it. Every time I think about it I just imagine what would happen if we were to be separated and the bond would break, or disappear, or if you were affected by it again and that just terrifies me! I couldn’t bare it if something were to happen to you because of me!”

“Arthur.” He pressed a finger to the other blonde’s lips, silencing him, despite the worried look on his face. He had to stay strong for the both of them. “No matter what happens, if we’re separated or whatever shit, none of this will ever be your fault. You remember what I said before? We can work through whatever fate throws at us. It let us meet, so it sure as hell ain’t gonna break us up now, even if we are in different worlds, alright?”

Arthur sighed, allowing his head to fall forwards so that it rested on Alfred’s shoulder, his bangs sticking up in all directions as he let out a long breath. “This isn’t you trying to act like the hero again, is it?”

“No.” Alfred chuckled, tipping the smaller blonde’s chin up so that he could smile into Arthur’s face properly. “This is me trying to reassure you. Is it working?”

“A little, perhaps.” Arthur smiled, still not quite meeting Alfred’s eyes.

“Well then,” Alfred’s laughter grew softer as he leant down, levelling himself with Arthur’s ear, “maybe this will convince you.”
He mouthed the words, barely making them audible above the slightest whisper. The smile remained ever present on his face even as he stood up straight again, admiring the disbelieving look he had left on Arthur’s face.

“Alfred, you…” Arthur truly was lost for words. He could do nothing but gawk at the very smug looking blonde. His only condolence was that despite the smirk sat on his face, Alfred too was an extremely deep shade of red.

“You think I’m lying?” Alfred ran his thumb over Arthur’s cheek, smoothing over some of the flush, all the while still beaming.

“God, no.” He breathed, looping his arms around the other’s shoulders and properly smiled for the first time in days.


Alfred stood in silence in the back yard, watching as the other two worked to complete the circle. He couldn’t bring himself to move closer and watch as the final preparations for their departure took shape, however inevitable it had become.

Arthur had awoken that morning feeling dizzy and it had taken a great deal of effort for him to be able to stand up, even when Alfred had rushed around to support him. He could still speak for now, but it was only a matter of time before that was also lost. His magic was running out, as was Francis’s, and they had to return to Avalon before they lost the ability to do so.

It had all happened a lot sooner than he had thought.

Francis stood up, toeing the last small pebble into place as he readjusted his ponytail. He was looking just as tired as Arthur, the usual sheen he carried himself with almost completely gone. Though unlike his friend, he was grateful to be returning to Avalon. Yes, it had been the most welcome of experiences, finally witnessing for himself what the sister world was actually like. He had met its residents, spoken with them, even laughed with them. But there was nothing more welcoming than the thought of seeing his own home again.

“It’s finished.” Arthur mumbled, pushing himself to his feet, one hand massaging his forehead as he looked down at the completed circle with as much distaste as he could muster.

“Indeed.” Francis let a small smile slip onto his features, his eyes glancing in the direction of where Alfred stood a few metres away, still making no sign of moving any closer. “Are you ready, Arthur?”

Alfred’s head snapped up, staring bewilderedly between the other two. Was that it? Were they leaving just like that?
And then he saw the look on Arthur’s face and his panic vanished.

Arthur’s eyes were fixed on a point of the ground, not looking at either Francis or Alfred. His expression was sad, almost painful to experience on Alfred’s part. But it was there. Oh, it was most definitely there. The look of having to do something very much against his will, even if he had no choice in the matter.

“Not quite.” He spoke quietly, knowing all too well that he didn’t have long before he would need to be ready, whether he wanted to be or not. His eyes found Alfred, still rooted to the spot and let a small, weak smile slip onto his lips.

He crossed the lawn in a few short steps, never once letting his gaze shift away from those perfect blue eyes. And when he was finally within reaching distance, without really knowing who had made the first movement, they fell into each other’s arms, clinging to one another as though there was no care left in the world.
Alfred buried his head into Arthur’s hair, taking in the feel of it, the way he smelt, looked, everything. He wanted to remember every little detail.

“You’ll be alright?” Arthur’s voice was soft, barely audible, but filled with so much emotion that it said so much more.

“Me?” Alfred smiled into the sandy blonde hair, “I’m a hero, remember. Of course I’ll be awesome!”

“Git.” He chuckled, closing his eyes and leaning on Alfred’s shoulder. “I’ll come back.” His voice was muffled but clear enough to make out. “As soon as I can.”

“I know.” Alfred pressed his lips to the crown of Arthur’s head, lingering for a few seconds before resting his chin there instead.

“Arthur, we cannot linger much longer.” Francis called over from where he was standing, eying the circle still laid out perfectly on the grass.

“Alright, alright.” Arthur called over his shoulder, his eyebrows naturally slipping downwards into a frown. He sighed, relaxing his shoulders, moving his hands so that they rested on Alfred’s. “Turn around, frog.”

“Oh?” Francis quirked an eyebrow, smirking. “And why, may I ask, must I do that?”

“Just damn well do it!” He knew his face must have been beet-red, and that Francis was still goading him even when he did eventually turn his back on the two, but he had more important things to be worrying about. Like the big idiot in front of him whose arms were still wrapped around his waist, smiling away like a buffoon. He busied himself adjusting the collar of Alfred’s t-shirt, his hands lingering there for longer than necessary before he huffed and gave him, winding his arms around the idiot’s neck and pressing their lips together. To hell with it all, nothing but nothing was more important than Alfred at that moment.

It was a short kiss, nothing more than chaste really, but it still left that bubbling sensation in the pit of Alfred’s stomach. He couldn’t help but grin down at Arthur when the older teen turned his head away, blushing furiously.

“It’s not goodbye.” Arthur muttered, still not meeting Alfred’s eyes. “We’ll see each other again.”

“Yeah.” Alfred beamed, forcing Arthur to look up at him and pecking him again on the nose. “I’ll be waiting.”

“Don’t be foolish.” His frown lessened, giving way to a sort of lopsided smile. “The amount of mess you cause would make it highly difficult not to be able to find you.”

“Hey! Don’t be mean!”

“Besides,” Arthur continued, ignoring Alfred’s idiotic puppy-dog pout. “I have something that will guide me to you, whatever happens, right?”

Alfred couldn’t help it. He was just so utterly besotted with him. Every little thing that made up Arthur was just so perfect. “Right.” He almost whispered it as he placed their foreheads together, letting his eyes fall shut, taking in everything that was Arthur.

He felt Arthur move, hands being placed gently on either side of his face as it was tilted down and a feather kiss placed where they had been touching.

They separated, Arthur taking a step back, a sad smile fixed on his face mirroring the one on Alfred’s as their hands lingered together for a few moments longer. He nodded, not wanting to hear the words, their temporary farewell. They would meet again.

Arthur stepped towards the circle, Francis having already stepped into it, murmuring a few words under his breath that Alfred didn’t understand. He made his way into the centre, reaching his hand out and willing for his power not to falter.

The glow of the magic was incredible. Alfred couldn’t take his eyes off the vibrant green he’d come to adore mingling with a glittering lilac that literally sparkled around Francis’s fingertips. It took all his effort not to look away from them and just as the light reached its climax his eyes met Arthur’s and then they were gone.

He walked up to the circle, the wind spiralling around it still, and let his eyes rest, unfocused, on the stones that lay there, still in place.

He was gone.


Alfred didn’t really know what to do with himself after that.

He had moved that stones out of their positions as he had been instructed by Francis before their departure.
“We cannot have any stray beings wandering through the void now, can we?”

Arthur had not had to worry over any consequences of him leaving. He was not in any kind of pain and the slight heat over his heart still remained, though it was beating a lot faster now.

He was still in dismay over how quickly it had all happened. But it would do no good to just stay stood there on the lawn, staring into the space where Arthur had vanished.

He went back into the house, walking straight through the kitchen to the hallway and up to his room. For once in his life, he wasn’t hungry. He wasn’t anything right then. There was too much space in the house. He wasn’t used to it anymore. It felt too big and unwelcome.

He flopped down on the bed, letting his eyes wander aimlessly around the room, trying to find something to focus on that would take his mind off of these things.

Which is when it caught his eye.
A slip of paper which had most definitely not been there that morning when he had woken up.

He snatched it up from the bedside table, immediately recognising the looped italic writing. He had seen it so many times when it was their only means of communicating.
It had been ripped from the notebook, which was lying somewhere in the piles of mess that had accumulated in the bedroom, and had very few words written on it. But they said more to Alfred than he could have ever wished for.


When you read this I will be beyond your reach, and for that I am truly regretful.

But know this: even if I am unable to say it out loud, as I am not a ‘hero’ like you, I would do anything to be able to stay by your side.

I love you.



Arthur stormed through the manor, ignoring anyone he passed. He didn’t want to see anyone. He didn’t want to speak to anyone. He just wanted to be alone.

Francis could do little to keep up with him, practically having to sprint in order to remain in sight of the younger blonde. Eventually, though, he had to stop, as Arthur hurtled through his bedroom door, slamming it shut behind him.

“Francis.” He turned to see William striding toward him, an edge of worry to his hard eyes, “You’ve returned.”

“Indeed, my lord.” Francis frowned, turning back to the door. “It is going to be a difficult road for the two of them.”

William leant on the wall, his gaze not moving from Francis. “It’s to be expected. The bond didn’t break?”

“No.” Francis closed his eyes, resting his back to the door, hoping that Arthur had done what he had expected him to do and had sneaked out of his window and into the woods surrounding the forest as he usually did. “The line appeared again on our re-entry to Avalon, and it disappears just as it had done before. They remain connected even through the void.”

“But that just makes even more problems.” William sighed, “Only my brother would be able to cause this much trouble.”

“William,” Francis tilted his head to look at him, the concern only too evident on his features, “this may be overreaching my boundaries but…”

William held up his hand, cutting him off, a wry smile set on his face. “Francis, you’ve been a loyal friend to us all for as long as any of us can remember. You’re free to ask what you want.”

Francis’s face relaxed, his lips tugging upwards. “Well, then I must request something of you.”


Alfred practically bounded out of the building, swinging his bag onto his back as he made his way down the street, headphones firmly plugged into his ears. He was going to buy a burger, go home and veg for the rest of the evening.

It had been six months since he had moved out of his parent’s house, having landed himself a decent job. It was about time he took the initiative and started living by himself, even if the apartment he was renting wasn’t all that big or luxurious. But he still liked it. It suited him just fine.

He yawned, pulling his headphones out of his ears and shoving his phone to the bottom of his bag. No calls tonight. He had a date with his sofa.

He took a large bite of the burger he’d bought, dawdling down the pavement towards his apartment block, not really paying any attention to the surroundings he saw on a daily basis.

But then something caught his eye. A flash of blonde hair in the parking lot next to the building. Very scruffy sandy blonde hair.

He shook his head. No. This had to be the millionth time he’d kidded himself into thinking it was him. There were a bazillion people out there with scruffy blonde hair. And perfect emerald green eyes. And gigantic eyebrows.
And then the figure stood up straight and saw him, freezing on the spot.

Alfred couldn’t help but run, dropping his food in the road as he sprinted over, not caring who saw and he swept that breath-taking man up into his arms.

Arthur was laughing through his complaints of “put me down this instant, you wonderful git!” He was back. He was back! And he was smiling and just completely and utterly perfect!

Alfred finally calmed down long enough to place Arthur back on his own feet, though he wasn’t about to let go of him any time soon. He might disappear again at any moment.

“You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to see you.” Arthur breathed, clinging on to Alfred just as tightly as the younger blonde was holding on to him.

“No more than how much I’ve wanted to see you.”

“When did this become a competition?” He chuckled, cupping Alfred’s cheeks as if he could hardly believe he was in his arms.

“How long can you stay?” He had to ask. He was still scared that Arthur could just vanish in the blink of an eye.

Arthur paused, staring straight into Alfred’s eyes. “How long do you want me to stay?”

“Forever.” He couldn’t help it. That’s what he wanted even if it was impossible.


He thought he’d misheard it. Arthur couldn’t have just said that. But he had. He had.

“You have every right to be confused, Alfred.” Arthur chuckled, lowering his hands to rest on Alfred’s shoulders. “But in the meantime, you look exhausted. Maybe we should move inside? I am right in assuming one of these places belongs to you, aren’t I?”

“Ah, yeah.” Alfred was lost for words, even as he led Arthur inside and up the couple of flights of stairs to his apartment. He still couldn’t quite believe that he was there with him just as he had wished for all those months since he had left. “H-how?”

“Ancient magic, Alfred. Magic that I had just believed to be a myth.” He sat down without hesitation, beckoning for Alfred to join him. “It makes my own power dormant, barely traceable. My brother performed the necessary functions at Francis’s request, I believe. I can no longer use my magic and it no longer effects the way my body functions. I can stay here for as long as I wish.”

“How did you find me?”

“Your neighbour, a strange man wearing women’s clothing, gave me your address.” Arthur scrunched his nose up at the memory. “He and who I assumed was his partner gave me the necessary directions. I was worried that I’d gotten lost when there was no sign of you though. People kept staring at me while I was waiting outside.”

Alfred couldn’t help but laugh at the memory of his parent’s neighbours. He’d have to thank them the next time he saw them. But, for now, he was more concerned about the person sitting right in front of him. “Do you want to stay?”

Arthur’s eyes went wide in disbelief. He could throttle this boy sometimes, and if he didn’t care for him so much, he probably would have done already. “Alfred, if I did not want to stay, then I would not have followed my heart and come here.”


“I will stay for as long as you’ll have me.”

He couldn’t help it. He had to cheer as he literally tackled Arthur against the sofa, touching every inch of him, holding him, kissing him, taking in his every essence.
Of course he would have him! No question!

He stopped, looking down at the figure lying below him, those eyes staring straight back up at him, half-lidded and looking just as happy as he felt. Alfred felt the butterflies return to his stomach, but ignored them, instead leaning down and pressing their lips together as Arthur’s arms wound around his shoulders and pulled him down closer.
Their breath mixed together, spreading the warmth throughout their bodies as they lay there together, legs tangled and hands scrambling to keep a hold on each other.
Alfred could feel Arthur smiling into the kiss just as much as he was and it was just perfect.

He may not have been able to see it, and there may not have been magic involved, but as far as Alfred was concerned, this was happiness.

And that was all they needed.


[A/N: That's it guys! The End.
Thank you so much for the support throughout this. Yes, it's only 5 chapters long, but I never intended it to be any long than that.
I meant to get this out sooner but so many things have been going on in the last couple of weeks that I got a bit bogged down (in between my birthday and moving out of my flat and going out to various places).
I really hope you enjoyed reading the final chapter as much as I loved writing it.
You never know, maybe I'll write for this AU again one day (wink, wink =p)
I love you all!

As a side note:
Someone pointed out to me that I forgot to label a couple of names in the last chapter.
Lukas and Andersen are Norway and Denmark respectively. They were potential names given by Hima-sensei a little while ago.]

fic: what your eyes can't see, fanfiction, axis powers: hetalia

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