[Fanfic] What Your Eyes Can't See (Chapt. 5 FINAL)

Jul 01, 2011 01:04

Title: What Your Eyes Can't See (Chapter 5 FINAL) (Previous Chapters)
Genre: Fantasy/Romance
Characters/Pairing(s): America, England, France (among others) (USUK)
Rating/Warnings: T
Summary: Alfred F. Jones lives an ordinary life with his twin, looking for work while looking after the house for their parents. But all that gets chucked out the window when he has to go and be all heroic and rescue the guy who passed out in the rain.

There was a heavy weight on his chest. It pierced through, holding firmly onto his heart and though it was no longer painful as it had been, it still shed a great heat all over his body. It was pleasant and warm, tingling all over him like a little light.
Alfred would’ve smiled if his head wasn’t in agony, though. It felt like it was splitting in two. He squeezed his eyes shut, raising one hand to his forehead in some attempt to ease the throbbing.

The pillows felt familiar under his head and when he cracked open his eyes the crack of light entering the room from the blinds was the same he had woken up to so many times.

He was home.

Alfred had no idea how long he’d been out of it. The last thing he remembered he had been with Arthur back in his world. Now here he was, lying in his own bed, head pounding, and there really was a weight on his chest.

He shifted, tilting his head up to look blearily around the room, the furniture still all in its usual places, along with his mess. His gaze landed, however, on the arm resting across him, holding onto his other hand and cradling it in its grasp. He followed the limb, his expression softening as his eyes found Arthur’s form, fast asleep at the edge of the bed.

There were deep circles around the older blonde’s eyes, his face that little bit too pale and his hair even messier than its usual scruffy appearance.

He found himself smiling at the sight, flinching slightly as his head panged again, and moved to run his free hand through Arthur’s sandy hair, smoothing it out as best he could.

He’d brought him back. Arthur had brought him back. And he had stayed.


The door pushed open, revealing a very tired looking Matthew, carrying a small bowl of water and a cloth. His glasses were slightly askew on his face, his eyes wide with obvious worry.

“When did you wake up? No, never mind that. How’re you feeling? You need to stay lying down.” He rambled off, hurrying into the room and putting the bowl down on Alfred’s bedside table.

“Matt, I’m fine.” Alfred struggled a little against his twin’s attempts to make him lie back against his pillows. “My head just kinda hurts. You’ll wake up Arthur.”

“He is right, Mathieu.” Alfred knew exactly who had spoken even before Francis appeared around the door. “Arthur has not slept in days. It is about time he got some rest.”

Matthew stood up straight again, frowning down at his brother. “I know that.” He huffed, “But I’ve been worried sick.”


“Don’t give me that, Al.” It was rare for Matt to lose his temper. He got anger, yeah, but he would usually stay fairly passive about it. “You disappear for days without as much as a word. You’re lucky mom and dad didn’t call the police when I told them-”

“You called mom and dad?!” Now it was Alfred’s turn to shout, sitting up a little too quickly, his head spinning.

“Yes, I called them! I didn’t know what to do, Al! I didn’t know what had happened to you!” He took a deep breath, almost glaring down at Alfred. “Mom went ballistic when Francis and Arthur brought you back.  She was going to get them arrested!”

“They came home?!”

“Of course they came home! Would you expect any different when they’d just been told their son had vanished? Come on, Al.  Get some common sense!” He was glaring now. The usually quiet boy positively seething. “It took a hell of a lot to convince them that these two weren’t gonna kill you and that you’d be alright.”

“Alright, I get it.” Alfred tried not to yell back at him, “I’m fine now. They can fuck back off to whatever little corner of the world they’d gone to this time.”

“They’ve already left.” Matthew grumbled, turning his back on the older twin. “They’ve had enough of it Al. You doing whatever you want without even thinking that it may be causing who knows what trouble. And so have I.”

“What?” Alfred sat up straight, staring at his brother’s back.

Matthew whipped round, still glaring, though he looked more exasperated than anything else. “I’ve had enough, Al.” He sighed, running his hand through his hair, the frown lessening. “I’m fed up with sitting on the side-lines waiting for you to realise that I exist. You never listen. And it’s ‘cause of that that you have no idea just what’s going on around here. You’re oblivious. You always have been.”

He took a few steps towards the door, ignoring Francis as he passed him. “I’m leaving Al. I talked to mom and dad about it ages ago while you were too busy to pay attention. I was going to the local college, Al.”

“Matt, what’re you talking about?” He flinched, his head panging again.

“I’m moving away with Gil.” Matt looked back over his shoulder, his expression sad behind the crease in his brows. “I need to get away from you. Just like mom and dad did. Everything’s been arranged for months. I’m going in a few days, and that’s the end of it.”

“Matt! Wait!” Alfred went to try and stand, but the arm across him clamped down, holding him in place on the bed as Matthew disappeared from the room, his footsteps vanishing down the stairs.

“Let him go, Alfred.” A voice mumbled from next to him. “He needs his space right now.”

Alfred huffed, letting himself fall back into the pillows as Arthur sat up, groaning slightly after sleeping in such a strange position.

“He’s been worried sick over you since you disappeared with me.”

“You heard all that?” Alfred mumbled, not quite meeting the other’s gaze.

“To be honest with you, Alfred, it was quite impossible to sleep through it. Especially since you kept moving.” He gave Alfred a small smile, patting his hand before pushing himself to his feet.

“While this is all very touching,” Francis spoke up from his place by the door, making Alfred jump. He’d almost forgotten the other man was still standing there. “I do believe that there are matters that need discussing.”

“Save it, frog.” Arthur rolled his eyes, his lips quirking up slightly again. “He’s only just woken up. There’s enough bad air in here to fill a banshee. Give Alfred some time to fully recover, then we’ll talk.”

Francis sighed, running a hand through his hair and flicking it out of his eyes. “Very well. However this cannot be put off forever.”

“I know.” He nodded shortly, moving around to the other side of the bed and sitting down.

Alfred found himself looking between the two, not entirely sure what they were talking about, but every time he tried to think his head would twinge again.

Francis seemed to sense the confusion, that all too familiar smile growing on his features. “Ah, but I seem to be interrupting.” He chuckled, winking at the other two occupants of the room. “I suppose I shall go and see if Gilbert is properly looking after Mathieu. Excuse me, mes amis.”

He may as well have skipped out of the room with the tone of his laugh as he left. He seemed far too pleased with the situation than he should have been.

Arthur grunted, frowning after his friend. “It’s times like these that I wonder why on earth I actually let him help me bring you back.” He kicked the door shut from where he was sitting and yawned. “But, I suppose it meant that I didn’t have to use up too much of my magic.”

“He helped?” Alfred sat up, ignoring the annoying pang his head gave in complaint.

“Well, I can talk this time, right?” He turned around, and Alfred could have sworn he’d seen a smile again, but if he had it had disappeared just as quickly. “I had a hand from Lukas as well.”

“Lukas?” Alfred remembered something about that name, though he had been pretty out of it at the time. It had been one of those brief moments when he had been awake but too dizzy to realise just what was going on around him. He remembered something about spirits and fairies, or something.

“He is a friend of mine.” Arthur shifted so that he was sitting next to Alfred on the bed, leaning back against the pillows. “Unlike most, he and I are able to converse with the spirits in Avalon. He was the first person I met with that gift apart from myself. My brother’s would goad me for it and tell me I was lying, so I was glad that I was not the only one.”

He sighed, hugging his knees against his chest and doing his utmost not to meet Alfred’s gaze. He could practically feel the other teen’s eyes boring into him, making the urge to look at him almost unbearable.

The bed covers shifted and a weight appeared next to him as an arm wrapped around his waist, Alfred’s head resting on top of his own. He could feel the heat rising in his face, and he screwed his eyes shut, trying to ignore the warm breaths tickling around his ear.

“I’m sorry.” Alfred mumbled, squeezing Arthur shortly and taking a long breath.

“W-what?” Arthur cursed inwardly for stuttering, praying that Alfred hadn’t noticed.

“I caused a lot of trouble back then. I mean, how unheroic is it for me to collapse and you have to bring me back. Kinda pathetic, huh?” He let out a short laugh.

“Are you stupid?!” Arthur tried to keep his voice calm, “Why on earth are you apologising?! It’s me who should be sorry!” He pulled away so that he was facing Alfred, wishing that the surprise wasn’t quite so obvious in his eyes. “If it wasn’t for me and my damned magic none of this would’ve ever happened. You could have just carried on with your life, untroubled by me and my world. You wouldn’t be left in this state. You’d be able to live your life happily, finding someone who wouldn’t cause you pain, or suffering, or-”

He was cut off as a pair of lips closed over his, leaving a chaste kiss before Alfred retreated, smiling softly at his flustered partner.

“You were rambling.” He chuckled, reaching his hand out and brushing his thumb over Arthur’s (extremely red) cheek. “And you’re really mean, you know that?”

Arthur stared at him, unable to understand the amusement in the other teen’s voice. “I’m mean?”

“Well, think about it.” Alfred smiled, leaning their foreheads together, those oh too blue eyes boring straight into him. “Aren’t you happy that we met? ‘Cause I sure as hell am. I never would have imagined that magic, actual magic, existed, but here you are, some guy from another world, sitting in my room with me, and dude it’s fucking awesome. You say that you’re causing me pain and shit? I say you’re crazy. You said this connection is destiny, right?” He closed his eyes, his grin growing, “Well, that means that whatever happens, we can work through it all, right?”

Arthur felt his face getting unbearably hot as Alfred tilted his head up, taking care to keep his touch gentle. “Alfred?”

His eyes slipped closed as their lips met once more. He really couldn’t think of an argument against what Alfred had said. The bond was not something he ever wanted to break, not that he had the power to. He really couldn’t bear the thought of Alfred being hurt because of being bonded to him, but it truly was beyond their control. The confusion that had been building up inside him finally made sense and the answer had been in front of him the whole time. He didn’t need logic to explain what he had been feeling. Not when this idiotic boy could put it so plainly. But he could find no fault in that. It was just too endearing.

“I can still feel it.” Alfred whispered, placing Arthur’s hand over his heart. “Right here.”

Arthur could feel Alfred’s heart beating under his shirt, the pace quick, mimicking his own. He was relieved to see that he was not the only one whose face was adorned with a smattering of pink as Alfred smiled, looking down at him.

Alfred paused, pulling Arthur that little bit closer again, “When we met I had no idea where you were from, but I still picked you up and brought you back here. Sure, back then I just thought I was being the hero. But, y’know, maybe Matt was supposed to find you there. ‘Cause that’s how we found each other.”

Arthur’s eyes widened momentarily before his expression softened and he couldn’t stop himself from chuckling. “You’re utterly ridiculous, do you know that? You make no sense whatsoever. But yes, maybe even without all this fiasco we would have met. We will never know for certain, though, because that’s the past. And I wouldn’t change it.”

“Not for the world.” Alfred laughed, leaning their foreheads together.

“Worlds.” He corrected softly, barely making a sound, and meeting the younger teen halfway as he allowed himself to be pushed backwards gently, Alfred kneeling over him.

He was cupping Arthur’s cheek lightly, making circles on his cheek with his thumb until he finally leant down and pressed their lips together once more, still holding Arthur so gently that it was as though he was made of glass. It was only when Arthur wrapped his arms around the younger blonde’s shoulders to deepen the kiss that Alfred truly let himself sink into it without any inhibitions. It was just the two of them. And right then, right at that moment, that was enough.


A few days later saw a loaded pick-up truck sitting outside the house, Gilbert trying to squeeze the last of Matthew’s luggage in with his own while the younger twin finished up inside.
He turned, taking a final look at the hallway when he was nearly knocked off his feet by the thundering figure that was his brother.

Alfred had come thundering down the stairs, refusing to stay in bed a moment longer. He was not going to let Matthew just leave without regaining any understanding between them. They were twins, for fuck’s sake!

He bumped their foreheads together, their glasses clashing slightly as refused to let the younger twin out of the bear hug. “We stick together no matter what, right?” He frowned, expression utterly serious.

Matt stood frozen, staring at Alfred. It took him a few seconds to recognise it, but this was Alfred, and he could never do anything in a way that made sense. He never was one to just come out and apologise.
His expression softened, smiling at the identical face in front of him and nodded. “Like always.”

Alfred grinned, clapping Matt on the back. “Get going then. And if that jerk tries anything then he’ll have me to answer to.”

“Of course.” Matt shook his head, grabbing his last bag. He looked up the stairs to where Arthur was standing quietly, watching the two brothers. “Make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid, eh?”

“That may be difficult.” Arthur chuckled, descending a few steps and ignoring the loud protests that followed from Alfred, “But I will do my very best.”

Matt looked between them, breathing out a sigh as his smile grew. He clasped Alfred’s shoulder, “Take care, okay?”

“You too.” Alfred beamed, pushing his brother back a couple of paces. “Now get going before your ride goes without you.”

Alfred had stood on the doorstep, watching his brother climb into the truck and drive away. He stayed there even after they had disappeared around the corner at the end of the street and was long gone.
It was only when Arthur came down the last few stairs and joined him at the door, carefully threading their fingers together that he let his shoulders drop and wiped his eyes on his sleeve.

That night Arthur lay staring at the ceiling, idly combing his fingers through Alfred’s hair as the younger teen’s head rested across his chest. The sunny blonde had fallen asleep almost instantly as soon as he had started the motion, the weight of Matthew leaving finally disappearing now that he slumbered. However, this left Arthur wide awake in the pitch black, the small sounds of Alfred’s breathing doing nothing to soothe him as his thoughts sped around his mind.

Truly, all good things must end.


[The post was too large ^^;;
Onwards to part 2!]

fic: what your eyes can't see, fanfiction, axis powers: hetalia

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