Marching Band Meeting

Feb 04, 2005 16:17

To start it off, Mr.V invited only the section and squad leaders to the meeting. The kids who are mainly going to be on his side of the whole time switching thing because they have nothing better to do after school anyways (Sports, Jobs, etc.) Out of those were Heather, Dani and I, so it seemed, who didn't want the rehersal time to change to after ( Read more... )

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I see your side tubataylor February 4 2005, 20:04:13 UTC
I see your side. I see why people are upset on this. I first off, have no strong feelings on either side. But, there are a few things i feel must be said.

1) It is easy to bend this into making it appear like Visnaw was just talking to the kids he thought would agree. But the MB is 200 people big. It would have been ridiculous to hold a meeting with 200 students. Plus, most teachers wouldn't even give any students the chance to speak out. Visnaw also encouraged non-section leaders to talk to him, so their ideas will still be heard.

2) Even following the last system kids still made choices. They chose if they wanted to do both, one, or neither. Also keep in mind, hes not banning you from doing all sports. Marching band spans one season. You still have winter and spring sports. Indeed you may still be faced with a difficult choice, but the sad truth is in life you may need to choose one passion over another.

3) First of all, it is incredibly possible and common for people to get music scholarships. It is just as common for someone ( ... )


Re: I see your side icaboo February 4 2005, 20:31:30 UTC


Re: I see your side speviroth February 5 2005, 12:35:41 UTC
Damn tootin'!


Re: I see your side miller2006 February 5 2005, 19:23:39 UTC
i agree completly with taylor. the band is too large for a full meeting, and the petition sounds a bit extreme. Some people are saying that those who favor the change are being selfish, but i think it is the other way. we are looking to take our band to the next level, and no i do not mean competition band. If you know Visnaw at all...he dosnt think band should be competative. i dont like the fact that the athletics is being involved as it is, but the choice is now one to be made. choosing a sport does not make you NOT like band. it just shows that you have different priorities, which is NOT a bad thing. i hold band up higher than most people, so i will work my schedual around it. some people dont have that luxury and i feel for you. If you look at the big picture it is easy to see that the change will benefit in many areas. behavior, attendance, tardiness, peoples general mood, energy, focus, and health are all improved in this change. personaly i am for the new schedual. but i can understand why many people are upset. ( ... )


Re: I see your side lilerica5 February 7 2005, 13:14:31 UTC
A petition is not extreme at all. It's a piece of paper with signatures to show v and sauer how many people this is really effecting. It's not like we're picketing outside the band doors. *rolls eyes*

-I never said the band was competative, that was something said up there ^^ by somebody else.

-All that stuff you say were improved in the change, could go either way. Not all improved. People will still be tardy, mood could be bad from having to go ANOTHER 2 hrs after a long 6 hour day. Same with Focus AND Health.

-I hope some of this has to go through Anderson and Balaj. Balaj is a big NO already. He has to coach his football team over the band playing, how nice is that? Not very. Anderson's daughter, Christina, who is my sisters best friend, was in Marching Band. She was a drum major, Mr. Anderson is a neighbor and a close family friend to us, and he said it would just be a hastle to too many people so he says no too. Ugh, I pray that it has to get by them.


Re: I see your side lilerica5 February 7 2005, 13:04:36 UTC
For one thing, if you have no strong feelings to either side, then why are you defending visnaw the whole way ( ... )


FIX**** lilerica5 February 7 2005, 13:06:15 UTC
I loved when Dani really told him what was up. The whole "No, never mind"...V:"No, go dani"...."No, it's not important. If I say it you will just argue with me and you'll win"..... That was SO TRUE! V is a good guy. Hell i've sat in the guys living room and pet his cat and chatted with him. I'm not totally against him like you guys think I am. I'm just voicing MY SIDE of the whole situation, just like you guys were.


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