6 days old

Jan 30, 2011 23:23

So today was a great day. Baby has pretty much slept the ENTIRE day. I got up early to tag chris out in the baby's room to pump, I think around 4:40. I was actually late getting up, I was suppose to get up at 4 I think but chris let me sleep. I'm pretty sure it was 5 am. I shooed him off to bed, even though he offered to let me go back to bed and just skip a pumping session because I was pretty tired. I knew I needed to pump because my breasts were feeling very heavy. So I opted to stay up.

I Fed alex soon after then we stayed up for a few hours cuddling and watching tv.  I opted to try to pump early thinking I was ready to do so, and shortly after fed him again I believe around 7:30. sadly this pumping gave NO milk, I'm talking less then 1 ML from both breasts combined. I guess I didn't wait long enough for it to replenish from the 5 am pumping. So I gave him a full feeding of formula.

Grandma could tell I was tired and asked if I wanted her to watch him for me so I could go back to bed for a few hours until my next pump. I gladly took her up on her offer. I changed him and got him all ready and handed him on over. He's so happy with her, they just sit and he lays on her chest and just passes out. It's the sweetest thing ever.

I woke myself up around 10:00 as I am trying to be good about eating. I know I made a small bowl of cereal and cut a banana into it, all while trying to make another bottle of formula. I wasn't sure if my pumping was going to be successful so I started it just incase as we are near the end of the bottle anyways and most if it will get tossed anyways lol. Good thing too means I am feeding him more breasts milk then formula and that makes me happy!

Anywho I got really sick feeling from the cereal, I didn't understand why so I tried to eat some mellon instead. I felt a little better and then managed to finish off the banana's in the cereal. I opted for a shower while Alex was still sleeping with grandma to help open up my milk ducts. Showers really help, sooths my aching back, among other things. For some strange reason the chair in our baby's room is not friendly to me. Everyone else loves it, but I just can never seem to be comfy in it.

Well the shower felt great, but one thing bad I found out.. I have a .. hemorrhoid! Ugh Yeah I know god I was hoping I wouldn't get any. I have been having alot of rectal pressure lately, but I kept thinking it was just me getting ready for BM's. Nope. It's a hemorrhoid. At least it doesn't hurt and i talked to Chris's mom and she said it should go down on it's down. Especially since it doesn't hurt I'm not going to worrie about it. It's not bothering me at all. But still.. they checked me in the hospital but apparently they didn't look inside lol.

The only other thing that sucks for me right now is my tear. It's painful still. Every time I use the toilet I feel like it could rip. >_< I tried to read up on it online and no one seems to have the same type of tear where I do so it's going to feel different for everyone. Apparently I tore all the way inside, but it goes all the way out to my left labia. Like I have a huge ass suture right on my lip! I feel it when I stand up, I feel it when I bend down etc. But it's the WORST when I use the toilet. I think it's because I'm overweight, so it's just like... added pressure? I just hope it heals fast. Thank god I am keeping up my fluids, drinking lots of cranberry juice etc, Because the first pee I had after giving birth felt like I was peeing acid on it. OMG It hurt so bad. And then the nurse who gave me the peri bottle you use while/after you pee was TOO HOT. Not only did it burn from my pee but then it burned from too hot of water! lol Oh well maybe it was hot on purpose to clean it better I dunno but god damn. I use warm water and that helps alot. I Just want to keep it clean and pray it heals up quickly!

After my shower I pumped, and good lord did I pump. I think I got nearly 60ML that session. I was so happy we were able to give him a full feeding with no formula. Funny thing is shortly after feeding Alex, Chris woke up and we were talking in the bedroom. I was only wearing a robe (and panties etc) at this point and the baby was fussing a bit and all of a sudden my boobs both started leaking.. BADLY. It was so bad I had to wash my robe and actually wash off. I ran to go pump and when I pumped I got another 60ML lol. I mean this was like less then 45 min after Just pumping too. It was crazy! I wish I could always get that much milk! It was pretty crazy haveing it litterally streaming out like that. It never happens pumping always takes a while, I've even started going 20 min on each breasts some times because sometimes the first 5 min of pumping does nothing.

Chris and I managed to nap today with him too, it was wonderful all 3 of us crawled in bed and slept for about 2 hours. Chris had him on his chest and I just cuddled up next to both of them and we all passed out. It was a wonderful nap!

Got chris to go to walmart today too, we picked up a monitor finally so now we don't "have" to sit in the baby room every night like we were. I kept telling chris that we can sleep in our own bed and actually get rested sleep (even if its only for 3 hours at a time) and just go deal with him if he wakes up etc. I hope that works out tonight. going to be the first night we won't have one of us staying in the room the entire night with the baby.

Anyways long story is long. Tonight we gave alex his first "real" bath. It was great we set up the bathtub and got some nice warm water and added the baby wash to it, and then just ran some water over him. Last time we tried to do this he freaked out and screamed. Tonight he liked it. I used a nice soft wash cloth and started washing him very gently and then would just dunk it and lightly wring it out on him. He wasn't fussing at all! The only time he actually did fuss was when we lifted him up a bit to wash his back and his butt. Then we rinsed him and when chris went off to get his hooded towel thats when he finally started fussing. It was pretty cute, we cuddled him up in his towel. God I wish we had taken pics now!

We got back into the room, chris was cuddling him up to warm him up and dry him off, I picked out his sleeper for the night and then we sat down with me and chris in front of eachtoehr. Baby in his lap laying with his back towards chris. And I got out the baby oil, and just put a tiny bit on my fingers and started messaging his arms slowly. He actually let me bend his arms lightly so they were stretched out all the way. It was very cute! He really seemed to enjoy it! We did his chest and his belly very lightly, avoiding his cord (which is still drying up and god I hpoe it falls off soon lol) then we worked our way to his legs. He let me rub his feet and his back. He was so happy, just quitely letting me rub him all over. It put him to sleep lol. We then got a diaper on him and put his sleeper on him and by then he was completely passed out. We stuck him in his swing so I could go cook dinner. It was pretty nice to have a really chill night with him. He usually fusses really late at night from anywhere 3am to 5 am. And by fuss I mean scream and cry lol. He did really good last night and I am hoping he does good tonight!

Anywho I think I am going to crawl in bed and nap for an hour before I have to pump again at 12:30. Hard to believe I only sleep in 3 hour shifts lol. Also alex has his 1st check up tomorrow! Very excited!

alex, baby

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