Baby woe's and woots!

Jun 12, 2010 10:22

Just gunna post some stuffs about what's been going on.

So far so good! I have my first ultrasound on wed! Woot! I am very excited! I want to hear my babies heart beat so badly! I also have to fill out a shit ton of paper work they said. As this is my first visit to my Ob. Sadly I don't actually get to see the doc til next month when I'll be about 13 weeks. They said that it's totally okay, and I now can call them for anything. I feel alot better about everything now.

Especially considering I have stopped spotting! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so scared about it, even though I kept telling myself it's NORMAL unless there's tons of pain and clotting. Which I never had any of. But still it's scary no matter how many times I hear it. I am just sooo happy that it's finally stopped!

I have been sleeping alot again. The sad thing about it all is I have to work "overtime" as in not my normal 6 hours, but 8 hours. No biggie, but it is when I am used to napping at 2:30 everyday! I am dead tired by the time 4:30 rolls around and lately have been sleeping as soon as I get off work until dinner time. I really  need to start setting an alarm. I really only need a "nap" Not 4 hours of sleep because then I can't go back to bed at a normal time. I've been trying to keep off the computer (esspecially wow) after 11 or so and crawling in bed and watching tv. Sometimes I fall asleep before chris comes to bed, sometimes I can't fall asleep til 2 am lol.

So I am defiantly just really tired during the day. ;D

I have been spending lots of time researching stuff and reading up on whats going on with me. I read alot about constipation and kept saying no way I eat alot of fiber I should be fine. Until.. I didn't go for 4 days straight. Ugh... Thank gooood my husband loves this stuff called plumb start. Which is basically plumb juice, and of course when people think of constipation you think prune juice right? We'll plumb juice does the same thing but tastes.. WAY better. Drank a glass of that yesterday and then yay! I felt soooo much better. So now I know if I am not going for a few days I should def drink some of that plumb start. I don't know why I didn't think about it sooner!

I have been oogling cribs lately. I am trying to find the highest rated and reading tons and tons of reviews. I have found alot of really nice ones already. I really am looking for one that converts as the baby grows up. So the 4ways are a little more money but I hoping they are worth it! Chris was very cute one night as I was browsing and he came and said' all the stuffs gunna be pink for a girl right? Cuz my baby girl is getting all the best stuff!" It was soo cute I wanted to melt! I love it when he gets all "daddy like"! Considering we both had absent fathers for most of our childhood it's very refreshing to see him so excited!

I had a long talk with my mom about what I should be looking into besides cribs and she was like YOU MUST GET A SWING! So I started looking into those as well. I think I have the one I want picked out. It's about 90 bucks. oddly enough They have a bunch of different verions of this swing and for some strange reason they cost ALOT more. I mean I would love to get the butterfly one but I'm not paying 50 to 60 bucks MORE just for a different look, when the swing is the same fucking thing lol. I can easily find better things to do with 50 bucks then for a particular look of a swing. I can spend more on my crib! =p

Another thing I've noticed is alot of cribs are nice and half the changing table right on the crib, but most of those don't convert. It's very imporant for me to get a converting crib due to the fact that I am not going to want another baby right away (if at all) so I don't need to "save the crib for the next child" kinda thing.

Is the crib I like the best so far. I've read about it alot, and it's one of the top 10 cribs right now. Also I have found it on various other websites for cheaper!

But I also really like this one too

it's alot more, but it comes with the changing table built right in, with the option of the day bed as well as the twin. But this one also has very few reviews. So I will prob look for somthing else. But I do like the look of this crib alot!

Oh well still lots to think about and do. =D I am making chris take me to the book store today so I can get some baby books for myself. I love reading free stuff online, but I would love to be able to hop in bed earlier now and rest more while reading.

life, baby, chris

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