belive in urself and u will go far
belive in others and u will fall hard
i cant wait 1 year and 5 months until i go to the University of Toronto and it is going to rock i cant wait. i am going to bring like 5000 cameras and take like somemany pics of Degrassi str.
fact: did u kno in some areas of Canada it is illegal for doctors to perform female circumcicions (think i spelled it rite?)
NOW U KNO!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway this weekend i have to work, which sucks!
this Monday we dont have school and i think i imight go to the mall and finally get my ear pierced.
flashback: on time i was in the mall it was April i think, anyway i was in the sports store and i was looking through a rack and it just tipped over it was so fucking funnie, but my foster mom was pissed. oh well
all night last night my mine was rambling with ideas for my play, i hope it makes it big in broadway (cant a boi dream)
my one friend Vanessa said that she thinks this one guy she always talks to (we will call him John doe) any way she thinks he is gay, but i think he really likes her. so we are going on a neverending quest to fing out his sexual orientation. (actually she is, i will be in the backround.)
some changes i would make in school:
able to wear hats (whats the big deal)
able to use cell phones (get over it evey1 has one)
thats it sorrie but it was just so random
Movie everyone should go see:
book everyone should read:
Naked Lunch
show(s) everyone should watch:
Queer as Folk
South Park
Drawn together
Real World
got to jet
luv u all
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[Nov. 3rd, 2004|08:40 am] link post comment
[Nov. 2nd, 2004|08:06 am] link post comment
what i have 2 say [Sep. 28th, 2004|03:12 pm]
[ mood | worried ]
[ music | my immortal ]
you lie and say ur bi when u really kno u r gay
you lie to others and mostly urself
you lie and say ur straight when u r really gay
you lie to others and mostly urself
why r u doing this r u scared?
i thought i loved u and that i would always, but i cant give my love 2 some1 who cant be true to himself.
u r lost...
faced with a difficult question...
r u gay or r u straight?
a question u need to think about
i am here if u need help, but i still cant love you until start being tru
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do u wanna... [Sep. 2nd, 2004|04:14 pm]
[ mood | sexually driven ]
[ music | i'm a slave ~brittany spears ]
i have just finished looking through my friends list (i do that once a week) and seeing all those *amazing* pics it made me think i want to fuck and be fucked. i kno that sounds skankish but go through every community i have joined (gays only) and u will kno what i mean. i just does something to u.
actually i have a person in mind who i would like to fuck with, but that is my fantasy.
this last stuff is 4 my friends only:
it is not any1 i have had a crush on last year
next week i will update my journal and give details of what(and who) i plan to do. lol!