Jun 02, 2018 13:25
When I was married, I used to dream about dating. I loved my husband, but I longed for the days when someone would actually make an effort to please me, make sure I was happy & content, and try to impress me. After being married for 12 years, those days were LONG gone!!
We've been seperated awhile now, and I've dipped my toe into the dating pool. I've learned a lot in these few weeks about how different things are now, compared to the way it was 13 years ago!!!
Online dating is a whole new world. And it's a terrifying and tricky one.
In the olden days (LOL), you would meet someone, go on a date. On that date you would talk and learn about them, what they like, don't like, what they are interested in, etc. Now, all that stuff is sorted out before you meet face to face. So by the time you're meeting someone, you've got the equivelant knowledge of a 2 month relationship!
So you've now invested this time and energy in texting and emailing and facebooking, sharing your interests, your views, laughing and teasing. You're invested in this already. And then, you meet face to face..... and he's wearing track pants (or whatever else is a big turn off for you!). Personally, a big turn off for me. Track pants are not attractive - I don't need male model fashion guy, and I don't like a guy to be more high maintenance than me, but put a little bit of effort in!! Or, maybe the very fact that the track pants are clean is the effort, in which case, we've just got a whole different outlook on life!
And then, it's disappointing! And there's this void in your life where Mr. Wrong had been, and suddenly things feel empty again.
Dating websites allow you to see who's viewed your profile. So it stings a bit when you've found a boy who seems interesting and you put yourself out there to say hi first. Then you find out later that he's received the message, viewed your profile, and chosen to ignore. That stings!!
The other tricky part of dating in your 30s is time! When we were 20, boys didn't have much going on. Work, and trying to get laid. That was basically it! Now they have their own lives and things going on! It used to be easy to find time to hang out, now there's 2 schedules to try and work with, and it gets tough!
There have been some good experiences so far, and some not good ones... but it certainly keeps life interesting!