(no subject)

Aug 22, 2005 19:23

You Know NOONE on this EARTH that I`ve met can PISS ME OFF MORE THAN MY SISTER! SWEAR TO GOD! When I move out IM NEVER TALKIN to her! I can be in such a go0d mo0d and all she has to do is talk to me and I get pissed off!

My Mom is equally pissin me off actualy in fact naw no equaly she`s not quite as bad ......actualy generaly ev`ry1 in ma house is doin ma head in..it gets worrying when I`d rather be in school than at hame!

Im engaged btw and I`m so0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 UBERLY HAPPYYYY bout that and I had one of the best weekends with Chrisp Aaron Arran and Lana and the weekend before that to0! It`s b`n great apart from a few tiny minor points but it wiz nothin!

But yea my maw found out bout me n chrisp gettin engaged n I wasnt gonna tell her until I got my ring, but she found out and she was bein very unsupportive sayin I shouldnt get married n all this pish which rather upset me I thought she`d support me whatever or @ least thats what she told me :`(  I suppose she either thinks I`m not serious but she must or she wouldnt have sed nuffin!  *I`d b`n in the house 5 mins fae sko0l and she pissed me off n upset me!*  the 1 person I want to always be happy for me not neccessarily with me but FOR me but naw! Then she said Dave n aw that were nutters even though not long before it had she met and spoken to them n said they werent that bad! *Contradicting herself apu* and she tells me no to be mates wi Dave I dinnae think so! Dave is such a gid mate and Im NEVER gonna stop bein mates wi him because my moms contradicting and Judgemental!

So my mom`s tryin to stop me seein ma best m8 and she`s tellin me no to get engaged or whatever!

Then later on Gary passed me 2`s of his fag n i started walkin out the street  n ma dad comes out n shoutin to smoke else where cause I embarrass him n ma maw well the words were "do that else where dont do it here dont embarrass us" so by shouting it to the street thats not makin it more noticeable! Christ maist of the neighbours knew I smoked before HE DID!   Erch Stupid hypocrit!!!!! Fucksake! So i`m an embarrassment to them ALL over again! Suppose there was a few years in between being an embarrassment but still!

Im no tellin ma parents what im doin wi stuff like school coz it`s my life n they appear to forget that from time to time ...well at least my Mom does!

I just wanted her to be happy for me but I suppose that`s askin to0 much! Just coz her marriage went down the drain coz she married a loser shithead!
 I`ll do well this year and i`ll do it WITHOUT ma `rents breathin down ma neck thanx very much!

Im fuckin pissed off to the max!

I FUCKING HATE..LIVING HERE with the bickering and the SHITE  as so0n as i can Im moving out!!!!

CRACKING UP IN THIS TO0 SMALL BOX!!!!!!!!!!!     I dont care who HACKS into MY account and reads MY liveJOURNAL where I CHOOSE who reads it!

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