Sep 08, 2005 18:55
Ok, so I should be studying right now, but I can't muster up the enthusiasm to do so. So instead, I'm just going to answer some stupid questions about myself. (Oh how I love wasting time)
*Favorite color*--Red
*Band I can always go back and listen to*--Smashing Pumpkins
*Favorite veggie*--Broccoli
*Favorite fruit*--Kiwi
*Favorite meat*--I don't eat a whole lot of it, but I would have to say chicken
*Food you could eat all the time (or you think you could)--Tacos and cheese dip
*Favorite dessert-Strawberries Romanoff
*Favorite style of clothing*--comfortable with a little bit of funk
*Style you like the least*--80's fashion (Please, make it stop)
*Biggest pet peeve*--People that bitch about their life, but don't want to do anything to change it
*Biggest lie you were told when you were little*--You can be anything you want to be, (Haha, yea right)
*Biggest lie you've been told as an adult*--That things are equal opportunity
*Physical thing you like the most about yourself*-My eyes
*Physical thing you like the least*--My eyes (I know, doesn't make sense)
*Band you hate the most*--Cake
*Best feel good movie*--Friday
*Best dramatic movie*--English Patient (I cried like a little bitch)
*Best action*--I love the Indiana Jones movies
*Worst movie (and NOT in that B-movie way)*--Well, let me put it this way, the only movie I've ever walked out of the theater on was "Dirty Work." I'll have to check it out again though ;)
*Favorite actor*--Tie between Ralph Fiennes and Christian Bale
*Favorite actress*--Ziyi Zhang (it does help that she's the hottest person ever)
*Favorite season*--Fall, hands down (Really makes me nostalgic)
*Worst memory of childhood*--Stepping on a kitten when I was like 8. I was running and the kitten was right under my foot, I broke it's neck. I can barely remember the incident, but I do recall it was the most traumatic thing ever (I sobbed for days).
*Best memory of childhood*--Being able to stay out late everyday in the summer and after school. I lived in a "real" neighborhood where there were tons of kids to play with. We would go door to door, rounding up all the kids to play with and we'd have a huge group of hellions, causing trouble ;)
*First crush*--Michael Jeffords. I had a crush on him for 7years; from like 5 to 12, hehe.
*Worst natural disaster you've ever lived through**-Hurricane Hugo in SC
*How many car accidents have you been in*--two
*How many were your fault*--Well, I guess technically one was mine. But if you ask me, none were my fault ;) She was speeding and said she "looked down for a second" WTF!!!!
*Have you ever broken anything*--Nope, but I have sprained my ankle on a swing set
*What characteristics are most important to you in ANY relationship*--Honesty, trust, the person just being themselves
*What is the biggest turn off a person can possess*--Arrogance. I've found that usally the people that are most arrogant have nothing to be arrogant about.
*Favorite type of jewelry*--Silver. I like things that look old. I'm not a "diamond" type girl.
*Colors your hair has been*--No clue, a bunch
Ok, the questions could go on forever, but I will stop for now.