Sep 07, 2005 20:16
--I drool while reading the Iliad by Homer
--I'm really lazy and find it hard to settle down and study
--I don't understand people that smile with all of their teeth. This could just be because I was too poor to have braces when I was younger, so I am bitter because I too don't have that perfect Colgate smile.
--I don't particularly like hanging out with people that are "artsy fartsy." They usually end up too full of themselves and lack individuality (which is funny, because that is what they strive for).
--Women are pretty fucked up with their body image (which is completely understandable). On one magazine cover you have people making fun of others that are too skinny, but on a rival magazine you have peoples' cellulite circled, stating that they are fat. You also have shows on channels such as E! that will point out the people that don't care about their weight (which is really ridiculous because they consider a women not caring to be 130 lbs).
--I hate that I buy into other's perceptions of what is beautiful and what isn't. I've let tv, people, and magazines ravage my idea of what is truly attractive and I absolutely hate that.
So, new goal now is to be happy with who I am :) and I know it can be done.