just a little update from app state. :)

Oct 10, 2006 23:04

i haven't updated in over a month.
a whole lot has happened since then.
i love appalachian so incredibly much.
it is truly a blessing to be here with such amazing people and such amazing SCENERY.
you should see it. the leaves are changing colors...it's unbelievable.

i think some things have changed for me and a certain friend.
i don't want to get into details, but i think we need to go our seperate ways and that's definitely a good thing.

however, things with my bestfriend are amazing. i miss him a lot, and every chance we get to talk just brightens my day a little more. i'm counting down the hours til i get to get a big ol' hug from him.

i have straight a's right now.
even in educational psych, where i'm working my big butt off. :)

i have my migration mid-term on monday and i'm so terrified of it.
that class, on the other hand, is pretty much the spawn of satan and i dread the lectures every monday and wednesday.

i've really had my eyes opened to the shocking reality of this world in the past few days.
that's all i really wanna say about it, but please pray for some comfort? i'm really not even sure what it is i should pray for...just pray, please?

speaking of prayer, i feel like i've become more spiritually enlightened since i've been here.
it's amazing, truly.

i love the theatre department here. i feel like i fit in..at least enough to walk around and have people to say hey to and hug when i pass them. despite not being in a show, i'm doing tons of tech work, which though it goes unappreciated, is totally a lot of fun.

i'm coming home in t minus 8 days for fall break.
i couldn't be more ready to have a break and see my family and my friends at home.
i actually miss my sister. it's crazy.
i can't wait to see the show and all of my loves because you all STILL mean the world to me. honestly.

i do miss guard. i'm not going to lie.
however, i love being able to go to the games and just sit and WATCH it with everyone else instead of being restricted to the band section. plus, it's very different than high school guard.
i mainly miss the performance aspect...

copeland is coming when i'm home in a week.
i can't wait. i'm going with the best and hopefully a few other amazing kids.
it'll be my first time seeing them live, considering every other time i've had some kind of performance (show choir, guard, and theatre...all 3 times they've come to charlotte...)

so that's basically all i can think of right now. i'm tired because i didn't get my morning nap today.
how are you doing?
i miss you all.
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