My Curses

Aug 13, 2017 14:48

Paul Laffoley called it "negative prayer" See the power of prayer is ethically neutral. That fucks with me. But, the fact remains that one is as effective as the other. In my case, though, "Revenge"and "Hellfire" comes more easily than it does to most. Charolette is dying. And, on the surface, I think it's horrible. And, I'm sad that it's happening.

But, underneath, it's a different story.

When I was speaking to her, increasingly, I was filled with hatred rather than sorrow. I was a ghoul picking over her broken body in delight. "Good." is what I thought. "Praise Jesus and the Saints and every spirit that had a hand in that." Make no mistake, I called this down. I brought this wrath upon her and her children. And, in the end, I don't know exactly how I feel about that "coincidence" other than numb.

I had to go meditate for a really long time. I'm probably still going to have to meditate for a really long time. I had no idea I was that angry. Like, I don't think I've ever consciously felt such a strong negative emotion about anything or anyone. I am disgusted with myself and I can't think straight.

6/9 lotto hits. Still no big money. My guess is that I'm still punishing myself here. That ends today.

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Long Form Album here. This is one of the greatest albums to come from the 90's. One should be very careful about their playlists.
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