
Jul 11, 2017 12:03

I swear to god that this is the most obnoxious occult arts and crafts project that I have ever attempted. The four of you, who still read this, better motherfucking "ooh and ahh" when it's done. After all, the only reason I post any of this is for your attention and approval.

(That's true but more than that I really just wanted to get this stuff out of my head)

This is an extremely long post. Like, I am almost 100% sure that this is the longest LJ post I have ever made. My suggestion is to use your time wisely. Okay.Thanks for listening. It means a lot.

The Chastity Belt of the Trinity and Her Adventures Across the 4th Dimension

I have this presentation on the Decans. So, of course, I had to add in my personal thoughts on Time, Christianity, and Systems Theory. This was my first mistake. Nobody knew what the fuck I was talking about.

[Several Pictures of Abstract Visual Puns. This is long and you can understand the rest of the post just fine by skipping it.]
The Chastity Belt of the Trinity.

I got this idea because Petrus Alfonsi's Tetragrammaton-Trinity diagram once reminded me of female sexual organs. I made this connection several years ago. And, clearly, I was hallucinating because that's not at all what The Tetragrammaton-Trinity seems to look like to me today.

My friend Debbie calls it The Hungry Tiger. When I mentioned to her that it looked like a 4-D rendering of a mons pubis, she said "Well, it does look like a Hungry Tiger." Make of that what you will. But, as a Julius Evola fan, I, for one, was made uncomfortable.

The Mary-Dios.

The Scutum Fidei (Shield of the Trinity) is a 3-d diagram that, in my view, seems to only work when God and The Girl are one.

Euclid's pretty clear. The least number of sides a three dimensional object can have is four. And, since we are dealing with The Regular Tetrahedron, the base must also be equal. And, every Wizard of the Coast knows, the tip and the base, are always equivalent values. So, when you try to visualize that narrative, you quickly note that the base must include another element.

You could pretty much make that anything you wanted. But, Mary is a big deal in Christianity. The Church is Christ's Bride.  Also, every Ancient Culture knew thought that fourteen year old girls had super powers.

I think this is a pretty reasonable connection to make.

Brutus, as you can see, is incredibly bored with these antics. This isn't his first BigTime 4-D Rodeo and he much prefers going outside instead. Really, he's got an excellent point.

The Karmamudrā

Western Mysticism's obsession with Hiros Gamos is in full force here. The Babylonian Game Rules are very explicit: You fuck a god and prove that you're potent, you get to run the world. That's the contract upon which all human civilization is based. It's the deal.

Bad things happen when you fuck with the deal..

It's funny, we always use some variation of the Sargon Narrative here. I just can't think of a single time we've ever talked about it in relationship to Mary. And, that's curious. First off, as previously shown,  you can't do the 4th Dimension without adding another point. And, second, The Church's job, in this whole scheme, is to go around and populate the Earth with Christ.

Anyway, for Ze Demiurge, this is an operation regarding progeny, palingenesis, metempsychosis, and the transmigration of souls. It really just depends on what you need to get done. Results do vary. It's not like you can or will only create one thing.

Also. This whole thing may seem a bit dangerous and potentially exploitive. That's true. Many a God-Empress has fallen from the unwary propagation of "magical children". It ain't always pretty. But, theoretically, it all comes out okay in the end. It is supposedly a self-correcting system

I'm with you, that sounds like total bullshit.

But, I like sex. I wanna live forever and like "making things" too. And, symbolically, as well as actually, this is how the babies are made. So, maybe, the knee jerk rapey vibe we get, is really a bit of our patriarchal bullshit chauvinism (Angra Mainyu) showing.

The Magic Dialectic.

Basic arithmetic. This is the simplest form of conversion. There are hundreds of useful forms of dialectic. But, they all start with this seed process. That's because our brians process new information this way. Here the entire process is defined as opposed to simply looking at the action, cause, or result.

Any given dialectical process, does not guarantee useful results. For example, out of the 256 logical syllogisms, only 24 are valid. And, out of the 24, only 12 are unique. (4.7%) Not for nothing, these syllogisms are divided into 4 distinct categories that correspond to the Greek vowels sounds A, E, I, O.

It's like how things like "Negative Numbers" aren't necessarily obviously useful. But, they are intuitively and logically present.

Mostly, it makes me think of semen. I mean, you know, how there's a large number of valid sperm. But, due to one thing or another, the actual chances of any given pollywog achieving conception is astonishingly small. How, despite that, a successful conception that results in a live birth is a pretty common thing.

The Ubermensch

Here you just have the high notes of basic chemical processes used in the manufacture of pigments, textiles, and various medicines. Concretely, going from black to red grossly describes the successful ancient processing of certain types of ochre and natron. You're literally talking about chemical reactions. From the point of view of cosmetics and textiles, it's something beautiful that adorns you. And, from the point of view of medicine, it's a thing that "saves you" and takes away pain.

Transubstantiation, Transmigration, Progeny, or regeneration makes no difference at all. Symbolically, the Rubedo, really, is just Something Good that's happened. It's a real live success.

This is the Voltron of Awesome. It might be easier to think about The Wrapper, if you look at it from a different point of view. This is just another way to illustrate the same information. Incidentally, there are in fact, 24 possible arrangements of these tiles, of which only 12 are unique.

Taken together, this can be thought of as a Jungian Plot Device Generator. I'm not sure you'd ever personally want to work with it like that. But, Gary Gygax became an absolute legend of suburban storytelling for his version of pretty-much-the-same-damn-thing.

The essence of a role-playing game is that it is a group, cooperative experience.
- GG

In my venerable opinion, people who don't like D20 just want to watch the world burn.

Rotation # 1:Nativism

Gygax is correct. The ability to generate a "cooperative group experince" is more or less the salient difference between the cosmology generated by some kook and Vahe Gurzadyan and Roger Penrose's Conformal Cyclic Cosmology.

The systems do logically fit together. But, lots of things can be "rationalized" to fit together.
More or less, after you have completed the relatively herculean task of figuring out how the pieces fit, you have to be willing to make some type of nice with other people. Otherwise, everything you come up with will just be treated as specious gibberish.

Solving "the problem" is not actually the hard part.

What I chose to do was demonstrate how the wrappers can be mapped on top of The Classical Elements. This study group is a class about gnostic neo-platonic Christianity. So, I thought, ya know, by relating it to "things already in play", we could start moving forward. That seemed to work okay. People were getting it. There were smiles.

{Note: The Wrappers are also actually also derived from The Classical Elements. But, that is terribly confusing to most people. So, I thought it'd be best to skip it.

You, Dear Reader, are made of stronger stuff. I think you can handle it: All the real shit and fake shit are fully derived from the same theological arithmetic. What separates one from the other is basically, popularity, attention, and usefulness. Also, Humorism is a basic form of set theory.}

Rotation #2: Trigonometry

Their minds were on fire! It was excellent.

Then I showed how the wrappers moved and retained consistency. That's sorta when things went off the rails. It became evident, in spite of all the enthusiasm, that no one really understood what I was getting at. They were all going off on Spiritism. And, I wanted them to go off on recreational mathematics and consciousness.

Clearly I had failed.

I was all smiles on the outside, but, I was distraught on the inside. I thought "Hey, maybe I actually have aspergers." I thought of my old friend katheudo who was last seen surreptitiously embedding his vortex experiments on a youtube channel that's ostensibly about cameras. I thought about Saint Wilhelm Reich and Saint Marshall Mcluhan. But, mostly, I thought about every kook who had touched the sun, or, crossed the abyss, and had come back permanently damaged.


I was rolling in nausea.

Belinda, who in real life plays the role of a gnostic Bowieized Holland Taylor, is the best. She started asking questions. But, they were different questions than what everyone else had.

1) How long did it take you to get your mind back?
2) Are you still twitchy?
3) Who did you choose as the avatar for your Animus?

!) About three years.
@) Inexplicably, far less than most people. It's actually quite surprising.
#) Jimi Hendrix.

Belinda thought that Hendrix was an especially good choice. She began to tell me about how, as a young woman, she was a groupie for The Experience. She shared personal details that I will not. But, needless to say, she told me all about his Big Rock Show.

image Click to view

Then she said "You know, it's hard to tell people, who've never gone through it, what it's really like to be pregnant."

This last statement really and truly made everything all better. In a way that few things ever had, I felt totally fucking understood. Until that moment, I hadn't fully realized that this was tremendous source of personal suffering. Her words were just a tremendous gift.

Maybe, I'll try talking about this again some other time.

I am quite used to being misunderstood. This is not such a big deal. But, I like it best when I'm understood. And, I'm not one of those Big Wigs who can communicate most effectively by making things as obscure and impenetrable as possible. Besides, this is actually some pretty basic kook shit. So, as one does, I made some visual aids. This time, things went much more smoothly.

{I don't recall ever seeing this specific explication, regarding the system of the Decans. And, if you've got some good paper on this, I'd love to see it. Obviously, there's a whole lot of Yantra and Jyotish overlap, but to the best of my knowledge, nobody's made this specific rationalization in the last couple of thousand years. But, girls, let me know if I'm mistaken.}

The Decans are a nearly 5000 year old astro-metrological system. Initially, they are 36 "lesser" stellar constellations. Later, they came to form passages of the underworld and their gods, Ishtar's Gate, and a bunch of other cuddly animals.

Their practical uses include measurement, navigation, time keeping, and geometry. They divide the solar year into 36 ten day periods. Their rising defines the hours of the night. And, their existence split the circle into 360 degrees. This was ultimately invaluable in being able to correlate and rationalize the time keeping and measurement systems of Egypt and Babylon. This whole scheme is essential to the development and adherence to the Metonic Cycle.

Also, unless you have a basic understanding of astronomy or astrology, all this will probably just look like a bunch of zodiac themed coasters. They are that too. So, that's just fine.

The Basic Elements.

[Basic Terms]

The Elemental Tetrahedron.

This is the most important tetrahedron on the table. Every single thing, in this astro-cosmology thought experiment, flows from the agreement that these Four units, when considered together, constitute the totality of differentiated/undifferentiated space.

Every subsequent element has within it similar agreements. The element itself, the planets, the zodiac signs that propagate from them, and the decans that propagate from them. Taken altogether, these agreements, or syzygy, create a 5-cell or a 4-dimensional tetrahedron.

(You can read more about that here)

So, when you consider the Elemental Tetrahedron, what you're looking at is a graphical representation of 5 5-cells*.

So far, Easy Peasy.

(*This actually means that they really represent far more multi-level pan dimensional shit. But, let's not get carried away. Metamodernism can be tricky.)


Earth, cold and dry.

Attracts and generates Saturn, Venus, and Mercury.

Capricorn (c), Taurus (f), and Virgo (m)


Water, cold and wet

Attracts and generates Luna, Mars, and Jupiter

Cancer (c), Scorpio (f), and Pieces (m)


Air, hot and wet

Attracts and generates Saturn, Mercury, and Venus

Libra (c), Aquarius (f), and Gemini (m)


Fire, hot and dry

Attracts and generates Sol, Mars, and Jupiter

Aries (c), Leo (f), and Sagittarius (m)

One thing that's important to note is that everything you're about to see is a set of multi-layered isometric projections and optical illusions. There are no Stars, Cubes, or Triangles (beyond the shapes of the cabochons themselves). The symbols and colors are actually there. They are in sequential order. But, every single shape and relationship recognized is actually a projection of your own imagination.

The Fire and Water Cubes.

[(click to open)]


Sun and Moon

The Earth and Air Cubes

[(click to open)]



Also, we do know a little bit about what the Sumerians Babylonians used.

The Ziggurat Cubes.

[(click to open)]

These are roughly the colors and specifically the symbols that they used to build the ziggurat. They did not use this shape. They used squares and Pythagorean triangles instead. They were very big on A^2 + B^2 = C^2. This is fine. We can still get the same 4-d informes. Below are the orthographic projections of the Standard 5-cell and the rectified 5-cell.

(Pretty much, I was not up for springing for Right-Angled Cabusions that day. I might do that some other time. They are neat!)

This is real shit. None the less, I like to call them Greece, Babylon, and Egypt. You'll note that the A2 rectified projection is, in fact, the Seal of Solomon. Clearly, I have quite a grudge.

Coxeter plane





Dihedral symmetry

orthographic projections

Coxeter plane





Dihedral symmetry

Following all that, it becomes obvious that these two are equivalent. Apparently, Algebra has significantly more mystical connotations than previously suspected. The word Algebra roughly translates to "The Balancing." One suspects that might have been my first clue. But, sometimes, I have the dumb.

Transposition of Terms.

The Babylonian Time Machine.

Just like Hot Tub Time Machine but with more biblical implications. Really, it's just a very trippy calendar clock. The Boxy Version creates the Square Horoscope and Astral Charts everyone is more familiar with. Honestly, I have no real idea why this version has gone so undersold for the last couple of centuries. It's fucking genius.

The Swastika

The Other Foot Print of Buddha.

There's a ton you can say about these two. But, these do form the basis of what a ton of people call "Vortex Mathematics" and various "Vortex Energy" theories. I don't know enough about that, to talk about it coherently. Maybe, I'll come to a better understanding of them later.

Regardless, those are pretty familiar symbol sets for people into Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism and Tantra.

The Song of The Sirens

[(click to open)]

The Ineffable Name.

Right. So that's the Whole Happy Family. I almost named this one "Fuck You in Your Fucking Face, Pascal" You can put these in any number of mindblowing sequences. But, these are just arranged in a linear zodiac order.

The content of the arrangements has a real tendency to take over. Content is important, don't get me wrong. But, the functioning logic and structure of the lattices is what really makes creation and symbolic transposition possible.

Also, it makes everyone with site hallucinate. Bravo, Ancients. Bravo.

The Merkabah of Gudea.

Yeah, it's really like that.

These solutions were generated using the Triplicities. The Chaladen method only has one (really two) solutions. It looks just like this. But, it's only possible for the outer or inner points to retain a logical consistency. You can't have both. And, the solution is either Mars or Saturn, depending on how you start the count.

I have choice words about the Chaladen method. (theocratic patriarchy) But, the main gripe is that it's not actually the Babylonian way. At best, -and this is somewhat unlikely- it's an arrangement taken from a temple of Nergal or Ninurta. The order itself, as given by Lilly and Agrippa, contains some not so insignificant blinds.

Magicians, feel free to talk amongst yourselves.

Well, that's the show.

Please support my fantasy Etsy Empire and subscribe to my Patreon!
(Note: I don't actually have any of those accounts)

But, if you actually want one, send me your address and I'll happily send one out to you.

And still, Brutus remains wholly unimpressed. Just look at that disinterested fat bastard. Just you know, his total lack of interest is why I subject you fine people to this crap.


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