So, it's been six months.

May 02, 2011 19:03

So, once I graduated, it was mainly about finding a job.

I thought I could stay at the Hampton, but recent events have made that hope null and void. At first, I wasn't getting enough hours, and then someone left and I got to learn audit, which helped in that regard. Unfortunately, one of my co-workers, for some reason, told my new boss (Jeff was fired at the beginning of the year, Tom's only been working with us about two months now) that I was finding a new job, so he already interviewed and hired someone without my knowledge. (Last Friday, he apparently scheduled her to come in and train for night audit. With me. On a night when the whole hotel was full and we happened to have the system down.) And, honestly, people have stopped caring there. The only people I will miss there are Julia and Jenn, otherwise I'm done.

Right now, I'm waiting to hear back from a job in Arlington, VA and I'm really hoping I get it. Partly because I need to stop working at the Hampton, but I don't want to be without a job, either. It's a difficult situation that I'm trying to get myself out of. Lately, that's taking up a lot of my time. Just...trying not to be negative on the internet when I'm just being anxious and icky.

I've been completely awful with keeping up with my flist, but once I get a job and am properly able to settle down, I'll be more in touch with fandom, I promise! :3 Especially with a new season of boys coming up!

The reason I haven't been drawing anything or writing anything is because, honestly, I'm working really hard on the scifibigbang with the SPN!Wonderland!AU. (I'm just writing the story, which is looking to be huge, so I'm going to let someone else do the art. :3) allhisengines has been a wonderful sport in helping me with some of the details, and now I think I'm ready to write!

The only place I've really been active is Twitter, because it's easy to still keep in touch with people without having to be bogged down with too many things. So, if you want to keep touch with me, even when I'm absent on LJ, Twitter is a great place. :D (My tweeter name is sweet_clockwork.)

Like I said, once I get settled down in an area and get into a new job, I'll be here a LOT more often. It's been tough these past few months, but I'm sure things will start looking up again. :3

I love you, bbs! <3

hi headquarters, hiatus is a bitch, real life

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