GBB ART: Opened Up The Doors

Mar 10, 2011 13:47

Title: Opened Up The Doors
Author: blueskypenguin @ nataliejfics
Genre/Pairing: Slash, romance, drama.
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~15,400
Warnings/Spoilers: God as a flawed character, attempted genocide. AU post-5.14: My Bloody Valentine. Continues my Help ‘Verse.

Summary: Lucifer’s done, finished, and the apocalypse is over - though apparently, no-one told the demons and horsemen. God puts the boys on clean-up duty but their plan requires a deal with Death and it may well cost one angel his soul-mate. Meanwhile, Heaven has to adjust to a new mandate and the return of their Father with Sammael. It’s a fine line to walk, between allowing your angels free will and maintaining authority on that celestial plane, and one archangel is finding the reality of God’s return more difficult to handle than he’d imagined - all of which spells potential disaster for humanity.

Artist: lilchibibunny
Art link: Art Masterlist - you're here!

NOTE: My image isn't a spoiler, but the explanation for it is. Not to mention this story (and the series it's a part of) is great so I would highly suggest reading it! If you aren't going to read it before and you don't want to spoil yourself, just don't read my comments, view the sketches, and then come back. :3


So, not gonna lie, my original sketch for this was AWFUL. (Mods can attest.) But I had a good idea - I wanted to show Gabriel and Cas in one part of the story where they are about to do some crazy awesome things (I don't really want to spoil it) and I was like, "I want to draw them with the BAMF wings and all." SO. Good idea, I just had to work on it. So I expanded my canvas and drew almost exactly what I wanted. Problem is? IT'S HUGE. And when I mean huge, I mean like 4000x2000 pixels. Why am I explaining this? To tell you all the images under the cut are ENORMOUS. (The close-ups are from the actual full picture, so they are just as big as the down-size full-version.) If your browser doesn't like that, I'll put some links down below so you can view them one by one.

LET'S GET TO THE GOOD STUFF. Since my original execution sucked and I wanted to make the main piece good, there's sadly only one actual picture from the story. I'll update this post with sketches later, but right now let's get to the good stuff, hmn?

Remember above when I said this was huge? This is cutting it down 50 percent. WHEW. But I'm actually really satisfied with the result. This is the scene where Castiel and Gabriel are getting ready to smack the whammy on this seal and suck all the demons back into hell. Now, the actual scene is very rainy and the Winchesters are getting all wet and soaked, but Gabriel and Castiel have some kind of nice angel shield to prevent that. I kept them windswept for a little dramatic effect, and to be honest, I left the canvas blank because I didn't want rain textures or effects getting in the way of what I wanted you guys to see. Besides, the guys aren't getting wet and the rain isn't the point. (Sam or Dean would also be in the middle of them, but I wanted the focus on the angels and not the wet Winchester of choice, so I took them out.)

I asked blueskypenguin how she wanted the wings, and she said she imagined Castiel's wings to be dark and shadowy (like in the show) and Gabriel's wings white with silver. Because silver would just end up coming out grey, I told her I would add some gold tips to the wings. (After all, Gabriel's a fancy archangel, we'll spruce him up with some fancy wings!) I didn't want to draw Castiel's wings completely black, so I added some blue shadowing and outline to make it interesting. (The pure black with the blue outline looked very surreal, so I decided on more of a grey to make it work better. I drew Castiel's wings a little bit more of a organic shape to them to symbolize more of a change from his status on Earth as a solider to a higher status, hence some straight wings but still a bit on the wonky side. (It doesn't say in the story that Gabriel has four wings, but I added another tier just to differentiate between the two.)

I've always liked the idea of archangels having crown!halos instead of regular circle halos. Since Cas has been promoted to be an archangel (thanks to God), I thought it would be a nice idea to have that in there. Gabriel's is very long and tall, while Castiel gets the shorter, sturdier crown since he's a brand-new archangel.

This is actually the first digital drawing I've done with no single solid color outline! I liked the effect it had and, although a bit more time consuming since I'm constantly switching colors, I think it comes off better here than if I had done a single outline of just one color.

Close-Ups: - Gabriel - Castiel

(Since the close-ups are so large, I decided to just put the link.)

Although I feel I could have done better with Cas, I liked how Gabriel came out and considering it's his Big Bang, that's what I'm most concerned about. :3

NOT EVEN GONNA LIE - I totally picked this fic because it was a crossover with Good Omens, which is one of my favorite books ever since my bb sent me a copy with the order that I read it immediately. I've never drawn GO fanart before, so I was like, "Maybe I'll try it out?" So as a bonus, have a little Arizaphale and Crowley!

I tried to keep Crowley a little closer to the SPN version without totally forsaking the GO version. As a result, Crowley's hair more resembles the SPN version...and they both wear suits anyway so that wasn't a problem. For those of you who haven't read GO, Crowley has yellow eyes, which is why he wears sunglasses everywhere. I downplayed the yellow a little and gave him regular pupils.

Arizaphale's sweater is my fave part. Again, for those of you unaware, Arizaphale has a perchant for unusual (and usually hideous) sweaters, so I tried to go for that without making it offensive to the eyeballs. And I had to give him little pink cheeks, I couldn't help myself.

I showed this to my bb, who actually is a head of the GO Lexicon, and she thought it was good, so I thought I would go ahead and tack it on as a little extra. :D

And that's it! For those of you with browsers that can't handle ten thousand huge photos at once, here are the links:
Final Picture:
Close-Up (Gabriel):
Close-Up (Castiel):
Arizaphale and Crowley:

:D A HUGE THANK YOU TO blueskypenguin FOR BEING SUCH AN AMAZING PERSON. My e-mails were all wonky and blah and she was just super sweet forever. And I think this is her first big bang! SO READ HER STORY BECAUSE SHE NEEDS TO DO ANOTHER ONE. <3

gabriel makes everything ~*~hard~*~, gabriel big bang, cas is the prettiest of them all, art

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