Hotel Behavior, these Stupid "Tea Parties", MyBrute, and MICROEXPRESSIONS HOLLA

Apr 12, 2009 20:21

Because I think it would be useful on a general basis, and I really need to start writing again:

Do's and Do Not's for Staying at Hotels

This first one is a very important one:
DO make sure you are nice to the Front Desk. Those people that check you in? Believe it or not, they pretty much run the show. They check you in, check you out, they basically make sure your stay is a good one. At the Hampton they will do everything humanly possible to make sure your stay is a good one. So treat them nice. Why do this? First off, they are taking you in. (Little-known fact: They can kick you out.) Second, they want to help you. And when you are nice to them, odds are they are going to go out of their way to make you happy because they like you.

DON'T get frustrated when things happen. Frustration is relatively an uncontrollable emotion, but keep a happy face on. The Front Desk staff is feeling twice as bad as you are because the last thing they want is someone angry and making their job twice as hard. (See to Do #1.)

DO take down any information they give you when you make your reservation. Hampton Inn gives a confirmation number whenever a reservation finishes, and if you call over the phone to ask about your upcoming stay, they will no doubt ask you for it. Not only is it easier for them to bring up your reservation, when you come in, they can just plug in into the computer for easy access! And in the event they say they have "lost" your reservation, they can pull it up via the comfirmation number. Without it, your reservation will probably stay lost. So write it down (and type it in somewhere) and make sure you can bring it out when it comes time for you to check-in. It's so much easier for you and the hotel.

DON'T get drunk at anytime in a hotel. If you do, make sure not to disturb anyone, be that the front desk or the room next to you. You will be kicked out. (Especially if you are underage and/or have underage drinking buddies.)

DO keep quiet. A quiet hotel is a happy hotel. Not only does noise disturb people, it also disturbs the staff. No one wants it. Keep it down.

DON'T get haughty with the Front Desk. You cop an attitude, the less respect and response you'll get. No one likes it.

DO keep kids under control. If there are kids acting out in areas, feel free to tell them to stop. They may not listen, but then again if they are running around a hotel without supervision, obviously their parents do not care much about them. When you tell kids in the pool to stop the backflips or to stop running in the halls, the hotel staff will love you and want to hug you.

DON'T ask for pillows or towels or blankets at 10:45 PM. Chances are the shifts are just changing, and no one is going to want to get them for you. (I don't care if you've been out all day and just got in the room. Deal with it and then ask for it in the morning.) Asking for items late at night is no good anyway; you have a much better chance at getting things in the morning when the hotel is busy and bustling with all its staff.

DO feel free to chat with any the staff. Odds are they are nice people and like conversing with people. (Why else would they be working at a hotel?) Especially chat when you are there a lot or for long periods of time.(See Do #1.)

DON'T be an asshole just because you are a respected member of some hotel points system. Don't say to yourself, "Because I am a high-ranking member of [insert hotel company rewards program here], they better get me what I want." They will probably try their best to get you what you want, but only because it's their job. If they saw you on the street, they would probably want to spit on you. Don't act upper society even if most would consider you such. The more down-to-earth you are, the more you will be liked. (Can also relate to Do #1.)

DO be open. People can tell whether or not you are being nice or you are just cranky. If you come in happy to see them, they will return the favor. If you come in tired and nasty, they only be as nice as they have to be. Start up conversations, be friendly! You can't imagine how many people do not take this do seriously, but it is important.

DON'T call people nicknames like 'honey' or 'sweetheart' if you are a guy. We have nametags for a reason.

I know most of these are common sense, but you'd be surprised. Anyway, more for myself than for you guys, but feel free to read.

Psssssssssssst: a microexpression text! A hard one. Tell me your scores, I'm dying to know! (I think I got two wrong my first go? I don't like taking them over, it's pretty much cheating.)

Tea Parties on April 15th - Has anyone seen this? Because let me tell you right now, calling this a "tea party" and basing it on the American Revolution is sickening. Try the French Revolution and we'd be more on the ball. (I understand they are trying to be patrotic, but we are rebelling against our own taxes, not a colony rebelling against the taxes of the mother country. This is about government spending, not the king taking money. Seriously, not cool in my book.) I am all about the people coming together and I do agree that something needs to be done about our ever-growing debt, but please leave our founding fathers out of this. They were fighting for freedom and independence, and these quotes they are using are from people trying to support a foundling government they were trying to keep as far from corruption as they could. (Obviously, you cannot really seperate corruption and power.) We are fighting for taxes and against a new president's bill, a president who has barely had a half-year in office. Do we really think that four months in office is going to do anything to an economy that has been going down the drain for at least a year if not more? I don't know.

MyBrute may be stupid but I freaking love it. It's basically you name and create this little fighter and get them to kick butt! The fights are automated and you can only fight so much per day, but you can create as many of them as you want! Go oooooon, click it.

I think I've written far too much and need to go back to drawing pictures of Elizabeth I. (She had the best outfits ever.)

[elizabeth I was the shit, man]

hi headquarters, elizabeth i the ass kicker!, mybrute, tea parties my ass, microexpressions, life in general

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