Nov 18, 2005 15:55
Well since the banquet, I've been better. The bandquet last Saturday was sad... very sad. I got to see my line again all together minus my number 2. They gave me the best gift ever. I loved all of it, except the one pink thing. I hope they loved theirs. It's sad that it's over, I actually came close to crying but I didn't. It's over, I dont really regret anything and I am actually relieved that it's over. It was a long hard season and I'm so proud of my line. Never before have I ever been so proud of any underclassman, my friends, my little brothers and sister, of how great they did at states. I'm so proud of them. That was the best line I've ever been in (no offense Alex and this is my opinion).
I'm just so mad that I'm the only one that's leaving. That, that line will be the same just with out me. Next year it will be even better because everyone has gotten that much better from practicing for a year. I'm just sad that I have to leave after 4 years of marching band. I pass it on to my wingwoman and I know she will be great next year too. My little freshmen, sophomores and Jason and Kayla , have grown up. I've never been so proud of all of them.
States was amazing, and I thank my line for this great year and a strong finish. Sates was our best run through, and that's how it should be. I love you WLC 2005 Drumline, this is for you guys...
The girl that led you, the one who yelled at you for not doing your job, who made you do push ups for coming to practice late, the one who would slap you for making the same mistake over and over again, and the one who believed in all of you and never lost faith- Andi
PS I will try and come up next year and see you, and the next couple of year.