Don't forget my little shoe

Nov 30, 2010 22:15

I am somewhat amused by the fact that, two entries ago, I wrote about not buying stuff. And in my last entry, I wrote about toys. I should clarify - I don't object to stuff (though I think most people have far too much and care about it more than they should) I object to the giving of random trinkets just because you think you need to give someone something. For example, one of my dear Aunts gives my family random kitschy decorations every year, probably because she has no idea what else to get us. I'd far rather she sent a nice card and saved her money, or donated it to charity instead if she is so inclined.

Anyway. Since we're on a materialism streak here, I will make the rest of this entry about various Christmas things too.

I suppose I should report that I have finished my Christmas shopping/ordering/whatever you want to call it. Now I just need it all to arrive before the necessary dates (first White Elephant exchange is Dec 11th). The components of Shaun's gift arrived yesterday and now I just need to assemble it. For now, I'm not saying what it is here because I think the little sneak reads my blog! (I know I could just lock it but I don't feel like it right now...)

I also worked on my cards a bit. Most of the pieces are all cut out so those just need to get assembled too. I was going to do a fancy thing with the sewing machine to add oomph to the cards, and I'll try it, but I may end up skipping that embellishment to save time.

Also, I am super duper excited about my charity present this year. I usually do Santa For Seniors but I couldn't find one of their trees this year, so I picked a name from the Salvation Army's Angel Tree instead. I immediately knew which Angel I had to pick when I found the 12 year old boy whose only wish is a telescope. A kid after my own heart! I'm buying him a real telescope since I know one of the worst things you can do to a kid with an astronomy interest is to buy him a toy telescope from a department store. I'm so excited for it to come, I feel like I should have ordered two so I could keep one. XD

Finally, I would just like to say how happy it makes me that Josh Groban's Noël album includes the song "Petit Papa Noël". I've loved it ever since I was a kid and had the Raffi version... it's such a sweet carol.

Petit papa Noël
Quand tu descendras du ciel
Avec des jouets par milliers
N'oublie pas mon petit soulier.
Mais avant de partir
Il faudra bien te couvrir
Dehors tu vas avoir si froid
C'est un peu à cause de moi.

holidays, gifts

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