(no subject)

Mar 23, 2010 13:35

Small political rant.

In order to preserve Julia's sanity regarding discussion of U.S. political issues, the following rules will immediately take effect. (And I really shouldn't have to say this, but I'm not speaking to any one group in particular. All are equally guilty.)

1. Stop with the slippery slope scare tactics. They're annoying. And completely unhelpful in facilitating a well-reasoned debate.

2. Speaking of well-reasoned debate, if you are going to debate, please know what the hell you are talking about. Spewing random unfounded partisan crap helps nobody. If you don't know what the hell you are talking about, do some research before opening your mouth.

3. Don't be blinded by partisanship. I'm really tired of reading that "all Republicans are dumb hicks who can't spell" and that "all Democrats are communist baby-killers." Grow up.

4. Along those same lines, I would really like it if we could move past this "my way or the highway" mentality. What happened to compromise and cooperation? Seems like that would be far more conducive to making progress in legislation, rather than sitting in the stagnant pool of political quagmire we're in right now.

5. And finally, for the love of Pete, can the "The American people want/think/are XYZ" bullshit. The American people are nothing but divided right now. Show me one person who is for the health-care bill, and I will show you one who is not. And vice versa, ad infinitum. And not just on this health-care legislation, but every other contentious issue in America. I am tired of people assuming that they know what I want because it is what they want. I have my own opinions, thank you very much.


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