(no subject)

Mar 21, 2010 20:12

Well, I'm now finished with what is quite possibly the last Spring Break I'll ever get. That's kind of a depressing thought, isn't it? I wish I could say I made it an awesome one by going to some exciting new place or doing something crazy like BASE jumping, but alas not. Instead, I spent most of the week in exotic Bloomington and I think it turned out to be just the sort of break I needed. A chance to relax and get away from school and job worries for a little while.

I really can't express just how nice it was to be able to spend time with Shaun every day for an entire week. We did everyday, boring things like buy groceries, cook for each other, watch movies and go on walks. And I loved all of it. Shaun wasn't able to take any time off work while I was there, so he was gone during the days, but I found things to do on my own (and didn't get nearly enough homework done, but oh well) and we just spent the late afternoons and evenings together. The only downside is now spending a day or two together here and there isn't quite good enough anymore, though it will simply have to do for now. Maybe in May if I don't have a job yet, I'll take another week or so off work and spend it in Bloomington. That would be nice.

Wednesday night, Shaun took me to the game store for some D&D. It was cool to be able to play with some new people and experience different people's playing styles. I got to play with two different groups, one that I liked and one that was a little bit annoying. Playing with the one I liked really made me want to find a group to play with here. And it even gave me a bit of an appreciation for 4th Ed., but don't tell anybody. Not that I have any time for D&D, but I can dream.

These next two months are going to be so crazy. Not even two months - seven weeks. I've got my work cut out for me, and right now I'm trying really hard not to be overwhelmed. It would be so easy just to shut down and avoid my work until the last possible second, but I really can't do that. My stuff isn't spread out in a way that makes that even remotely possible. I've got 13 major deadlines in the next seven weeks, and several of them happen on the same day. April 7th in particular is a big one - I've got a website project and presentation due in one class; I need to have an abstract/outline for our major research paper in another class, plus ideas for my class facilitation later in the month (meaning I have to have read all of the materials for it); AND to top it all off, my graduation poster is due, with presentations two days later. That's a lot for one day. If I spread it out, it can be done. But it will require some self-discipline, which I am not very good at when it comes to schoolwork.

Remaining Spring 2010 Deadlines

March 24 - Public Libraries - Literature Review: The Future of Public Libraries

March 25 - BPL - Dick and Jane: Library Online Resources

March 29 - Cataloging - Exam 1 (ICON)

April 7 - Public Libraries - Website Project and Presentation

April 7 - History of Readers and Reading - Meet with JBP about Class Facilitation and Research Project (Have abstract/outline ready) -- POSTPONED to April 12

April 7 - SLIS - Posters Due via Email by Noon

April 9 - SLIS - Poster Presentation

April 19 - Cataloging - Description Graded Exercise (ICON)

April 21 - History of Reading and Readers - Class Facilitation

April 28 - History of Reading and Readers - Research Project

May 5 - Public Libraries - Facilitating Change Project and Presentation

May 5 - History of Reading and Readers - Ex Libris Essay (ICON)

May 12 - Cataloging - Exam 2 (ICON)

I need to pep myself up for this stuff otherwise I can see myself getting horribly stressed out and depressed. I'm a bit of a worrier to start with and stress makes it way worse. But I can do it. Objectively, I know it's stupid to waste time and avoid work because I'm worrying about the work. Forcing myself to do significant quality work every day without wasting time worrying will be hard, but I can do it. I have to do it. I really don't have much of a choice if I want to stay remotely sane. It's go time. I can do it!

shaun, d&d, life, library school

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