Oct 02, 2004 17:07
// Series One - Yourself
-- Name: Tina
-- Birthdate: 11-20-88
-- Birthplace: ktown
-- Current Location: west pittston
-- Eye Color: blueish
-- Hair Color: Brown
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty
-- Zodiac Sign: scorpio
-- Innie or Outtie: Innie
// Series Two - Describe
-- The shoes you wore today: adidas slides
-- Your hair: Straight
-- Your weakness: sportss
-- Your fears: haha
-- Your perfect pizza: im not picky with that
-- One thing you'd like to achieve: heheheeee
// Series Three - What Is
-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: holding down a key
-- Your thoughts first waking up: what am i gunna wear
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: teeth
-- Your best physical feature: eyes
-- Your bedtime: when im tired
-- Your greatest accomplishment: hmm...
-- Your most missed memory: =(
// Series Four - You Prefer
-- Pepsi or coke: coke
-- McDonald's or Burger King: none
sINGLe or group dates: Single
-- Adidas or Nike: Nike
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino
-- Bras or Panties: ughh?
// Series Five - Do You
-- Smoke: I have like twice
-- Cuss: you know it
-- Take a shower everyday: Yes
-- Have a crush(es): ehh not sure
-- Do you think you've been in love: ack, no
-- Want to go to college: si
-- Like high school: sure why not
-- Want to get married: Yes
-- Believe in yourself: mhmm
-- Think you're attractive: kinda
-- Think you're a health freak: Sometimes
-- Get along with your parents: only my dad
-- Like thunderstorms: no, they are scurry
//Series Six - In The Past Month, Did/Have You
-- Drank alcohol: nope
-- Smoke(d): No
-- Done a drug: No
-- Have Sex: nope
-- Made Out: Yes
-- Go on a date: nah
-- Go to the mall?: Yes
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: nah
-- Been on stage: Yes .. for dance class =D hahaha
-- Been dumped: ehhh
-- Made homemade cookies: nope
// Series Seven - Have You Ever
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: yes
-- If so, was it mixed company: yes
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yes
-- Been caught "doing something": by friends, not family.
-- Been called a tease: YES!
-- Gotten beaten up: No
-- Shoplifted: No
-- If so, did you get caught: No
-- Changed who you were to fit in: No
// Series Eight - The Future
-- Age you hope to be married: 28-29
-- Numbers and Names of Children: not sure
-- Descibe your Dream Wedding: in the fall!!
-- How do you want to die: In my sleep
-- Where you want to go to college: i have a few in mind
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: sports agent
-- What country would you most like to visit: Ireland
// Series Nine - Opposite Sex
-- Best eye color? Blue
-- Best hair color? Blonde/ brown
-- Short or long hair?: long
-- Best height: taller than me
-- Best articles of clothing: preppy look!!
-- Best first date location: idk
-- Best first kiss location: not sure
// Series Ten - Number Of
-- Number of boyfriends you've had: a few
-- Number of girlfriends: None
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 4 or 5
-- Number of CDs that I own: A lot
-- Number of piercings: 2
-- Number of tattoos: None
-- Number of scars on my body: tons
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: a few
// Sereis Eleven - The Last...
-- Movie you rented? Mean Girls
-- Movie you bought? Mean Girls
-- Song you listened to: not sure.
-- Song that was stuck in your head? she will be loved
-- Song you've downloaded? i dont d/l
-- CD you bought? hmm?
-- CD you listened to? a burned one
-- books you have bought? not sure.
-- Person you've called? Chels
-- Person that's called you? Colleen
-- TV show you've watched? room raiders
-- Person you were thinking of? hmmm...=P
// Series Twelve - Misc.
-- You have a b/f or g/f?: no
-- You have a crush on someone? ehh
-- You wish you could live somewhere else? Sure
-- You think about suicide?: No
-- You believe in online dating? No
-- Others find you attractive? as far as i know, a few.
-- You want more piercings? not sure, i want my eyebrow..=P
-- You want more tattoos? No
-- You drink? yes
-- You do drugs? No
-- You smoke? No
-- You like cleaning? no
-- You like roller coasters? Hell yeahh
-- You write in cursive or print? cursive
-- You carry a donor card? No
// Seriies Thirteen - For Or Against...
-- Long distance relationships? Depends
-- Using someone: Negative
-- Suicide? Against
-- Killing people? Against
-- Teenage smoking? whatever.
-- Doing drugs? whatever
-- Premarital sex? ehh why not
-- Driving drunk? Against
-- Gay/lesbian relationships? ack
// Series Fourteen - Favorite...
-- Soap operas? none
-- Food? sushi
-- Song? to manyy
-- Thing to do? be w/my friends
-- Thing to talk about? HAHA
-- Sport? lax, or field hockey
-- Drink? water
-- Clothes? american eagleee
-- Favorite shoes? my clogsss
-- Movie? mean girls
-- Band? to many
-- Holiday? the 4th
-- Cars? any kind of outie
// Series Fifteen - What Are You Right Now...
-- Shampoo do you use? pantene proV
-- Perfume do you use? light blue
-- Shoes do you wear? none at the moment
// Series Sixteen - In The Past 24 Hours Have You
-- had a serious talk? No
-- hugged someone? mhmm
-- fought with a friend? No, well does play fighting count?
-- cried? No
-- laughed? Yes
-- made someone laugh? Yes
-- bought something? No
-- cut your hair? no
-- felt stupid? yesterday!
-- talked to someone you love? nope, i dont "L" word anyone
--jerked off? i cant say i have since i dont have a penis.