Oct 02, 2004 11:18
So last night Smurph came over and we watched mean girls, and when she left Joe came over for a little bit. Today I think Im going with him to clean the inside of his car, because its gross I even told him that. We talked about the stupidest things =P Im gunna really miss him next year, we became so close in the past three years=( awhhh that joseph! haha
Sarah Pellegrini got her permit! Im waiting to find out how smurph did...=) 1 month and 18days left for me til I can go for mine! It's fun being one of the oldest outta your friends at school, Im the third oldest outta all of us. whoo hoo!=P
Lea and I went to the freshman game today, it was beat, I hadda go though because my brother plays, yeish. haha
okayy bitches im out laterrr.