Sep 03, 2004 23:44
Are people not listening to me? I feel like I've been repeating myself OVER and OVER...I am just so frustrated right now..I don't even know what to expect..but It's driving me nuts. It's like people don't have time for me or they don't really care.
uhm yeah, so I told Alex how it bothers me when I say something/anything and he'll be like "cool" or "sounds fun" or "okay"..about EVERYTHING I say. E v e r y l i t t l e t h i n g! It just makes me think that he doesn't care about what I have to say b/c he doesn't ask questions or give his opinion a lot of the time...He says it's because he doesn't know what to say, but why is it that he always does that? Am I really that boring? Apparently so, I mean hearing everyone talk about their lives lately, yeah I am boring. I feel like such a fucking loser. I think people are just trying to be nice to me, when they in fact DO NOT CARE!
uhm yeah, so I've been busy all week..Today I watched tv, Kevin and Amy stopped by for an hour visit and I was talking with them, then I was on the phone for a little bit..Then I took a bath. Then I went and was on the phone with Alex for like 5 mins..Then I went to Walmart and was there for like almost an hour buying things on my list that I need, though there is probably more that I need, Oh Well! Came home...Ate a can for supper, how appetizing. I've lived off of those cans..uhm, then I drove to Work, hung out for a bit there and said bye bye to Brandy. Did I mention I hate saying bye? I said bye to Steve last night..It's like really sad and bothers me b/c I'm afraid that the friendships will all end and I will get replaced with people who are their new friends..uhm then I went to Alex's house, was there from like 7:30-11pm..*sigh* Now I'm home. Still need to pack...I haven't done my clothes yet, or even tested out the fridge...and I can't just leave the stuff in wal mart bags...Mostly everything is categorized by like "office supplies" "hygiene" or "random" I need to finish with that..Did I mention I'm a huge procrastinator?
GOD I can't wait to get out of here, yet at the same time I am just REALLY REALLY afraid of what is going to happen between me and my friends here in town and between Alex and myself. I hate not knowing the answers to what I want to know...........