Anybody see "Iron Jawed Angels"? Usually played on Lifetime, it features the story of Alice Paul, a famous women's suffragettes, and what she did to help get women the right to vote. It is an inspiring story that moves the soul of those who watch it
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Serious mode:
There should NEVER be a need for an abortion. That being said, I'm not against women having an abortion, if the situation requires it. A friend of a friend (not kidding here) had to get an abortion not too long ago. She originally wanted to keep the child. However, medical complications prevented her from being able to do so, so they had to abort. THAT, I don't have a problem with.
What I am against is smart people making stupid-ass choices, and then throwing away the results of those choices like trash. Sex is beautiful, it is a gift and I hope one day I'll find someone that I can share that gift with for the rest of my natural days. What sex is NOT, is a game. You knock boots without preventative measures and there's a pretty good chance you'll end up with a little something a few months down the road. That kinda is the point to copulation.
What is best for Americans? Personally, I think you should all give up on being Americans and go back to the British Commonwealth. (the Queen's a lot easier to look at than Bush anyways. =D ) On a more serious note, it shouldn't be 'go fuck whoever you want, as long as you use protection.' I know for a fucking fact that school counsellours are instructed not to discourage underage sex. They just hand them a condom and tell them to be careful.
Anyone else see something wrong with this picture? I do.
Sex education should be about not only how the plumbing works but how it should be used with respect of the other party and with respect for the consequences. As a Christian, I believe in the sanctity of sex and that it should be confined to marriage. As a person who is all to familiar with human nature, I know that not everyone subscribes to my set of beliefs.
I guess what I'm saying is that it's not abortion that's the problem. It's what made it necessary that is the problem.
Use your brain, America. The rest of the world hates you for a lot of reasons, and one of the main ones is that, as a whole, you're a bunch of fucking morons. Start proving them wrong. Prove -ME- wrong.
As for vamping sex education, I'm all there and with you. I think the "abstinence-only" bullshit doens't work. Hell, we KNOW it doesn't work through numerous studies. And while teaching the how, why, and this is how you don't get might not help too much, it will sink into more heads than just saying "Don't have sex because God says so and it makes me feel icky".
So what exactly about abortion being made necessary is a problem? Take my example. I have sex with my husband, we have protection that is 99% failsafe (because there is no 100% failsafe) and I get pregnant. Obviously I didn't want to become pregnant and I don't want a child right now. Now lets add that I find adoption immoral because it is a racist system and there are already 500,000 children waiting for adoption. What about my abortion would make it a problem?
America is a bunch of fucking morons, yes. When they want to control its people from doing what they have every right to do. We have the right to privacy...unless Bush is tapping your phone for terrorists. We have the right to saftey...except when attacks are predetermined and ignored, thus resulting in a 9/11 catastrophe. We have the right to bodily integrety...until a crazed bunch of people claim that the little group of cells in my womb, no larger than a grain of rice, is of more value than I am.
Yeah. America, Fuck you.
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