Today Lilah learned that she should not pick up 80 lbs of chicken. This result in pulling of muscles in the back. Not terrible bad, but it hurt enough that I asked to be sent home from BT. Felt kinda bad, cuz I hurt my back at FB not at BT and to my mind it kinda sucks to screw over one job when it's the fact that I work with lazy boys at the other one.
So I got to come home early took some pills with the hope that the muscles will relax. Hopefully I'll be fine come tomorrow. But Lilah has definitely learned her lesson.
On brighter notes. And a bit more frivolous. I decided to take a stab at NaNoWriMo this year. Last year my friend M'inda tried it, figure that even if I don't succeed it'll be worth the effort. Maybe my muses will stir off their lazy tails and the creative powers will flow again. Think I might post some of my old fanfics here so that I can easily look them over and remind myself that yes I can write when I put my mind to it.
Also I figured I'm a little overdue for my moment of pimping an artist. He doesn't have much on his DeviantArt account but it's worth a quick looksee.
Konami-satellite The Portrait of a Dragoon picture was one of the ones he had at Archon for sale, but after spending 45 bucks on the pictures of Sephiroth and Kowru I definitely couldn't afford it. But I think it's well worth a looksee, so look it, lookit!