Jul 31, 2006 10:23

After 2 1/2 LOOOOONG years I am finallly leaving walmart! This goodbye is way the hell over due.
That place drives me absolutely crazy. Although sometimes i have a good time, most of the time i'm pissed off at a certain person or a customer ruins my day or alot of the time, it's just walking in the building that pisses me off and brings me down. NO MORE!
I got a job at Mississauga Community Living. I dont know if i'm going to enjoy it or not but we'll see. Have to give it a shot! I'm going to be working in a house with 4 people who live there. The 4 people are mentally handicapped. One cannot speak at all so i'm going to have to come up with a way to communicate with him/her (any suggestions?), another is in a wheelchair and cannot do anything for him/herself and the other 2 are mobile and are able to do most things for themselves such as take public transportation and do their own laundry and junk like that.
I dont know what this job really ocnsists of but i hope it's not transporting them to the tub or toilet or anything cause i'm an SSW NOT a PSW. PSW's handle all that stuff (personal support workers).
It's a lil more money nothing to wow about but its still part time. I'm working alternate weekends which is sweet and she's giving me the holidays that are important to me, off which is good cause if i had to work christmas and easter i dont think i would take the job as those holidays are important to my family and chris's family.

Weirdly enough there are some things i'll miss at Walmart. Some people rather. I'm going to miss Charles even though he's leaving too. I'm going to miss his constant hitting on me no matter how creepy it gets and how he always gives me stuff like the other day i got a huge pink popsicle that he had hid away for me.
I'm going to miss Mike my "freakishly tall" good friend. But Chris is really close to him too so i'm sure i'll still be hanging out with him but working with him i will miss.
I will miss some of my courtesy desk buds like Audrey who is amazing, Sandy who does not act her age at all and whoever else.
I will miss some of the CSM's such as Gitika and Crystal and Melanie but she left anyway.
A lot of the people on the floor like my buddy Steve even though we hardly see each other, Tanvi, Wendy the sweetest older lady i've ever met, Gennevieve and whoever else.
Some cashiers especially Tina and Shiva but also Susan, Sophia and others.
Some managers especially my own, Anna who is the sweetest nicest greatest single lady ever! She still has to get into the swing of things being a manager but she is so caring and amazing. She always came up to me and begged me not to leave and gave me a hug. I'll miss her. She even gave me a .40 cent raise to stay and all the hours i want (and she wasnt kidding. i'm the only Parttimer with 38hrs a week)
I'll miss Vipin another manager who always calls me names and blames "torrettes" even though he doesnt have it. and stares at me with his mouth open and then claims he has a disorder that makes him do that as well. He calls me into the office making it out to look like i'm in serious shit and then when i go in, he gives me chocolate or fries. whatever he has.
*sigh* I will be visiting a lot i know that for sure.
I seriously hope this new job is worth it.

My last day is the 10th of August. Crazy!

The other day at work was fun becuase Mike and I werent exactly fit to work lol. Actually made work half bareable
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