It's been a little while since I've updated so here goes...
It was my birthday last Thursday. I had a pretty good day. Went to work to pick up Tina and then we came back to the apartment. She got some people at work to sign a birthday card for me and her and Shiva each got me 20.00 to Square1.
After i picked up Tina i went home and Heather and Priyanka were waiting at my apartment door. They were apartment stalking me. Anyways it was fun they came out for lunch. I hadnt seen Pri in awhile and she is now my jogging buddy which is good =) *thumbs up!*
After lunch Chris, Me, My dad, Leanne and David went to Chris's parents house for dinner. They bought me a blender (which i wanted for smoothies) and Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue perfume.
Friday Chris, Me, alexander, his girlfriend Kelsey and kelsey's brother Dalton went to the movies. We saw Cars. I had already seen it. I wanted to see Click and we would have if Kelsey didnt have to bring Dalton but since he had to come we saw a cartoon instead.
Saturday I went to my mom's for what I thought was a quiet dinner with my grandparents only to walk in the door and see almost my entire family there which was kinda cool. My mom through me a surprise party. Had the whole house decorated, got me a beautifuuulll cake and 2 dozen pink (my favourite colour) roses. That was nice and a surprise.
So the night was pretty good. Leanne threw a hissy fit but that happens often. I just wish she could wait until later and not do it in front of all of the extended family...
Brad got realy drunk and was about to bad mouth my father when it was just me, chris, alexander, kelsey and my mom left. But he stopped cause my mom told him to shut up. Then he freaked out and started swearing infront of my 6-yr sister, grabbed a beer and stormed out. He is a bad drunk but i already knew that. Good thing he didnt say anything about my father cause i woulda walked out. The party was over, i could have left. Said bye to mom and vanessa and leave.
My dad was there as well for the party but he had left like 10 minutes before.
Today i had to go to work but i had to leave to go to the doctor *shudder*. I had a stupid infection and i had to get antibiotics. Apparently if i didnt get it treated, it would lead to Kidney problems so better to get it looked at. Plus i couldnt deal with it anymore. I freaked out at work and had to leave. It was bad. I called Chris and made him come with me. I was so scared he pulled over and had to give me a hug cause i was freaking out so bad.
Alexander's girlfriend might be moving in with my father when Alexander moves to Mississauga in about 6 weeks. She'll have to enroll in Meadowvale and everything but yeah its what she wants..I dont blame her with her situation. I was talking to her last night about possibly moving in and how my father said yes and eveything so i think she'll do it..
July 1st. Taken for my grandmother. Family photos
Mom, Brad and Vanessa
My cutie pie Vanessa
Me and Chris
All of us
All of us
All of us.
Brad and Vanessa
Birthday...friends and family
Shannon, Priyanka, Heather and Me.
Chris and Me. Too bad he blinked.
Alex and his girlfriend.
Me and Vanessa blowing out candles.
Some family
My grandpa wanting to be in the picture, Kelsey and Alexander.
In the backyard.
Alexander and Leanne.
Me and Chris
Me Chris and Vanessa