Apr 24, 2006 09:42
Not much has been happening here lately...
Been busy with a lot of homework and work and placement and just junk..
I did a major presentation at school on Friday. Hopefully it went okay. Had to create my own agency. Faithful Transitions. It's a woman abuse shelter in Brampton. Had to make a funding proposal for it and the budget and everything and then present it to the class. It was probably the one of the hardest and by far the most time consuming projects/papers i've written in my entire life. It was bad. Took me literally about a month to do it and it was expensive. Had to buy a bunch of craft stuff to make the presentation and buy fancy paper and all this junk. Hated it. thank god it's over.
Now I have one more assigment due which is on Wednesday. After that all i have is exams. I have 2 exams Wed (Social Policy & Case Management.) Thursday I have one (Pop Culture) Friday I have one (Agency Administration and Fundraising).
I'm still bogged down even though all my assignments are done.
I cant wait till its alllll over. I need sleep. I have a nice large coffee sitting in front of me right now cause i can hardly keep my eyes open today.
I have some congratulatory graduation party to go to on Friday at LAMP by school. I dont know who's going except me, carla, amanda, meagan and i think hinnaa and brittany. And all my teachers are going.
Back to You by Bryan Adams is playing on the office radio station right now. I like this song its actually good lol.
I worked alll weekend. Didnt really have too thou. Saturday I didnt have a shift but i picked up one from Audrey. I took half her shift so i only worked from 12:00-4:30 and she took my last Thursday shift. It almost didnt work thou. We got the sheets signed off on by a manager but Kim the head CSM screawed up royally. She only scheduled 2 people at Customer Service for the entire day. There was ONE person during the day and ONE person at night scheduled. It's supposed to be 3 MINIMUM. Usually 4 people are at courtesy a day.
Kim was trying to call me but she didnt have my number and pembe as well and force us to come in even though we both had the day off. Pembe said no way and she didnt have my number so she couldnt get a hold of me. She told Audrey not to show up fo my Thursday shift and if i dont show up it's my fault even though i have no idea all of what was going on. It was ridiculous. You cant just call random people and make them feel guilty and FORCE them to come in when YOU screaw up the schedule. Kiss my ass. Pembe went to our new manager and complained about it heh.
Oh well. So that meant that on Saturday I was pretty much alone the whole afternoon.
Maryam visited yesterday. It made me very happy cause i havent seen her in a year and we were always really close. Tracy quit and it makes me sad. Pembe is handing in her 2 weeks notice in 3 weeks. Sad =( Ramsha is gone to Claims so she's no longer a CSM =( Everyone's gone WHEN WILL IT BE MY TURN!
I'm at placement. I just talked to some lady who lied to the cops about her boyfriend abusing her and now she's being charged. heh.
I have a few more people i need to call. all woman abuse cases pretty much.
Nice family fued going on right now. Making me stressed. Geez i think i need friggin counselling again.
My family is absolutely ridiculous and self-absorbed.
Yesterday Chris my dad and I drove to Stoffville to meet my uncle for dinner. Had to sign the paper work for our taxes. I'm getting $1,400. Oh yeah man. Credit cards will be 100% paid off! I cant remember the last time i was in the plus rather than the minus.
Then after that i'm so going shopping (with Lisa...riiight? Gotta figure out a day. You work a lot lol)
I want to get a job here after my placement ends cause i'd have every weekend off but i dont think thats gonna happen. I think they already have enough people but come on! I need the new job and the better pay and the beautiful wonderful weekends off.
My last day of placement is next Friday (May 5th i believe)
I gotta figure out something to buy for my supervisor as a thank you gift. Something for her house...
Dont know what thou...
Oh well anyways i'm incredibly bored and dont really want to do intakes but i guess i should.
Gotta go to work after here ='(