Dec 14, 2003 14:27
Ok I liked the snow at first...but it needs to stop now. I need to drive and I don't want to drive in it. Hmmm maybe school will be canceled tomorrow..I have done little work to my papers for my final portfolio for English because I've been sick; I went to the Dr. yesterday and he confirmed that I have bronchitis :( I needs to get better before Christmas.
I think I'm going to go psych myself up some more for Return of the King by watching the Two Towers again....but God Forbid my aunt and uncle come back and not find me doing hw..I feel like I'm freaking 12 again!
Last night my cousin Dan brought up the very interesting and tempting prospect of getting an apartment with him and Lauren. But this is highly unrealistic for me. Can't afford $400 a month + food, utilities, etc. on a part time job. I really like being independent and all but I have to face it at this point in my life I cannot financially do it. So I will sacrifice that somewhat for now. It was soo funny though how he said ,"Think Jill, you can put the heat ON in the winter!" and, "You can flush the toilet!!"...the deal w/the toliet here is if you just take a leak you let it "mellow"...septic tank problems...
Monkey, I forgot to wish you a safe journey home; hope all is well. :)
Now to engross myself in a world of fantasy.