Reading in the 21st Century

Jan 29, 2012 10:23

I've just finished reading a hard cover book from the library, an ebook on my NOOK and I'm currently listening to an audiobook on my iPod. Each way has its pros and cons. A big pro is that the digital formats don't take up any space or weigh anything and don't have to be packed and moved. Waves to Debmats But I will always have old school paper books.
When I first got an iPod and ripped all my CDS (90ish) I kept half-thinking that the iPod would get heavier the more I put into it. Doing the same with the NOOK.
Oh, what books was/am I reading? In order of the above: The Scottish Prisoner (Gabaldon), The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Adams), Swordspoint (Kushner)
I typod Swordspoing.
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