[Saiunkoku] Golden Age: The Emperor and His Advisor

May 22, 2011 18:38

Just to liven up this journal of mine, I posted a Saiunkoku AU fic I had in my computer. For a brief explanation, the fandom is Saiunkoku Monogatari, a story of a kingdom or empire named Saiunkoku, which resembled Chinese empire. The main character was a girl named Kou Shuurei who was poor despite her nobility. She grew up into a brilliant and self-sufficient young woman and wanted the opportunity to be a government official to serve the people, despite there hasn't been a female official ever. So when she was asked to tutor the young emperor who hasn't done his duties, she took it, even it meant she became a concubine temporarily. It became the start of her involvement with the court's intrigues as she held on to her ideals and reached for her dreams.

I was introduced to the story through the anime first, then I realized that the story came from novels instead of manga and the series itself is still ongoing. Because it was based on the novels my only knowledge is limited to the anime and the summary of the novels. So far, what disappoints me is how Ryuuki, the emperor, who seems to show much promise and is given a foreshadowing that his rule is going to be a golden age, suddenly gets trampled on by everyone. He's not exactly the main character, Shuurei is, but it's rather a letdown.

So it shouldn't be a surprise for all who knows me, my frustration manifested into an AU and an OC. So here's a little tidbit from my Saiunkoku fic, after Ryuuki surprisingly confronted the Emperor for his inaction during the wars between princes which left the people to suffer.

Herewith, I give you a piece of my work that'll make you pretty confused :D

“Our win…” the words lingered heavily in the air after those same words were spoken by the youngest prince, yet there was no hint of triumph or satisfaction coming from the emperor who was supposed to gain what he wanted all along, instead there was contemplation.

“Despite knowing the outcome, he still came… that child.”
“But because of it, he managed to make a win out of his loss,” suddenly another voice joined in out of nowhere, yet the emperor didn’t seem to be the slightest bit surprised. A figure stepped out from the shadows calmly, setting himself at the bedside. It was Grand Advisor Shou. Unlike the emperor whose face remained neutral, the man’s face was one of amusement and what it seemed like glee, which was never a good sign for it to be seen on the older man’s face.

“Not only he got what he wanted, he also got hold of the rein on his own fate. Very smart, I must give it to him… to manage to come up with that in such situation.”

By demanding for every action the three elders took was not to be without his knowledge showed that the young prince realized the importance of knowing everything that was going on around him, especially of the most trusted men of the Emperor. And by not asking for the actions taken were not by his consent showed his awareness that he couldn’t stop them from doing anything even if he was given the authority to. He realized his own shortcomings and chose to be realistic by taking what he could take, by taking control of his own decisions, of his own fate. That, and the unexpected display of courage and composure throughout the exchange.

Senka might be ill and wasn’t at his best condition, but he was still the very emperor whose mere presence could make proud, grown men on their knees, yet the young, inexperienced prince managed to stand against him and even force his hand.

“Bakuya acknowledged him,” Senka’s words interrupted his musings.

Shou raised his eyebrow in interest, to have the Hyou clan’s sword acknowledge him was an amazing feat and it also explained where the boy gained his courage and composure. The sword did not merely protect its master from any kind of assault, either physical or mystical one, but it also gave him everything required to win battles, among them was ability to think clearly and calmly.

“It’s hard to believe that the gentle-natured prince is capable of such thing. I have underestimated them.” At the word them, Senka’s cool gaze moved to his direction.

“In the end, it’s that person’s win.”  It couldn’t really be compared with what Suzuran had accomplished, but its impact was no less great. It was subtle, yet significant win. “You’ve got what you wanted. There’s no need to wait any longer.”

“Indeed,” Shou smiled, now that the one who could be an emperor worthy of him finally appeared, there was no reason to wait any longer. He would willingly do what was asked of him, even without the emperor ordered him to.  He slipped his hands into his sleeves and bowed down slightly, “I’d make the necessary arrangements.”

There was barely perceptible nod from Senka, signaling his orders and dismissal to his advisor who had served him since his rise to the throne. Shou respectfully excused himself, leaving the ailing man alone. Then when he could no longer sense the other man’s presence, Senka slumped against the pillow tiredly. The exchange was draining his strength more than he thought it would be.

He remembered that little child whom he saved from drowning. The child who cried so easily, who could barely speak or even stand against anyone, let alone hate those who beat him up. The child who could trust and love as easily as he cried. Of all his sons, that certain child had been the most interesting along with Seien and the relationship they shared. He had thought that Ryuuki would remain being invisible until the storm was over, like he had been doing for the past five years. For him to step forward, even against all odds, was a great surprise.

He fingered the hem of his robes, remembering the firm grip and fierce eyes of the eleven-year-old in his anger for his inaction to protect the people he supposedly served as the emperor. Even in his anger, Ryuuki didn’t lose his head, didn’t lose sight of what he wanted. His readiness to sacrifice his own life and those that were important to him to get what he wanted was nonetheless impressive. Without realizing it, Ryuuki had surpassed his revered older brother.

Ryuuki had shown the potential for all the qualities that made Seien stood out, without the flaws his older brother possessed and the very thing that made him special and different from the other princes. The very qualities of an emperor.

A ghost of a smile could be seen on his face. They had to thank that person for that.

She was performing her daily duties as a maid when she crossed path with Grand Advisor Shou. She noted that he was on his own and his body language gave away his feelings, which wasn’t shared by her. She stepped aside and kept her head bowed as it was demanded of her while inwardly hoping that the man wouldn’t notice her and leave her be. However, it seemed that the heavens didn’t hear her, for what happened was completely the opposite.

“Ah, Lady Ayame, exactly the one I’m looking for!” The pleased tone in his voice was unmistakable, and she had learned that it was never a good sign. “Do you have a moment?”

Ayame didn’t immediately reply, instead she was examining the man closely, which would be considered rude for someone in her position, but she was never one to really care about it and she knew there was no reason to do so in the presence of this certain elder. She titled her head slightly,

“Even if I don’t, will it stop you?” Despite the question, the way it was spoken was more of a statement. The answer seemed only to please him further, if the widening of his smile was any indication.

“No, it won’t,” Shou confirmed, mirth was evident in his eyes. Ayame merely sighed in defeat, knowing there was no escaping this. “Walk with me.”

And so that was how the others found the most influential man after the emperor, walking in the Inner Palace gardens with a young maid beside him. It was a peculiar sight for anyone who happened to see them together, especially to those who didn’t have the slightest idea who the girl was. Ayame was aware of the curious stares directed at her, she calmly ignored it by keeping her head down and her hands folded within her sleeves.

Shou took his time to examine the young girl next to him. She barely reached his shoulders even when he was no longer that broad-shouldered, tall young soldier he used to be. So small, so fragile, he thought to himself, yet it would be a grave mistake to underestimate this child. This child had seen and understood more than those of her age. She had seen the death of her father before her own eyes and unlike Ryuuki whose conscience refused to acknowledge the death of his mother, she accepted it and slowly but surely started to lose her innocence, despite how she appeared as normal as any other children of her age.

He had been fooled at first, dismissing the girl to be no use for his plans, regardless of her lineage. Her closeness with Ryuuki didn’t come as a surprise, considering their age, although her closeness to Seien was rather unexpected, considering the distrustful nature of the boy. The fact that the second prince was able to open up to someone else other than Ryuuki seemed promising enough that there might be some hope for Seien.

However, that slight hope was destroyed by Seien himself by denying the fourth son of Ran family in public. The moment the emperor handed the twin swords to Seien; he, Ou Ki and Ran Setsuna knew that the wheel of fate had turned and there was no stopping it. It was a matter of time before the fight for the throne came to the surface. With Seien’s exile, there was no longer any worthy candidates for the successor to the throne. Even if the prince was to survive and overcome his inability to trust, he still lacked the resolve needed to be an emperor. Senka had it, despite how ridiculous it might seem.

An emperor who rules because of a woman.

The sixth prince might have what Seien didn’t have, but it was unfortunate for him to be born later and from such mother. An unnecessary existence. An unsupported prince. There was little hope for him.

After that, he held little interest to the youngest prince and barely paid any attention towards the two youngest members of the palace.  He could care less of little Ryuuki’s wellbeing, whether he chose to remain invisible or run away from the palace, which would be better for him either way if the fight between the princes were about to start if he had enough sense to preserve his own life. Although the chances for him to stay alive would be better if he were to leave, for it would be no good to have any of the princes alive after the whole ordeal was over. However, what happened was completely unexpected.

The gentle-natured prince somehow found the resolve to remain in the palace and started to spend his time studying in the Archives under Shouka’s tutelage and learning swordsmanship from Sou by his own initiative. He had been skeptical of it, thinking it would not last. But to his surprise, it did. The boy spent most of his time in the Archives, even after Shouka went home and not on his own, Seiki’s daughter was with him. It appeared that the girl remained by Ryuuki’s side whenever she wasn’t attending her duties, studying together with him, keeping him company through the night, and what he found out later, accompanying him in his escapades to the city.

He found all of this rather late to his liking, two years after everything was set in motion. For someone who took pride in knowing everything that was happening at the court, and in the country, it confused him how he could miss this under his nose, regardless how he deemed insignificant Ryuuki was.

He thought it was Shouka at first, who was easily taken by the pitiful prince and it seemed likely for he had always been the most exceptional and intelligent. He could barely be near either prince under the man’s wings whenever he was around. Sou was the second likeliest candidate, he gained his reputation not without reason and no one dared to approach him without thinking twice. It was no doubt when Ryuuki managed to ask the elder to teach him swordsmanship and endure his training, he would try to protect the child for despite all his looks and reputation, he was actually soft in the inside. However, considering that it was Ryuuki who approached them first, he couldn’t help but thought there was someone else.

“You’ve seen this coming, haven’t you?” Shou started the conversation casually.

“It depends,” Ayame answered curtly.

“You didn’t see this coming?” Shou raised an eyebrow.

“Five years ago, it was a mere possibility with little chance of happening.” Five years ago, that meant the exile of the second prince.

“Ah, so when did you see this coming then?”

“The moment you and the emperor paid attention to him.”

“Is that why you tried so hard to keep him invisible?” At the question, he finally got a reaction from the young girl. She raised her head and met his eyes squarely. He was immediately impressed. There was no slightest hint of hesitation or fear in those eyes, those very eyes that didn’t belong to a child. It was sharp and calculating.

“I believe it would be meaningless to continue this conversation, because you already know the answer even without me saying it.” Shou smiled inwardly, this had proven her exceptional skill of observation. He almost overlooked whose child she was, the man who was known for his sharp observation and keen judgment. The man whose strong will to withheld his principles and dedication to serve the country had caught the eye of the emperor himself. Sen Seiki.

And the woman who inherited the blood of the nobles of nobles, the woman who supported and shared the same principles with her husband. Yuu Tenri.

Ayame resembled her mother in appearance, but resembled her father in mind and personality. It appeared that he managed to leave his mark on his daughter in the short time he was given. Her mother’s decision not to involve her only child with the court’s politics by making her an ordinary maid instead of a lady-in-waiting was proven as a smart and wise decision. As a maid, Ayame was not bound to anyone, giving her freedom to move inside and outside the palace. With her intelligence, it was not difficult for her to observe everything and to know what was happening.

She realized what was about to happen with Seien’s exile, and knew that logically with one less potential successor to the throne, Ryuuki’s chances to the throne also increased, along with the chances of the fight between the princes of which Ryuuki less likely to survive if he were to remain with his current condition back then. She had taken him away to the city and helped him find the resolve to remain by showing what he could do as a prince and what he couldn’t do if he was to give up his status.

From then on, she guided him to do what was required to support his resolve, by encouraging his studies, by introducing him to Shouka, by suggesting Sou, by letting him interact with the people of Kiyou, which led him to be out of everyone’s, especially his and the emperor’s sight. She counted on every single one of them (Shouka, Sou, and every person in Kiyou Ryuuki interacted with) to protect the boy, knowing that they would notice the qualities he possessed.

She was aware that once he or Senka paid attention to Ryuuki, there was no escaping it. Seeing that it was a matter of time before a civil war happened, she made the last attempt to prepare Ryuuki for the possible outcome by sending him to a journey around Sainkoku.

Five years… It was a thorough and continuous effort for five years.

Five years to change the gentle-natured prince who could barely stand on his own feet, who could barely stand against anyone or even to look anyone straight in the eye into someone who dared to stand calmly even before the face of death itself.

Five years to change the innocent young boy who refused to acknowledge his mother’s own death, who could barely notice all the happenings around him into someone who saw everything with wisdom and maturity.

Five years to change that useless existence who could barely possess enough skill and knowledge to defend himself into someone who was to be feared for its accomplishments in both martial arts and literature. Five years to change the invisible presence who could easily be ignored into an undeniable presence who couldn’t be underestimated.

Five years to make all of those changes without changing what made Ryuuki different among the other princes and what made all Ryuuki was.

A subtle, yet significant win, indeed, by managing to do what he could not do.

“It’s your win.” Despite the casual tone the man adopted, Ayame felt the weight of the words. She could feel his eyes scrutinizing him, wanting to see her reaction toward the declaration of defeat from the most brilliant mind in Saiunkoku. There was a slight smile on her lips, she should feel the slightest bit proud or happy to her achievement, but she felt neither, instead she felt her anger rising.

“Is that everything all about to you? A game?” She looked at him sharply. If looks could kill, this certainly would be the most effective and efficient means to do so even for someone who was giving the look to someone twice her size and age. “You could care less of the people and of Saiunkoku. We’re just pawns, means to achieve your end. Is that it?”

Ayame was greatly tempted to knock some sense into this old geezer’s mind, and she meant it, literally. And note the usage of geezer to address the great advisor of Saiunkoku that showed how the usually polite and respectful girl was greatly irritated with the man before her. However, she had long learned that trying to do so would be futile for people like Shou and any reaction she would give him would only amuse him further, it didn’t help that she was a mere child and much shorter than him.

She inwardly sighed, this was why she truly avoided having any kind of interaction with him, but now, avoiding him was no longer an option, now that Ryuuki would succeed the throne. With some difficulty, she reined her anger and every emotion she felt towards Shou. She finally managed to look at him calmly, and pointedly ignored the look of amusement on that wrinkled face.

“Even if it is,” she continued, “It’s Ryuuki’s win. Unlike you, I didn’t make close-ended options that would force him to choose whatever path you wanted him to choose. I merely showed him every available option and reminded of every consequence that followed. In the end, it was all Ryuuki.

It was Ryuuki who made all the decisions. It was him who chose to remain, regardless as an unsupported prince or as an heir to the throne. It was him who chose to step forward and stood against both of you. It was him who managed to make a win out of his supposedly loss against you.

You just don’t want to admit that for once, you have failed in your careful planning by overlooking Ryuuki, by giving up on him too early when I know that you know that could have done better compared to me, a mere child whom you deemed insignificant.”

From the slight tightening on his facial expression, Ayame knew she had landed a blow to his pride.

“I did this not because I want to win against you and this whole court, I did this because I simply want to Ryuuki to survive, without losing himself. I could care less if he chose to remain or to leave this place. I prefer he chose the latter actually, it would be much better for him. He’s much better person than any of you altogether, and Sainkoku would be much better with him, wherever and whoever he chose to be.”

Shou felt a sense of déjà vu; he had the same impression when he saw the youngest prince stood before the emperor, clearly stating his conditions for the throne. If Ryuuki was an open book, whose feelings were clearly written over every gesture, every decision he made, putting all his heart and soul into what he believed in, then this girl was the complete opposite. She was anything but readable, whose feelings could be set aside in order to see things in perspective, knowing the true nature of reality without giving up her principles. Exactly like her father, Shou couldn’t help to notice the strong resemblance.

Shou was more than merely impressed; he slowly started to find respect and also wariness for these two children who barely even reached adulthood. The two perfectly balanced and supported one another, it was one of the few things that Senka and his three trusted men didn’t have, which was in a way understandable, considering how they started, but it was also a great flaw. They were too much alike, the four of them, that the options they saw were more limited. With her by Ryuuki’s side, there was little limitation what they could do together. Whatever flaw each other had, they had one another to cover it up.

It was a complete and utter defeat, he thought, he must acknowledge it. No, he corrected, they must acknowledge it, but somehow, he had a feeling that Senka already knew this.

“I see. Then what would you do now?” It was the closest thing to acknowledge his defeat.

“It all depends on Ryuuki,” she shrugged lightly, then gave a gentle smile, “I believe that he will make the right decisions, for every right decision comes from the right intention.”

Which meant she would make sure that it would end up right, regardless of the mistakes that they might make along the way. They would learn as much as possible to prevent more mistakes from their part.

“Is there anything else you require of me, Shou Taishi? If not, I’d like to resume my duties.”

“Well, I wouldn’t like to hold you back any longer. Tell them that you were late because I asked for your assistance,” Shou waved his hand.

“That’s very kind of you. Then I’d take my leave,” Ayame bowed courteously to the older man as she excused herself and returned to her previous route. Shou was interested to note that there was no hint of malice in her words, despite their previous conversation. It seemed Ayame was also not one to bear a grudge, it matched her description indeed.

golden age, ayame, saiunkoku, ryuuki

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