[VK] Shades of Grey (29/?)

Sep 14, 2009 22:36

Title: Shades of Grey (29/?)
Rating: T
Warnings: Do not read if you don't like OCs, or follow Vampire Knight manga. Please read my previous posts regarding my OC to get the picture. And I think the story will get darker and more complicated... I've warned you...
Word Count: 4,391 words
Characters/Pairings: Zero, Misaki, OCs
Notes: if  shapby is my eternal editor, then teruame is my eternal supporter. You've been there throughout my muse-ful to muse-less days, listening to my rants about characters and plots and being the first to enthusiastically read and review any writing I made. You two brightens my day. More interesting stuff in the ball :D

“The Kurans.”

Misaki sensed more than saw the tension that appeared briefly in her husband and though she wanted to give him some comfort, she was afraid it could barely reach him, because she needed some assurance too. Zero might be worried about the head of the family, and she was indeed worried of the cunning man, but he wasn’t her main worries. It was the woman who held Zero heart.

The one who was by Zero’s side at the worst moments of his life. The one who gave him a reason to live. The one who became the light to his darkness.

The one who reined over his heart.

The thought made her chest constrict painfully as if there were invisible bands coiling around her and tightening their hold over her, making her unable to breathe and wanting to cry, because such deep feelings he had for the Kuran princess wouldn’t easily fade away. She knew where their children stood in his heart, but she didn’t know where she stood compared to Yuuki. She never dared to ask. She was afraid if he were to see them together, he might have second thoughts of their marriage.

The reigning monarchs of the vampire society in Japan were rather easy to distinguish compared to other purebloods with their noticeable dark hair and red eyes. Kuran Kaname stood tall and proud in a sleek, black suit that dignified his status and position. By his side was a rather petite young woman with big, round, expressive eyes and an expression that held a glimpse of innocence and sincerity that were rarely seen on the elegant faces of those of her kind. Her beautiful long hair was tied into a loose bun with white lily while letting the uneven bangs framed her lovely face. She was wearing a strapless flowing ivory dress that pronounced more the purity she possessed. The jewelries she donned were small, glittering diamonds blended perfectly with her. She was the image of true pureblood princess.

Misaki couldn’t help to feel rather humble compared to the beautiful pureblood with its unique beauty. Her golden hair was nothing special; it was a rather common coloring in women as she had found many female guests that had the same hair with her, while the color of Yuuki’s hair was much fewer and easier to distinguish. Innocence and purity were nothing that signified her, or the Aruda themselves as a whole who had seen the worst and the harsh cruelty of the world and done many things they couldn’t really be proud of whenever they had to let fate take its own course. Unconsciously her hands rubbed against each other as if trying to cleanse herself of the taint she knew was there.

She let a small smile, unable to look at her husband as the two notable figures descended the stairs to approach them. She could understand why Zero was so deeply in love with her.

Eventually the two were steps away from them; close enough for her to notice their look of surprise to see her by the president’s side. Kaname’s eyes narrowed slightly in suspicion, seemingly managed to recognize her, which was quite a feat, because they hadn’t met for nearly a decade and she was sure she wasn’t the same person she was the last time their path crossed each other. The pureblood’s countenance immediately adopted his usual pleasant appearance the moment they reached the ball’s host while Yuuki didn’t quite manage to follow her husband’s example, her ruby eyes switching curiosly between her and Zero.

“You’ve certainly overdone yourself with your achievements for this week, President Kiryuu,” Kaname gave a pleasant smile while offering his hand to congratulate the host of the event.

“Thank you, Lord Kuran. But it wouldn’t succeed without everyone’s support,” Zero returned the compliment calmly and modestly, Misaki noted this with pride.

“Indeed. It’s a good start for both human and vampire society,” Kaname agreed courteously before surreptitiously moved his gaze towards her.

“And who’s our charming hostess?”

“Lord Kuran, Lady Kuran… May I introduce my wife, Kiryuu Misaki,” Zero smoothly introduced her to the dark-haired couple, signaling her to give her hand towards the man as etiquetted demanded.

“Pleased to meet you, Lady Kiryuu,” Kaname kissed her hand with practiced ease.

“Pleased to meet you too, Lord Kuran. I’ve heard of you and your lovely wife,” Misaki returned the polite greetings with a smile of her own. “…Lady Kuran.”

“Lady Kiryuu,” Yuuki returned the polite greetings rather awkwardly, she wasn’t sure whether it was merely the Kuran’s discomfort being in the presence of her or the addressal itself. Misaki figured it might be a mixture of both.

“It’s to be expected. I assumed you know that your husband and my wife are adopted children of Cross Kaien?”

“Yes I do. Cross is very proud of both of his children,” Misaki gave a warm smile to Yuuki at this, which wasn’t difficult to do for her, because the dark-haired woman was easily likable. Slight color rose to Yuuki’s cheeks at the mention of her adoptive father. Partly from pride and partly from embarrassment, inwardly Misaki knew why the other woman would feel the latter. Cross might be a great hunter, but when he was the chairman, he was rather… eccentric. She had to stop her thoughts at this, because she didn’t want to discredit more of her former principal and to laugh in the middle of such tense exchange between them and the Kurans.

“Then it comes rather as a surprise that we don’t know of such important news of your marriage,” Kaname said this in such casual manner as if he was talking of the weather, although it was clear for most of them the edge in his words.

“Our sincere apologies,” Misaki answered with the same manner, appearing truthfully apologetic, laying hand over her heart to express it. “I’m afraid the fault is mine. I wanted to get married in Paris where most of my friends were and we only managed to fit the date that matched our busy schedules just a week before the day, so we didn’t quite manage to invite everyone, especially those in Japan.”

It was the explanation she gave to everyone who inquired after their marriage, which was the truth, although not the whole truth.

“We were married a year ago when I was just finishing my studies in France and I’m just getting settled in Japan after those years away, so we haven’t had the chance to share the news.”

“I suppose it’s understandable,” Kaname managed to look sympathetic at this and Misaki could faintly sense the skepticism coming off her husband, but Zero gave away no indication to this, maintaining his cold and detached facade. “Congratulations then for your marriage. We sincerely wish you well.”

“Thank you. It’s very kind of you,” Zero nodded in acknowledgement for the congratulations, representing them both.

“I’m happy for you Zero.” It seemed Yuuki managed to find her courage and finally looked to the silver-haired man and his new wife, giving them a sincere smile that confirmed her feelings to the marriage. Her smile was bright and warm, and it was difficult not to return the smile with the same sincerity.

She saw how Zero’s face softened at the sight of the smile and for the first time throughout the night, he smile. He gave a gentle smile to the shorter woman. Misaki managed to appear indifferent before the sharp-eyed Kuran leader who was thoroughly watching her reaction towards the small interaction between their respective escorts, not wanting him to notice how she felt at the smile given exclusively to Yuuki.

Then Kaname, being a good gentleman that he was, introduced the newly known wife of the president to his inner circle who wasn’t far from him. She was introduced to the heir of Hanabusa family and his cousins, Kain and Souen, whom she remembered among the families who had always been supportive of the monarchy since centuries ago; and the heir of Ichijo family who was supposed to be more supportive of the Council than of the monarchy, but his loyalty was unmistakable to the pureblood.

It was rather easy to engage the friendly Ichijo in a conversation, while she intentionally let Zero have Yuuki, because she was aware that there might be little chance for them to converse once the ball started. Misaki observed their interaction quietly while entertaining the nobles with Kuran, mentioning science to the known genius of Hanabusa, fashion with the beautiful and attractive Souen, and random things with Ichijo and sometimes Kaname. Only the purebloods seemed to dare to speak with Zero, although she personally thought that the hunter was much more a conversationalist than he was during the high school years.

Misaki couldn’t bear to keep feeling jealous of the Kuran lady as she paid a brief glance towards her and her husband. Yuuki truly cared for Zero and when she said that she was happy for him, it was nothing but the truth. She would be happy for her adoptive brother, thinking that he finally found happiness, because the optimistic person she was. Inwardly Misaki hoped it was the truth. The affection towards the female Kuran was obvious through his gestures, as subtle as it was. After all, Yuuki was the first one, and might be the only one he allowed to break through the walls he built around himself. Misaki could never, ever hate or loathe the pure-hearted Yuuki.

With the presence of the leading pureblood in Japan together with the infamous hunter president, more people gathered around them naturally, wanting an opportunity of an introduction or more through the host, which was one of their roles in the ball, or simply wanting to be in their favor.

Misaki handled this as well as she could, trying to pay equal attention to everyone who wanted her attention, although in actuality she was overwhelmed by the endless chatters and requests while needing to keep up with various lines of conversations she was holding. There were some slips, such as talking about the wrong topic, or gotten mixed up which person of which conversation, but most of them were manageable.

Then suddenly there was a hushed silence falling over the hall, the chatters quietly dying down to whispers. As she followed their gazes, she understood what caught their attention.


Misaki couldn’t help to smile at the grand appearance of her great uncle, seeing those twinkling dark blue eyes and the dazzling smile that never failed to adorn his noble features. He was wearing his finest suit, along with the ornaments that emphasized his status and position of the highest pureblood in Europe. He certainly made complete use of the nonexistence of dress code in the ball. Vivienne had her gloved arm linked with her husband; she looked absolutely stunning with her light brown hair in an intricate and elegant bun, wearing a beautiful dark emerald gown with the finest materials and design of the latest fashion in Europe. She was truly worthy as the wife of the Charlemagne.

The pureblood rarely made an appearance in Asia, as it was not his domain and he respected the ones who held rein over it. The centuries of conquest had long passed, he once mentioned, peace was more important. It was better for people to be reigned by those who understood them most, not some foreigners who simply wanted to fulfill their own selfish desires. So she could understand why Charlemagne and his followers took extra care in their appearance and they certainly got the reaction that they wanted.

Every eye in the hall followed the figure of the attractive figures with open interest and curiosity, which couldn’t be helped considering that the Charlemagnes were the very embodiment of everything the trueborn, immortal vampires represented. The crowd naturally spread apart to give way as they glided smoothly on the marble floor towards them, the host of the event of the night. The vampire guests bowed or curtsied to the presence of the centuries-old purebloods as they passed them, barely giving a glance to them.

Kuran Kaname who was the closest to Charlemagne’s equal was the only one who dared to greet the blond-haired man and his wife first.

“Lord Charlemagne, Lady Charlemagne,” Kaname bowed slightly towards the European monarch, although not as low as most others, followed a bit later by Yuuki who curtsied slightly. The female Kuran didn’t hide her awe in the presence of the Charlemagnes. It might be her first time meeting the leading figure of European vampire society. Misaki figured that due to Kaname’s protectiveness, he rarely brought out his wife to such functions unless her presence was demanded, which was pretty rare as she was the true heiress of the Kuran family.

“Ah. Lord Kuran… and his lovely wife, Lady Kuran, I presume?” Charlemagne returned the greetings kindly, especially when his sight fell on the dark-haired woman.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Lord Charlemagne, Lady Charlemagne,” Yuuki managed to overcome her shyness and stood up to her full height to give the impression of a proper lady.

“My pleasure to you too, young lady. You truly remind me of your mother, Juuri. Both of you are such beauties.”

“Thank you,” at this compliment, another blush adorned her pale features. She was truly like an untouched maiden, Misaki thought; even the Charlemagne couldn’t resist her natural charm. However, to her own surprise, Charlemagne didn’t linger on the Kuran couple, instead he continued his stride to her and Zero with Vivienne by his side.

“President Kiryuu,” Charlemagne gave a respectful nod towards the young president.

“Lord Charlemagne,” Zero returned the nod with the same respect, and more, for those who knew them both, “Lady Charlemagne.” He gave a slight bow to the beautiful brown-haired woman who returned the gentlemanly gesture gracefully. Without missing a beat, he gestured towards his wife beside him.

“I believe you’ve met my wife.”

When Charlemagne’s eyes fell on her, those darker blue eyes widened slightly as he drank the sight of her before him. She wondered whether she was that unrecognizable, or whether she resembled her ancestor that much. Those feature seemed to soften as he recognized her, those eyes shone with pride and warmth, his smile was gentle as he finally spoke to her.

“Of course,” Charlemagne took her hand without any hesitation, “Ma belle dame…” He said this as he kissed her hand, those blue eyes held her gaze intensely; making her slightly uncomfortable with the attention he gave her.

“It’s my greatest pleasure to see you again after our parting. Hopefully your new husband treats you well?” Charlemagne asked this in the language he preferred to use with her whenever they conversed, which was one of his favorite languages.

“It’s my pleasure too, milord,” Misaki had no difficulty to switch to French, after using English or Japanese with most guests. It was rather a relief actually, after speaking the beautiful language for years during her life in France and then returning to Japan once again where no one could even barely speak proper English. “My dear husband surely does, he was after all, the man who received your blessing.”

At this Charlemagne turned to look at the younger man, a slight smile on his face, “Indeed he is. He’s the man who makes all of this...” he gestured the hall and the guests around him, “...possible. You’ve made history, Président Kiryuu.”

“History isn’t made, Lord Charlemagne. History is truly made when we learn from those before us, and leave those after us a will to continue on this path, regardless of the challenges it might bring.” Zero calmly countered the pureblood’s words in his faultless French.

Misaki had to suppress the smile that was threatening to appear on her face to the answer Zero gave Charlemagne. It was rather unfortunate that not many of their guests who were listening to their conversation understood French, seeing how those who were familiar with the language were pulled aside to translate the exchange between the host and the European monarch.

“Our duty isn’t over yet, but at least, the worst part is done,” Charlemagne’s eyes twinkled merrily at the daring answer of the silver-haired hunter. Charlemagne always enjoyed this kind of verbal arguments that challenged his mind to find the proper comeback. “Shall I introduce my family?” At this the blonde pureblood switched back to English, not wanting to cause more confusion by using unfamiliar language.

“My beautiful wife, Lady Vivienne,” Charlemagne introduced his wife proudly.

“President Kiryuu,” she smiled pleasantly, but smiled wider when she turned to look at Misaki, “Lady Kiryuu… You look wonderful tonight.”

“Thanks to the wonderful gift,” Misaki vaguely mentioned the sky blue gown that was a wedding gift from a certain Charlemagne lady.

“She’s certainly good taste,” Vivienne wasn’t less vague. Both of the women exchanged knowing look while hiding their amusement at the words unsaid between them.

“My dearest cousin, Lord Ahmed of Constantinople and his wife, Lady Sevda.”

Their appearance was a mixture of Eastern Europe and Middle-East, with slightly darker skin and dark hair and eyes, which was quite a contrast to their supposedly cousins. However, no one could deny the way their dark, mysterious persona easily pulled others to themselves.

Turkey was strategically positioned between Europe and Asia and was often considered as the bridge or the gate to one continent to the other. Thus, Lord Ahmed’s position was crucial to maintain the relationship between Europe and Asia, also to inform the latest developments happening in the neighboring continent. The couple was calm and composed. Zero appeared to know the man well, seeing how the dark-haired man’s mouth quirked slightly in challenge.

Misaki faintly remembered Zero mentioned someone in Constantinople who was able to handle scimitar with such skill that he was able to match the bullets from Bloody Rose. Seeing the way those two looked at each other as if they were judging an opponent in training grounds, she thought that this was the man. Descendants of Charlemagne were really something, alright, she thought inwardly. Lady Sevda seemed to follow her train of thoughts when they found their gazes on their husbands. The beautiful Turkish merely shook her head in exasperation and amusement, which was mutually shared by the wives of fighters.

“My beloved daughter, Lady Yvette and her husband, Lord Philippe d’Orleans.”

Usually the direct line to Charlemagne should be next in the introductions after the head of the family, but since this was not in Europe, Lord Ahmed and his wife took precedence as this was their domain. The only daughter of the Charlemagne stepped forward along with her husband who was also the closest confidant of her father.

The resemblance with her father was unmistakable although she inherited her mother’s Scandinavian features; she had her father’s eyes and smile. The same vibrant eyes and charming smile, it was no wonder why she was such an apple to his eyes. Lord d’Orleans himself was a charming, pleasant man who knew how to make others at ease, incredibly fluent in body language. He was one of the few who could keep up with his father-in-law jovial nature. Seeing the two of them together, Misaki couldn’t help to always think everytime she saw them together that they were a match made in heaven.

“Oh, Misaki!”

Misaki didn’t quite manage to hide her surprise when the daughter of Charlemagne suddenly encircled her arms around her, blinking in surprise when the lovely lady released her.

“I miss you, mon cher!” Yvette spoke in rapid French, her face looked apologetic. “I didn’t attend your wedding. I couldn’t even escort you to the airport.”

“Of course I understand, Yvette…” Misaki shook her head lightly, dismissing the apology. At the corner of her eyes he could see Zero and Charlemagne’s shared looks of amusement at their interaction.

If she was to compare Yvette with her human friends, she was more like Sonia with her graceful and reserved nature, but at certain times, she could be truly open with her feelings like Tanya whenever she was around the people she liked. It appeared that she was among those people, especially after the only daughter among sons of the Charlemagne found out that she had a relative from her long lost aunt. They immediately got along when they were introduced even before they knew they were related, being one of the few women who received her father’s patronage.

She was also invited to the wedding, thinking that her cousin would manage to come although in her condition. However, it seemed that the baby was taking a lot out of her. Pregnancy and childbirth had always been a rather arduous and difficult time for vampires compared to humans due to the nature of the child. The mother must have a good, peaceful rest before and after the birth.

“How is Peter?” Misaki recalled the name the d’Orleans prepared for their son. The new mother’s eyes brightened up at the mention of her child.

“He’s so adorable!” Yvette gushed excitedly, barely managing to keep her composure.

“She pretty much dotes on him,” d’Orleans joined the conversation. From the slight glance the man gave her way, she realized that this happened quite often whenever their son was mentioned and he was trying to make sure that his wife didn’t go on for hours about their baby boy.

“Oh as if you don’t,” Yvette pouted slightly at her husband.

“Forgive me for my wife’s behavior, Lady Kiryuu.”

“You can never stop parents from talking about their children…” Misaki gave a meaningful glance towards the man who often acted as the mediator between her and Charlemagne in Paris. D’Orleans coughed slightly to cover his embarrassment. There was a glimpse of a triumphant look on his wife seeing his reaction.

“Oh that’s so true,” Charlemagne butted in smoothly.

“Lord Charlemagne,” d’Orleans protested weakly and gave dark glare to Zero who gave him skeptical look.

“It’s different without you, mon cher…”

Then before they realized it, the new arrivals managed to get their host busy without them needing to initiate the conversation. Both she and Zero unconsciously picked up the conversation in French instead of in English, feeling much at ease using the language they were most fluent in. The tension that previously was there due to their interactions with Esterházy and Kuran was slowly diminishing in the familiar, friendly presence of their friends from Paris. Slowly there were more people joining the conversations, but in the end, no one could really follow the conversations they had with the Charlemagnes. Both sides were well-versed in one another’s habits and interests that they didn’t really need to confirm anything else, letting the conversation take its own course.

Zero was truly grateful for the presence of the Charlemagne and he let the man know this, which was merely returned with a knowing smile on his face. He wasn’t sure since when he felt that the Charlemagnes as few people whom he felt comfortable around. All the people he brought with him were the people who could see pass through his vampire-hunter nature and treated him with proper respect without being the slightest bit intimidated with his cold and indifferent attitude.

Lord d’Orleans rather reminded him of Ichijo, but with sharper mind and more experience under his belt. He had impressed him the first time they met, and impressing him was not an easy feat. Zero could understand why Charlemagne chose him as his right hand man, not merely because he happened to be married to his favorite child.

Lord Ahmed was a man he could easily relate with; both of them were skilled fighters who preferred action to words. Meanwhile their wives were also not the types of women who merely fit into the molds of society. They weren’t just trophy wives with good looks, but they were their own person with their own mind and personality. Just like Misaki.

Charlemagne could have brought someone else, such as Lord Brandenburg or Lord Habsburg who were more of traditional nobility which became one of the reasons why he didn’t get along with them. The man had yet to reveal his relationship with Misaki as her patron, but he had earned enough reaction from the observers of the display of closeness between the hosts and Charlemagne’s group.

Eventually the introductions session must end, signaled by the announcement made by Cross who also acted as the master of the ceremony besides being the head of the committee of the ball. The guests that previously scattered in various places in the spacious hall gathered to the front of the hall where the stage was to listen to the speeches given by the representatives of every party involved in the success of the event.

Zero was required to give the speech as he was the host of the whole event and the representative of the hunters who acted as the mediator in the conference. He was never a fan of speeches so he kept his speech short and succinct, not bothering to check the people’s reaction towards his words. He just stepped down from the stage and resumed his place beside his wife with a rather bored look on his face.

Then the representatives from vampire and human society took their turns on the stage to deliver their speeches, both of them were true politicians, seen from their choice of words and their manner of speech. Zero thought that his speech was less memorable than theirs, but didn’t really bring himself to care, listening to them with half an ear. He could feel her poking his side with her clutch bag, noticing his lack of attention and respect to those people. He had to restrain himself from grinning widely, knowing that his attitude was annoying her as much as it amused her.

However, that brief casual moment was broken when Cross took the stage once again and announced that it was time for the dance session.

“…To start the ball, I’d like to ask our host and his lovely hostess to do the first dance of the night,” Cross gestured respectfully to both him and Misaki. “Ladies and gentlemen, if you would, please clear the dance floor.”

shades of grey, vampire knight, vk, zero, misaki

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