[VK] Shades of Grey (28/?)

Sep 10, 2009 16:11

Title: Shades of Grey (28/?)
Rating: T
Warnings: Do not read if you don't like OCs, or follow Vampire Knight manga. Please read my previous posts regarding my OC to get the picture. And I think the story will get darker and more complicated... I've warned you...
Word Count: 4,092 words
Characters/Pairings: Zero, Misaki, OCs
Notes:  shapby is my eternal editor, although it means I have to bribe her to be. And so this is the start of the ball and how I imagine it would be. Hopefully it won't differ much with Hino-sensei's depiction in later chapters about the ball.

 In the end, everything went well for the Hunter Association throughout the week of settling the agreements among human and vampire representatives that they managed to reach a settlement in no longer than a week, as they targeted. They managed to conceal whatever problem they had, giving no impression and no reason for all the influential people to suspect anything amiss with their host.

With the help of the purebloods, the vampires were able to restrain themselves, while the hunters were themso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-no-proof:no"> ones that did the restraining when it came to the humans. Fortunately there was no need for the watchers to be watched. Most of the hunters didn’t want the event they were holding to fail and kept a tight watch even to their own. Most of the influential vampires, especially the purebloods were eithermso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-no-proof:no"> pacifists or supportive of the settlement.

The matters that arose few days before the event were managed to be handled discretely. The protesting factions were unable to work against the majority who supported the idea of the event thus if they were to boycott the event, their absence would barely affect the event itself. And eventually, the loss would be solely theirs, because theyEN-US;mso-no-proof:no"> would losemso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-no-proof:no"> their voice in whatever settlement they reached in the conference that would have to be obeyed by the whole society, regardless of their involvement, or their lack of it in the process. The decision to ignore them was proven to be the best.

Meanwhile, the source of the leak had been found out, but only the people whom Zeromso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-no-proof:no"> had chosen to investigate the matter discretely apart from the formal investigation he conducted after the teleconference,EN-US;mso-no-proof:no"> knew of the suspects. He decided to postpone dealing with them until the event was over to give them a sense of security before dropping down the hammer. And the security was indeed proven effective and efficient, he didn’t need to deploy many hunters, he simply had to position them strategically to show no flaw in the security followed by thorough planning that involved backup plans. However, it was essentially a psychological trick using their wariness for being in the headquarters of the hunters and for the presence of one another. It worked well in his favor.

Years ago he wouldn’t dare to attempt such thing, let alone with such confidence, but he had come to learn how to make use of everything when he realized that there were more ways to end conflicts. And when you had an Aruda to guide your way and to teach you how to do it right, it was rather difficult not to. He was still far off from his wife or the purebloods, but it was more than enough to be able to have an equal standing with them and to bring the hunters under his command.

However, the worst had yet to come. All of the representatives and their mediator had signed the peace pact earlier, leaving the ball that would take place in an hour. He was already dressed in a formal tailored dark three-pieced suit that Misaki had already prepared for him which included a dark blue silk tie.

Usually in this kindmso-no-proof:no"> of occasion, the dress code would be black-ties which required the male guests to wear tuxedos, but he knew that many of his guests would prefer when there was no such dress code as it would give them reason to flaunt or impress their status and position to others. It was part of his consideration to know what kind of people he had to deal with in order to maintain the peace pact.

People who would dress more than they should, people who would shamelessly flaunt themselves, people who would dress much subtler and smartly, people who didn’t know how to and people who simply didn’t care. It was interesting to know so much, simply from seeing how others dressed. It was one of the early lessons Misaki gave him on how to guess people’s personality from their habits.

He thought of this as he examined the appearance of the one-eyed hunter and the fangless hunter before him. The dark-haired advisor chose to wear complete black and a jacket that resembled more of a coat with the way it fell around his knees. It was always odd to see the man in such formal attire while keeping his hair in its usual style which represented his unruly behavior, but nevertheless, he was among the few he knew who could pull off the look without looking less professional. It truly signified his former master’s way of life who never let anyone dictate himself and make his own way in which he was truly most comfortable.

Meanwhile, the head of committee that was in charge of the ball who was currently talking about the arrangements in the ball for rare occasions dropped the look he had adopted ever since he became the chairman of the Academy, going for the image of the hunter he became known for. His light hair was free of his usual hair tie, and his face was free from the glasses. He was quite a contrast with Yagari with his chosen grey three-pieced suit, but he unmistakably managed to give the impression he wanted to give. He didn’t want to be underestimated.

“Basically, the ball will be divided into three parts: introductions, social dance, and conversations over dinner.”

“Conversations… Business you mean,” Yagari rolled his eyes at the term the chairman used. It was the basic allotment in such grand scale parties. It was started with some courteous introductions to know more of one another, some chit chats to measure and judge other guests in the party. Then it was followed by social dance where they would exchange partners for several songs to show the unity of both kindred which was similar to the events regularly held in the Academy for the Day and Night Class. The final part of the ball was the conversations over dinner which was how the ‘business’ conversations were done although with much freedom because there was no table between them, although they could do something else during that period, whether truly eating dinner, dancing or simply observing until the time for the ball to end.

“There are some slight changes as you’re bringing Misaki. Your wife shall act as a hostess to the guests.”

“She’ll do fine,” Zero brushed it off casually.

“And you’ll have to do the first dance,” Cross looked at the young president at this certain point, knowing that Zero never truly danced in this kind of event, always managing to slip away from the responsibility. However, now that he brought an escort along, he had no choice but to participate in the dances. And in actuality, Cross never saw Zero danced before, so he was rather worried whether he would be able to. Zero had to stifle a snort at the doubtful look on his adoptive father; he was more than able to dance. But dances were the least of his worries, it was the partners. Because it meant that he would end up with certain female guests, and she would end up with certain male guests that he wouldn’t like them to lay their hands on her, but he had no choice. He had to trust his wife to look after herself.

“Alright. Is that all?” There was a fleeting look of surprise at the almost bland response from him, thinking that he would put up a fight regarding the arrangement. He had to appear indifferent about everything if he was to convince the guests there was nothing between him and Misaki despite their marriage to one another. He had to start from now.

“Yes. Everything is already in order.”

“Good,” Zero looked at his watch, “We’re cutting it close.” As the host, he had to be the first in the hall, ready to greet every guest that arrived. At this he stood up from his seat and wore his jacket with practiced ease.

“How about Misaki?” Yagari also straightened up from his previous position.

“She would be waiting in the room near the hall.”

They were currently in the study that acted as the main office for the president and they wouldn’t get to the hall through the main entrance. Instead they would take a shortcut through a small room that connected the inner chambers of headquarters and the hall. The hall had balcony that overlooked the whole floor on each side and there were some chambers on one side for discreet conversations that couldn’t take place downstairs. Misaki would come earlier than the time written in the invitation and head towards one of the chambers where they would meet.

Without further prompting, the three of them left the study through the familiar hallways of the headquarters to reach the intended destination with decisive steps. It didn’t take them long to finally get to the shortcut where it appeared as just another paneling on the wall, but for those who knew, they would simply push it open to get inside. Within the small enclosed chamber with scant furnishing, the only person he saw was his secretary, Yuizaki. The usually dressed in white shirts and dark pencil skirts secretary was dressed in a simple black dress with her hair adorned with an elegant bun, although the serious look on her face made little difference with her usual appearance.

“Yuizaki. Where’s my wife?” Zero asked curtly. He saw her blink few times; seemingly she was just convinced that the president actually had a wife.

“She’s outside, Sir. She said she wanted to observe from the balcony.”

Zero thought it would be something that Misaki would likely do while waiting for him. She was never required to attend such grand events before. When she was an Aruda, she was far too young. When she was older, she preferred to avoid such events when she could, especially when it held little importance for her. She was comfortable with people, but she wasn’t comfortable enough when she had to keep seeing the lies and pretenses she easily saw through their façades. The sharpness and keen observation of the Aruda could be a double-edged sword.

Slightly worried for his wife, he briefly nodded in acknowledgment to his secretary and went outside the chamber where Misaki should be. WhenEN-US;mso-no-proof:no"> hemso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-no-proof:no"> found her figure standing close to the railing watching the surroundings, he could barely recognize her. At first he thought he was seeing the woman in the paintings on the walls of the gallery in Palace of Aachen, but as she turned to look at him with the gentle smile and warm eyes the woman didn’t possess, he knew that smile and eyes could only belong to one person.

Misaki was wearing a long billowing sky blue gown for the occasion, rising up around the Grecian-styled neckline was an empire waist dotted with jewels and delicate embroideries, the back of the dress had medium cut and the skirt poured down into layers of shimmering waves, accentuating her gentle curves. Shemso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-no-proof:no"> donned intricate diamond chandelier earrings and a complimentary bracelet along with her wedding ring. Her golden hair was pulled back into a sleek, elegant updo style where she let her natural curls framed her face perfectly.

She was breathtakingly beautiful.

Standing there by the railings, her long, elegant arms and slender hands resting upon the railings with a small embroidered clutch bag under one of her hands, no one could doubt her ancestry. She was the descendant of Maria Årud, the mother of Arudas or Mariė, the princess of Charlemagne royal family, royal blood truly ran in her veins.

“Zero.” Her voice broke him out from his daze. “Yagari, Cross,” she also greeted the two men who also appeared from the hidden door with the same look he had on their faces.

“Misaki,” he merely nodded in greeting, not trusting himself to speak more. He walked to her side instead and saw how the rarely used hall of the headquarters were decorated lavishly that it was barely recognizable. The floors were scrubbed clean that it was gleaming so brightly that gave the impression that it was made of glass instead of marble. There was a stage in front of the great hall with a complete orchestra playing classical music. The tables that served the foods and beverages to accompany the conversations that would take place were positioned at far sides of the hall that it wouldn’t get in the way of the guests who would take the chance to converse with other guests attending the ball. Chairs were also provided, in case there would be some guests who were tired of standing for long hours, or unable to.

However, he knew that what became both her and his attention weren’t the decorations but the very people who would be arriving from the main entrance. He would easily recognize the faces he saw from the years interacting with many influential people, but it would be a different case for her, although they might appear in her visions.

“It’s rather intimidating… having to interact with such people,” Misaki kept her words vague, not wanting to give away more to those who were close by.

“Indeed.” He didn’t deny it, for people like him who didn’t like to deal with people; it never failed to make him feel intimidated whenever he had to interact with them and to exchange more than simple pleasantries. He watched her from the corner of his eye, realizing that the earrings helped to cover the exposed flesh of her neck with her hair pulled back. He turned his gaze below once again, sadness gracing his features. What made her feel more uncomfortable wasn’t interacting with the guests itself, but it was the fact that she would be surrounded by those blood-thirsty creatures who might want hermso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-no-proof:no"> blood. There was a soft sigh, followed by faint clicking of heels against the floor and gentle ruffles of the dress as she moved towards him.

“I suppose it can’t be helped,” Misaki said this absently, opening her bag andmso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-no-proof:no"> pulling out a silk handkerchief with silver embroideries that had the same color with his tie. She deftly folded the handkerchief and placed it within his breast pocket calmly while he dutifully stood by as if it wasmso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-no-proof:no"> a daily occurrence, which was true for the newly married couple. There was no sign of awkwardness between them, they were truly comfortable around each other, Cross noticed.

Even when his small family lived together back then in the Academy, Zero tended to shy away from any physical contact, preferring to maintain distance with him and Yuuki, although sometimes he made some exceptions when he needed comfort or simply because Yuuki had the urge to. However, Zero now seemed to openly and willingly submit to the direct contact and it appeared that it helped him to loosen up, noticing the tenseness that accumulated throughout the conference in his adoptive son’s EN-US;mso-no-proof:no"> posture slowly eased up as if whatever weight he had was released.

“I know both of us would rather make a late appearance, but it would be rather unbecoming for the hosts to come late.”

“Unfortunately,” there was a snort coming from Zero. Cross couldn’t hide his admiration how much a good influence Misaki was over her husband. Making Zero to ease up was comparable to trying to move a mountain, but she did it with few simple gestures and words.

Misaki brushed up the tailored suit from invisible dust and unseenmso-no-proof:no"> creases, stepping back slightly to see her handicraft.  Her blue eyes glinted at the handsome sight before her which was her husband,


She blinked in surprise when suddenly her husband looked at her with such gentle and concerned eyes. He raised his hand towards her and gently touched her neck with the back of his fingers. The gesture silenced her. He noticed, she thought.

She had wanted to let her hair down for the occasion or at least some half-do that wouldn’t make her neck too exposed, but she thought it wouldn’t work. Some of the guests might notice it and suspect the reason why she did so. It wouldn’t bid well for Zero. So she dared to pull back her hair which left her neck bare, but it still made her uncomfortable. Fortunately she was given a pair of matching dangling earrings and bracelet from Yvette. The earrings were enough not to bring much attention to her neck and enough to lessen the sense of vulnerability.

“I’m alright,” she smiled reassuringly to him; his concern greatly touched her heart and made her feel braver for tonight. He didn’t say anything, but she saw how his lips tightened in thin line and how his eyes slightly narrowed as if he wanted to disagree. However, he realized that it would be futile.

“I suppose there’s no need to delay any longer. Madame?” Zero intentionally used their second language, instead of the familiar and intimate native language, reminding them of the part they had to play as he held out his pristine white gloved hand.

“Monsieur,” she laid her hand on the proffered hand. The eyes that met his were brilliant and sharp, and he knew that she already assumed her role as the hostess of the ball, her chin held high, her shoulders set, her back straight. He followed her example as they strode towards their place on the floor of the great hall where the ball was about to take place.

The reaction towards Misaki was similar in its differences, just as he expected. Only the ones who didn’t know how much significance it held for the fact that the Kiryuu had taken a wife or the ones who bore no ill will, could offer sincere congratulations to the young couple. The guests who arrived early in the beginning of the ball were mostly human representatives such as the benefactors of the Association and representatives from every nation from all over the world. When the newly arrived guests were to exchange more words with his wife, they were impressed by the way she carried herself and handled the conversations with such diverse topics that were suited by each of their own interests.

Zero could barely suppress the feeling of pride whenever he caught a glimpse of Misaki’s interactions with the guests, especially with the reactions on their faces when she managed to follow the line of their conversations easily as if they were old acquaintances. There was no sign that it was actually the first time for her to act in such capacity before and attend such grand event being the center of attention.

She appeared completely at ease, at her element, just like those moments when he watched her on the dance floor. In the beginning, he could still sense her nervous anticipation but as there were more guests to entertain, those feelings soon melted away, leaving a confident and graceful hostess in its wake. She might not realize it yet, but she was made for this. She might never make an appearance in social functions as an Aruda, but she had been prepared for such occasions if tonight was any indication.

As it was getting into the night, more vampires arrived through the entrance with their usual distinguished, attractive features that were more pronounced with the elegant, expensive suits and gowns they donned for the special event. In his eyes, she stood out on among their brilliant presence in her own unique way without trying to. The nocturnal beings didn’t fail to notice and acknowledge this. Some subtler than the others, but most of them knew better than to offend the host although Zero barely gave any indication towards the intimate gestures made by some guests. His wife didn’t show her fear the slightest bit at her interactions with their kind and managed to handle the attention well before he could interfere.

As the host of the ball, they were never alone, there would be at least newly arrived guests that would pay their greetings and there would be some people who would remain to discuss some matters, usually with him while that left Misaki to entertain their escort. Being a host was never a comfortable experience for him, but somehow the discomfort was lessened by her presence nearby. They didn’t stand too close on each other or kept their hands or arms linked or gave the slightest glance to each other, they maintained the appearance ofEN-US;mso-no-proof:no"> a close, yet distant couple.

He was able to resist the urge to be closer to her, but when his sharp eyes caught the familiar figure with dark brown hair and eyes, instinctively he tensed, which wasn’t failed to be noticed by Misaki. As the figures of the Eastern Europe purebloods approached them, Zero could barely take his eyes away from the man and repress his hostility. Esterházy felt the hostility directed at him, he brieflymso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-no-proof:no"> saw the much older man falter before regaining his composure perfectly as if nothing amiss.

“Good evening, President Kiryuu,” the pureblood fearlessly approached him with his dark-haired, grey-eyed wife, Lady Edina.

“Good evening, Lord Esterházy,” Zero spoke forcefully from gritted teeth, while he managed to give a polite nod to the extraordinary beauty, “Lady Esterházy.”

“And who is this beautiful lady?” Esterházy moved his attention to Misaki politely, in the way that most people who didn’t know her would react to her presence. Inwardly, Zero was seething in anger at the man daring display to even address his wife whom he nearly killed by his orders.

“Forgive me for my husband’s lack of courtesy, I’m President Kiryuu’s wife and your hostess for tonight, Misaki Kiryuu,” Misaki smoothly cut in, raising her hand for the man.

“Ah, I’m not aware that our President has found his match. Forgive me for my rudeness, Lady Kiryuu,” at this Esterházy smoothly kissed her slender with the grace and poise of a gentleman. “My family and I are truly grateful for your kind invitation. I hope it would be a good beginning for both of our families, both human and vampires alike.”

“Likewise, milord,” Misaki gave a polite smile without giving away her feelings at the presence of the pureblood, “I hope both you and your wife would enjoy yourself during the ball.”

“Thank you. President Kiryuu, milady…” the brown-haired man nodded graciously before he continued further down the hall to interact with other guests, his servants faithfully followed him after giving proper respects to the host and hostess. Zero remained wary although Esterházy was in safe distance away from them.

“Zero.” The voice was almost a whisper as they still had guests that required their attention, but he couldn’t mistake the hint of reprimand in her tone, making him realize how foolish he had been. He was supposed to act indifferent about her dammit!

If he weren’t entertaining the arriving guests, he was tempted to scratch his face in frustration. He could only mutter curses in his mind for his foolish mistake. He had just convinced the Hungarian pureblood how much Misaki meant to him by acting that way in front of him. He could only hope no one noticed his brief slip or shrugged it merely  as his dislike towards the pureblood, which had been there since he met the man. It was rather fortunate there was no one else close by when Esterházy paid his greetings, it could have been worse. Zero forced himself to let go of the tumultuous emotions, reminding himself this was just the beginning. It would do no good if he were to lose control of his emotions this early.

His line of thoughts abruptly stopped when he felt a gentle nudge near his leg. At first he barely noticed it, then there was another, making him glance slightly down. It appeared that she managed to subtly nudge the side of his foot with the side of her own foot as she moved slightly to greet and converse with the guests so she could initiate some sort of contact with him, although with a rather unusual method. It was also rather childish, but maybe it was intentional, just like how she did things to lighten up the mood, which was working. He had to keep a straight face with slight difficulty while eventually regaining his composure completely. Which he was glad he had, because the most dreaded guests had arrived.

“The Kurans,” it was Misaki who informed him.

shades of grey, vampire knight, vk, zero, misaki

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