You know... it's really fun to share love of Show with other people.
good85karma and I went out for sushi for dinner and then came back to my house to bake cookies and watch Supernatural... so the Dark Side literally did have cookies tonight. hee! I had let her borrow my DVDs a while back, and she only got as far as "Asylum" before she couldn't watch any more because she was too scared to watch it alone. Understandable. So... we watched it together. "Scarecrow", "Faith", "Nightmare", and "Shadow." Y'all. I LOVE watching SHOW with people who haven't seen it before. IT IS SO MUCH FUN. POSSIBLY EVEN MORE FUN THAN WATCHING IT MYSELF FOR THE FIRST TIME. I don't know why, but it is.
She almost cried during the reunion scene in Shadow. I looked over and she was as misty as Sam. Awww! *hugs her* She also said Show is "an emotional roller-coaster" and that it was killing her. I did a little dance of joy. This, after just "Shadow." When we all know it gets SO MUCH BETTER THAN THAT, as amazing as "Shadow" is...
During "Faith" she was all, "No, he can't die! This isn't even the second season yet!" I. Did. Not. Say. A. Word. Every time she said something like that, I said nothing. I am really good at that, if I do say so myself. She was also all in wonderment that he could look like death warmed over and yet still be so damn hot. LOL!
She was all Sam is so hot. And so is Dean. She was distracted by the pretteh. She was amazed at how everyone looks short next to Sam thanks to Jared being a Giant. She loves Dean's one-liners and the writing of the show in general. And the look of it. And Dean's Baby.
And, dudes! It just occurred to me: She hasn't even met Bobby yet! O.O *is giddy about that*
When it was all done and she was about to head home, I asked, "So, tell me the truth, does it own your soul yet?" And she said, "I'm not gonna lie, it sorta does. A little bit." LOL!
I tell you, it does my soul good... especially after the season 3 finale, y'all...
If you can, I recommend attempting to convert more of your friends this summer, as a tactic of surviving until September.
Okay, I'm off to bed, my darlings. Have good dreams tonight, y'all. Fandom is alive and well and beautiful and so is Show. Truly. *smishes you all*
'Cause it really is like Layla said... You can't just have faith when the miracles happen. You have to have it when they don't.
ETA: Oh, but I totally fail for still not showing you how to knit, Stacey! I suck! Next time!