Really, Russell? ... That's what you said everyone would love? 'Cuz I'm pretty sure that you said at some point several months ago that this was going to be amazing and that Torchwood fans would love it? You're a damn liar who lies more like a dog than any show runner in the history of show running, you bastard. DO NOT WANT!!! HATE, HATE, HATE!!!
Was it just me, or did they just self-destruct their show? Completely? Make everything pretty damn bleak and pointless? Ruin Jack? Kill Ianto? Who was and is my favorite character in the entire Doctor Who/Torchwood universe (and who has been, imo, the most under-utilized and short-changed character in the entire universe as well)? Senselessly??? More senselessly than Tosh, even??? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what they just did. I am denying that this ever happened. But for some useful bits of Jack and Ianto backstory... *fingers in ears while humming to myself* Didn't even watch part five, but to confirm that this is indeed what that idiot Russell Davies did, and the last three minutes or so. IT WAS HORRIBLE!!!! And I'm pretty pissed about it. Really, really, WTF?!?!?! I didn't love it. I hated it. Hard. With the fiery passion of a thousand burning suns. I'm not even sure if I'll be watching Doctor Who after this I'm so pissed. Forget about me watching any future Torchwood, although I think it's pretty clear there won't be any more of that. Which makes no sense at all to me. So suddenly, the alien threat is over? They don't need a Torchwood anymore? U.N.I.T's got it covered, have they, even though the only operation they've ever not fucked up was getting Donna where she needed to be in "Turn Left"? OMG, the plot holes and what-the-fuckery abound!
I will, however, say that in Part Two, I have never seen Gwen more kick ass and likable. Made me want a "Don't fuck with Gwen" t-shirt.
*sighs unhappily* Fuckle... :-(
So, dear fic writers out there... How can this be fixed because surely it needs to be. Nanogenes? Some defying-the-laws-of-the-DW-universe time-travel? "I am Ianto Jones of the Clan... Jones"? I don't care what as long as Ianto's not dead and the ending is happy.
*in the meantime, runs off to (once again) find
Get Loved, Make More, Try To Stay Alive" by
dsudis, which can also be found
here, if you'd rather not leave lj. It is my happy place and as far as I'm concerned, I'm taking it as canon in place of this crap we've just been conned with.*
This does mean that I'll be back to checking my flist as of tomorrow. Right now, I'm putting on some "Amok Time" so I can fall asleep. Something about that "DA NA NA NANANANA NANANANA NAH" is bizarrely lulling...
Also, would very much appreciate some fluffy Star Trek recs. I'm having a serious craving for some fluffy K/S or Sulu/Chekov. Rec 'em if ya got 'em.