Jan 23, 2010 12:40
Monica locked the door to her office and keyed up the security video that would help her find Bennet via his ID Card and then turned to also pull up the video footage outside to get the License Plate and Description of the woman who participated in the Bite and Drop earlier that evening. You know, if that stubborn old man would just carry a damn cell phone this wouldn’t be an issue….
“Milady, you must exit the building by the back elevator. Your guests have become violent.” Monica snarled with frustration and a brief thought of going into the main room and yelling at them all crossed her mind - but was quickly banished. She shut her laptop and quickly grabbed her bag, exiting via a secure door and out the back elevator. In the car she called up the video footage while Viktor drove and realized how bad it really was….
She called LaGronge and demanded they meet on their ways out of the city in order to exchange ownership of the sword. In the end the former Invictus gave it to Jonah and had him bring it to Monica. I knew she was more concerned with her hide than her honor…but I need to salvage what I can from this damn situation.
Afterwards Viktor drove them straight to the airfield, her pilots having been called far earlier already had the plane ready to go and a flight plan scheduled. Having a reputation for being a rich woman with eccentric travel tendencies wasn’t exactly a bad thing. First step, deliver this hot potato to the Praetor and then see what the Family wants to do about Bennet’s death…geeze…what a mess. At least I wasn’t emotionally attached to that one…